The best event analyst Alexander Litvin spoke about the future of the world for the next 6 years

Alexander Litvin, the forecast of which is becoming increasingly popular, previously participated in the "Battle of psychics". To be honest, I am repulsed by this, so at first I was skeptical about the predictions of a man. However, it is always interesting to learn different points of view about what awaits us in the foreseeable future. Today I am going to share some interesting thoughts from a well-known analyst. Believe it or not, it's up to you!

Alexander Litvin: Alexander Litvin does not have special superpowers His tool is the analytical mind with which he can predict the future with 100% accuracy. His unusual skill man hones almost all his life, starting from the age of 10. As a result, he developed linkage. It can predict any events in the world and the life of each person.

A similar system of calculations was used by the famous mathematician Sidik Afgan. Read more about his developments and forecasts in the article at the link.

When Litvin realized that his predictions were coming true, he decided to loudly declare himself. To do this, the man took part in the 6th season of the TV show “Battle of psychics”. Having won a crushing victory in the program, the analyst surprised not only all viewers, but also the creators of the project. No one has experienced such abilities before. As a military doctor, lawyer and pharmacist in the past, Alexander was different from the rest of the show.

From the pen of Litvin came an interesting book “Beyond God will not”, in which the author talks about his method of forecasting and personal experience. The title of psychic Alexander disgusts, because he does not need insights from above. In his forecasts, the man is as pragmatic as possible. Moreover, he believes that every person who understands how to use Litvin’s technique is capable of this.

About when the end of the world, people gossip for a long time. Fortunately, none of the previously predicted dates were true. According to Litwin, The end of the world is an informational occasion.This is where many people simply make money.

Thinking about the end of the world distracts people from everyday problems and fuss. Moreover, many believe that if a fateful event does occur, it will be true for everyone. Interestingly, colleagues in the workshop criticize Litvin’s position on this issue. But the analyst appeals to common sense: “If you can’t explain something scientifically, you just haven’t figured out how to do it yet.”

Alexander Litvin warned that sooner or later will crumble what previously seemed unshakable. Which means the old schemes were a failure. Soon we will be able to build a new society, taking into account all the mistakes of the past. Given the events that are happening in Ukraine, we can only believe that this will happen.

The analyst emphasizes that a great future of any country can be built only if people take into account the events of past years. Each country goes through a certain cycle of development. It lasts 120 years. In Russia, this cycle began in 1917. The next one will start in 2037. However, many experts say that the point of no return has already been passed, so the next cycle may begin very soon.

What awaits us in 2022-2028
  1. 2022, according to Litvin, will be the most important stage on the way to study. Many fundamental discoveries will occur this year. The analyst notes that worldwide interest in Christianity will increase.
  2. In 2023, states will begin to unite in alliances, and all agreements will be purely diplomatic, not military. The main task is compromiseNo matter how difficult the situation may seem. All this will lead to economic growth and well-being of citizens.

  3. 2024 - the time for formation of a new political elite. Russia will begin to study its northeastern and eastern parts with special force. People will be given the opportunity to change their place of residence and move to more ecological areas. Jobs will increase, and the year itself will be almost the most successful for the country over the past 10 years. You believe that?
  4. In 2025, it will be quiet and quiet. Political change cannot be expected, but cultural changeThere will be a lot of new and interesting things. Alexander Litvin is convinced that by 2028 Russia will be able to fully regain its former power.

Tell us in the comments, do you believe in the forecast of Alexander Litvin and how do you see Russia a few years later? We will be interested to know your point of view in the comments!


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