Before you eat - take a picture!
Nothing causes loss of appetite more than a girlfriend or boyfriend, that before you eat a meal, start to photograph it from all angles. The usual family dinner, party over, and even a short stop at a fast food restaurant can turn into a real photo shoot, where the main star is the food! It looks like it's grown into a real photo-food-mania.
1. Well, you can not leave such a rare order chicken, cheese and french fries, not pictured!
2. What food to share photos with your friends on Facebook, if you can get together, and together make a "group photo session with the food?"
3. Eating, eating, and suddenly thought: I have not photographed this unrivaled dinner! Good thing he remembered, and then I had to order another one.
4. This has not escaped the fate of even the hot dogs on the way from the cafe in the car.
5. Hmm ... there's probably a special reason: take a picture of this huge piece of cake, then to tell your friends how you order it, and in any case did not eat, and trained willpower.
6. Well, such and such a dish artistic sin not to take a picture. Right abstract painting!
7. Maybe she prepared all year just this dish? Then you should give him his due, and to capture finally get results.
8. Well, if you take pictures of food, I'm going to photograph you!
9. Even fast food is not escaped this fate. "Nothing, then take away the fat in the editor»
10. Such a "cup" latte, why not take a picture.
11. Picture in the style of "I'm not sure I'll be right there." Who knows, maybe this picture will come in handy later for the investigation ...
12. Oh, how lovely!
13. No meat dish, of course, the main subject, although this cover on iPhone attracts much attention ...
14. The cake!?! The cake-what for ???

1. Well, you can not leave such a rare order chicken, cheese and french fries, not pictured!

2. What food to share photos with your friends on Facebook, if you can get together, and together make a "group photo session with the food?"

3. Eating, eating, and suddenly thought: I have not photographed this unrivaled dinner! Good thing he remembered, and then I had to order another one.

4. This has not escaped the fate of even the hot dogs on the way from the cafe in the car.

5. Hmm ... there's probably a special reason: take a picture of this huge piece of cake, then to tell your friends how you order it, and in any case did not eat, and trained willpower.

6. Well, such and such a dish artistic sin not to take a picture. Right abstract painting!

7. Maybe she prepared all year just this dish? Then you should give him his due, and to capture finally get results.

8. Well, if you take pictures of food, I'm going to photograph you!

9. Even fast food is not escaped this fate. "Nothing, then take away the fat in the editor»

10. Such a "cup" latte, why not take a picture.

11. Picture in the style of "I'm not sure I'll be right there." Who knows, maybe this picture will come in handy later for the investigation ...

12. Oh, how lovely!

13. No meat dish, of course, the main subject, although this cover on iPhone attracts much attention ...

14. The cake!?! The cake-what for ???
