Fatal photo
Sixteen year old Christina from Bratsk, Irkutsk Region is now lying in the intensive care unit for mechanical ventilation. Breathe yourself a girl can not. Her lungs istykany knife. Schoolgirl crippled monsters, who led on the photo and in social networks, where a happy girl posing with money.
- This photo was taken 2 years ago - explains the mother of the victim. - No one could not have imagined the consequences it will lead.
Mom girl then took out a bank loan. Money for a while were at home. Here Severyanka and decided to take a picture, holding thousands bill.
- After all, it could be a fake, - Natalia crying. - Christine Peers what did not spread to the network.
Teenager fun-seeking to become criminals. On the Internet, it made the acquaintance of 21-year-old boy. Sociable Cristina willingly responded to his message. And then it turned out that the pleasant interlocutor also lives in the neighborhood and they have mutual friends. Soon he set up a meeting Tenth.
- A young man rang the bell and asked the girl to fetch water, they say, want to drink - says details of the tragedy investigator Investigation Division SU IC for Irkutsk region Bratsk Evgeniy Sergeev. - When the schoolgirl went to the kitchen for a cup, he and his accomplice, who was standing on the landing, broke into the apartment.
And then everything was like a cruel thriller. The robbers ransacked the apartment in search of money. Not finding hefty packs with banknotes that were in the photo, taken the tablet, netbook and gold. And then we decided to get rid of unwanted witness. They grabbed a knife and riddled him tenth grade. Convinced that she was dead, the attackers fled.
- I came home and saw her daughter lying in a pool of blood in the kitchen, - says Natalya. - It is already an hour like this lying. She just said, "Mom, beaten».
- Calculate the criminals helped tablet computer - says the investigator. - Fired a SIM card inserted in it.
Tablet attackers sold to their friends, and they include it, were surprised when after a while it descended to the investigators.
The suspects were detained at the bus station in Bratsk. They were going to go to Irkutsk by bus. The police, they admitted to the crime and explained that it was a photo of money pushed them to think that Christine keeps a good home.
- This photo was taken 2 years ago - explains the mother of the victim. - No one could not have imagined the consequences it will lead.
Mom girl then took out a bank loan. Money for a while were at home. Here Severyanka and decided to take a picture, holding thousands bill.
- After all, it could be a fake, - Natalia crying. - Christine Peers what did not spread to the network.
Teenager fun-seeking to become criminals. On the Internet, it made the acquaintance of 21-year-old boy. Sociable Cristina willingly responded to his message. And then it turned out that the pleasant interlocutor also lives in the neighborhood and they have mutual friends. Soon he set up a meeting Tenth.
- A young man rang the bell and asked the girl to fetch water, they say, want to drink - says details of the tragedy investigator Investigation Division SU IC for Irkutsk region Bratsk Evgeniy Sergeev. - When the schoolgirl went to the kitchen for a cup, he and his accomplice, who was standing on the landing, broke into the apartment.
And then everything was like a cruel thriller. The robbers ransacked the apartment in search of money. Not finding hefty packs with banknotes that were in the photo, taken the tablet, netbook and gold. And then we decided to get rid of unwanted witness. They grabbed a knife and riddled him tenth grade. Convinced that she was dead, the attackers fled.
- I came home and saw her daughter lying in a pool of blood in the kitchen, - says Natalya. - It is already an hour like this lying. She just said, "Mom, beaten».
- Calculate the criminals helped tablet computer - says the investigator. - Fired a SIM card inserted in it.
Tablet attackers sold to their friends, and they include it, were surprised when after a while it descended to the investigators.
The suspects were detained at the bus station in Bratsk. They were going to go to Irkutsk by bus. The police, they admitted to the crime and explained that it was a photo of money pushed them to think that Christine keeps a good home.