Daddy! Stood in the Fire?
He did not even make this movie titles, but after 20 seconds of appearance on the screen was the image of his 100% recognizable. In the files of Mosfilm know that if you need colorful bearded it to Leonid Petrovich.
The main scene of the film, instead of the foreign East were shot in Baku and Sochi. Restaurant "Weeping Willow" built at Mosfilm. The episode when Gorbunkov loses the power of speech, he met on the steps of the toilet with a gloomy type with a medallion in the form of a skull on the chest, shot in an underground toilet, which is located at the entrance to Gorky Park. Gorky, from Lenin Avenue. In this role, he starred journalists, the magazine "Ogonyok" and "Change" Leonid Pleshakov agreed to temporarily change their profession for an interview with Nikulin. Interestingly, the short episode was filmed 4:00!
During the filming of "Hands" was a rumor that Yuri Nikulin died. Just employee of the hotel "Horizon" discovered in the basement of the hotel itself Nikulin body covered with a sheet. The woman did not look closely, it's a fake papier-mâché made to shoot shots when Gorbunkov half a kilometer from the height of falls from a helicopter. And then there's the sheet, so as not to gather dust ... The rumor went for a walk in the country. Here Leonid edited and was sent to the set, to debunk the rumors.
Students of journalism from his books and interviews write term papers and dissertations. And he compared the genre Leonid interview with walking through a minefield
At the beginning of the journalistic career, I suggested to my editor, "youth" to do an interview for a serious problem. He tamed my zeal, the answer as it was taught in school in Central Komsomol "Interview - a genre that is not characteristic of Soviet journalism».
I myself saw that the interview was a rarity in the newspaper and magazine pages. Why is that? Yes, at that time on the rostrum Party, Komsomol congresses every delegate out a speech not only written but also tested in the regional committee or the Central Committee, edited. This applies to all the high and the highest collections. Every word had to meet the "life-changing", decision. In general "democratic" play improvisations are not allowed. To request an interview to the official who has the information, the director of a scientific research institute - they certainly need to ask permission from his superiors.
Once the magazine "Change" refused to give an interview to the famous Antonov aircraft, although it can be said, was the godson of the magazine, which is at the dawn of its existence (somewhere in the twenties) has announced a competition to design a glider "Change". Competition won a young boy Oleg Antonov, who sent his version of the drawings. The glider was "built", the magazine published a picture: and her glider and glider, he's a designer.
And after ten years, when he saw this picture in the old filing, I call Oleg Antonov - was an important occasion, and he says that, in spite of the tender related to the "change" to meet its correspondent can not: "My minister has forbidden me to appear in Print more than once a year. And my limit has been exhausted ... "And he was set, this limit, after his article in the" Literary Newspaper "of broken bricks. He walked past the building one day, watched the barbaric unload bricks as his beats, in which it flies a lot of money and how much money the state could save a cheap, unpretentious prisposoblenitse. A minister-and I decided to act unbecoming a celebrity with anti-Soviet articles and speeches ...
Often I notice that at a meeting with a man who will be interviewed, my dimensions (height 190, weight 120) are not left unattended. And I came to the conclusion that all of us from childhood, from the company of their peers, which is usually slightly larger boy bossed others or physically stronger. He obeyed, his feared and respected. Not because he gave his friends and cuffs force asserted his authority. No. But the realization that he can do it, kept the others in a respectful attitude and his strength, and the fact that he does not enjoy it.
I can not believe my observations, but I must say that not once during the meeting notice in humans is very solid and respected the echo of children's chain of command, the initial agreement to respond to the questions that I ask.
I say this without boasting, because of my merit is not here. Appearance - a reality that fell to my lot. And every person has something to his advantage. It is not always possible to capture the mood of the interlocutor, no time to determine his condition, so you should be careful in the use of their personal reserves. Otherwise, your sociability seem familiarity swagger. A similar must be absolutely excluded. In no event it is impossible to pedal and what you consider to be your advantage. It may be, for example, that your companion in childhood hurt a tall boy, and he has long been averse, even hostile to anyone who is a cut above him. So you go as a minefield where something so jerk, so you need to hold in your hand sensitive probe, calibrate each step, recklessly not to go ahead - caution is never excessive.
Psychological comfort is very important for the success of the interview. This is somewhat similar to the doctor. When a patient with him one on one, he quietly undresses, gives himself to explore, feel the abdomen, can inform your doctor about any intimate details of his body. But the presence of an outsider in the office, even the nurses would embarrass him.
During the filming of "Black Eyes" (I had to play a small role in the film), I somehow to break gently "pulled" to Marcello Mastroianni and started like an optional talk about life. A rare circumstance that neither provide nor arrange impossible. It was in Kostroma, a city for the Italians quite exotic. They were especially captivated by one detail: the street where the shooting occurred, has a bakery, where, in addition to bread, baked huge delicious bagels. Order them to kinogruppy Italians failed because of this delicious product, they did not know before, and by the time filming squeeze in the number of regular customers were not able to! But, as we have made, if you can not, but really want, you can. Each lunch bakery workers climbed over the fence of the enterprise to take a look, how to shoot a movie, even with such a celebrity. And climbed empty-handed, and with plastic bags of hot, fresh from the oven bagels,
and we, the whole crew, was eating a generous offering of hot coffee, which we gave to drink under the contract kinofirmu. Italiano could not understand anything, like this: money can not buy, and free - can you? So here we stand with Mastroianni, drink coffee and delicious bagels kalyakaem (through translator) seems to be about nothing - about his student years of studying at the Faculty of Architecture, participation in student theater. Do I need to explain what it means for a journalist like an optional talk? But suddenly I wedged my friend - your opinion on the approval of Michelangelo, that architecture is frozen music? The interpreter translated the question, and Mastroianni once said that he was tired and wanted to rest before shooting the next scene. Only a few days have the opportunity to continue the interrupted conversation. What he thought he heard a "smart" question? Maybe he thought he want to expose ignorance statements of his great compatriot?
Another time we went to Academician Aganbegyan.
With Abel Gezevichem I was familiar with, so that the conversation on a very serious subject was fairly easy. But then I got my partner, but with such a tricky question that I did not understand, and my companion paused - evident ignorance of his puzzled. It took a lot of effort to get out of an absurd situation. My friend was happy with: asked, they say, a question that could not immediately answer the academician. In fact, he almost tore me an interview. But another colleague tie aid is not required to drive the interlocutor into a dead end: he is ready to revive learning. So, trust, humility, unlike the attempt to be clever, more productive.
Subscribers were read Pleshakova interview workshops, every conversation a little or a great discovery in the treasury of his interlocutors are totally different people:
- If one were to say a word about Vysotsky, his character, whatever the hell it noted as the most important?
- It's impossible. It was so rich and lavishly gifted nature that it is impossible to say about it briefly.
- You have always been interesting to him?
- Of course. Otherwise, we would not have lived for twelve years. He was more than just a husband. He was a good friend with whom I could share all that was in the shower. And he told me all about his affairs, plans, I first read new poems and sang new songs. I come home tired after a performance, exhausted, could still midnight talking about life, about the theater - everything.
- But for this it was necessary for all these twelve years not to lose a sense of love ...
- Imagine we have succeeded. Probably, to some extent this is due to the fact that we did not live together all the time. Separation helps preserve the freshness of feelings and forget the troubles of everyday detail. While on the other hand, parting even for a short period of time, we almost did not do a single day without a telephone conversation and seemingly did not have time to get bored ... Still love remains.
- I do not know that you have agreed with me, Grigory, or not, but it seems to me that a large part of our people had the idea that as soon as the "500 Days" will be approved across the Union (the Parliament of the RSFSR practically unanimously adopted its September 11 this year, ) and starts to act, exactly five hundred days later, our economy will disappear all the problems, but in our lives comes the order and full prosperity. In my opinion, the program follows only one thing: five hundred days is barely stable, it stopped moving our economy slipping downhill.
- You are not wrong. I would just like to add, in the program "500 days" is not the most important thing is that we start a little bit to get out of the pit, and that is why we will start to come out of it. It is through this time would appear mechanisms that objective, regardless of the will of a person or a goal that has put some national governing body - for example, the State Planning Commission or Gossnab and objectively, by linking economic interests began to give us the opportunity to rise. This is the main.
Leonid died in March 2004. He was buried in Moscow Ostankino cemetery. That's how I remember about him Ogonkovtsy. "It's hard to imagine that we will not see its colorful powerful figure, not a rolling hear his greeting:" Well, zdo-ro-in! What's new? "And" what's new? "We often learned from him. Because Leonid knew everything, everything in the world - was in the "Ogonyok" own "walking" encyclopedia. What would be the most complicated issues raised in any of its materials are always sounded its own fundamental views. That is why many publications, whether "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Change", "Ogonyok", considered it an honor to publish his article. He perfectly owning a word, could say more and more interesting to his fellow writers. That is why it opened and ministers, and directors and actors, and ordinary people from distant hinterland. We all learned from him. »
1. 1968 - The Diamond Arm - dreary at a public toilet (the role was not included in the credits)
2. 1969 - Noble Nest
3. 1970 - Wonderful character
4. 1977 - Almost a funny story - bearded fellow traveler on the train
5. 1978 - Sibiriada - Siberian merchant
6. 1980 - shot in the back
7. 1982 - The Adventures of Count Nevzorov - Burstein
8. 1983 - Vassa
9. 1983 - Garden (short film by Alexander Kaidanovsky)
10. 1986 - Mikhail Lomonosov - father Simon
11. 1987 - Selecting
I saw here. I read myself. Bring on the PL

The main scene of the film, instead of the foreign East were shot in Baku and Sochi. Restaurant "Weeping Willow" built at Mosfilm. The episode when Gorbunkov loses the power of speech, he met on the steps of the toilet with a gloomy type with a medallion in the form of a skull on the chest, shot in an underground toilet, which is located at the entrance to Gorky Park. Gorky, from Lenin Avenue. In this role, he starred journalists, the magazine "Ogonyok" and "Change" Leonid Pleshakov agreed to temporarily change their profession for an interview with Nikulin. Interestingly, the short episode was filmed 4:00!

During the filming of "Hands" was a rumor that Yuri Nikulin died. Just employee of the hotel "Horizon" discovered in the basement of the hotel itself Nikulin body covered with a sheet. The woman did not look closely, it's a fake papier-mâché made to shoot shots when Gorbunkov half a kilometer from the height of falls from a helicopter. And then there's the sheet, so as not to gather dust ... The rumor went for a walk in the country. Here Leonid edited and was sent to the set, to debunk the rumors.

Students of journalism from his books and interviews write term papers and dissertations. And he compared the genre Leonid interview with walking through a minefield

At the beginning of the journalistic career, I suggested to my editor, "youth" to do an interview for a serious problem. He tamed my zeal, the answer as it was taught in school in Central Komsomol "Interview - a genre that is not characteristic of Soviet journalism».
I myself saw that the interview was a rarity in the newspaper and magazine pages. Why is that? Yes, at that time on the rostrum Party, Komsomol congresses every delegate out a speech not only written but also tested in the regional committee or the Central Committee, edited. This applies to all the high and the highest collections. Every word had to meet the "life-changing", decision. In general "democratic" play improvisations are not allowed. To request an interview to the official who has the information, the director of a scientific research institute - they certainly need to ask permission from his superiors.
Once the magazine "Change" refused to give an interview to the famous Antonov aircraft, although it can be said, was the godson of the magazine, which is at the dawn of its existence (somewhere in the twenties) has announced a competition to design a glider "Change". Competition won a young boy Oleg Antonov, who sent his version of the drawings. The glider was "built", the magazine published a picture: and her glider and glider, he's a designer.

And after ten years, when he saw this picture in the old filing, I call Oleg Antonov - was an important occasion, and he says that, in spite of the tender related to the "change" to meet its correspondent can not: "My minister has forbidden me to appear in Print more than once a year. And my limit has been exhausted ... "And he was set, this limit, after his article in the" Literary Newspaper "of broken bricks. He walked past the building one day, watched the barbaric unload bricks as his beats, in which it flies a lot of money and how much money the state could save a cheap, unpretentious prisposoblenitse. A minister-and I decided to act unbecoming a celebrity with anti-Soviet articles and speeches ...

Often I notice that at a meeting with a man who will be interviewed, my dimensions (height 190, weight 120) are not left unattended. And I came to the conclusion that all of us from childhood, from the company of their peers, which is usually slightly larger boy bossed others or physically stronger. He obeyed, his feared and respected. Not because he gave his friends and cuffs force asserted his authority. No. But the realization that he can do it, kept the others in a respectful attitude and his strength, and the fact that he does not enjoy it.
I can not believe my observations, but I must say that not once during the meeting notice in humans is very solid and respected the echo of children's chain of command, the initial agreement to respond to the questions that I ask.
I say this without boasting, because of my merit is not here. Appearance - a reality that fell to my lot. And every person has something to his advantage. It is not always possible to capture the mood of the interlocutor, no time to determine his condition, so you should be careful in the use of their personal reserves. Otherwise, your sociability seem familiarity swagger. A similar must be absolutely excluded. In no event it is impossible to pedal and what you consider to be your advantage. It may be, for example, that your companion in childhood hurt a tall boy, and he has long been averse, even hostile to anyone who is a cut above him. So you go as a minefield where something so jerk, so you need to hold in your hand sensitive probe, calibrate each step, recklessly not to go ahead - caution is never excessive.
Psychological comfort is very important for the success of the interview. This is somewhat similar to the doctor. When a patient with him one on one, he quietly undresses, gives himself to explore, feel the abdomen, can inform your doctor about any intimate details of his body. But the presence of an outsider in the office, even the nurses would embarrass him.

During the filming of "Black Eyes" (I had to play a small role in the film), I somehow to break gently "pulled" to Marcello Mastroianni and started like an optional talk about life. A rare circumstance that neither provide nor arrange impossible. It was in Kostroma, a city for the Italians quite exotic. They were especially captivated by one detail: the street where the shooting occurred, has a bakery, where, in addition to bread, baked huge delicious bagels. Order them to kinogruppy Italians failed because of this delicious product, they did not know before, and by the time filming squeeze in the number of regular customers were not able to! But, as we have made, if you can not, but really want, you can. Each lunch bakery workers climbed over the fence of the enterprise to take a look, how to shoot a movie, even with such a celebrity. And climbed empty-handed, and with plastic bags of hot, fresh from the oven bagels,

and we, the whole crew, was eating a generous offering of hot coffee, which we gave to drink under the contract kinofirmu. Italiano could not understand anything, like this: money can not buy, and free - can you? So here we stand with Mastroianni, drink coffee and delicious bagels kalyakaem (through translator) seems to be about nothing - about his student years of studying at the Faculty of Architecture, participation in student theater. Do I need to explain what it means for a journalist like an optional talk? But suddenly I wedged my friend - your opinion on the approval of Michelangelo, that architecture is frozen music? The interpreter translated the question, and Mastroianni once said that he was tired and wanted to rest before shooting the next scene. Only a few days have the opportunity to continue the interrupted conversation. What he thought he heard a "smart" question? Maybe he thought he want to expose ignorance statements of his great compatriot?
Another time we went to Academician Aganbegyan.

With Abel Gezevichem I was familiar with, so that the conversation on a very serious subject was fairly easy. But then I got my partner, but with such a tricky question that I did not understand, and my companion paused - evident ignorance of his puzzled. It took a lot of effort to get out of an absurd situation. My friend was happy with: asked, they say, a question that could not immediately answer the academician. In fact, he almost tore me an interview. But another colleague tie aid is not required to drive the interlocutor into a dead end: he is ready to revive learning. So, trust, humility, unlike the attempt to be clever, more productive.
Subscribers were read Pleshakova interview workshops, every conversation a little or a great discovery in the treasury of his interlocutors are totally different people:

- If one were to say a word about Vysotsky, his character, whatever the hell it noted as the most important?
- It's impossible. It was so rich and lavishly gifted nature that it is impossible to say about it briefly.
- You have always been interesting to him?
- Of course. Otherwise, we would not have lived for twelve years. He was more than just a husband. He was a good friend with whom I could share all that was in the shower. And he told me all about his affairs, plans, I first read new poems and sang new songs. I come home tired after a performance, exhausted, could still midnight talking about life, about the theater - everything.
- But for this it was necessary for all these twelve years not to lose a sense of love ...
- Imagine we have succeeded. Probably, to some extent this is due to the fact that we did not live together all the time. Separation helps preserve the freshness of feelings and forget the troubles of everyday detail. While on the other hand, parting even for a short period of time, we almost did not do a single day without a telephone conversation and seemingly did not have time to get bored ... Still love remains.
- I do not know that you have agreed with me, Grigory, or not, but it seems to me that a large part of our people had the idea that as soon as the "500 Days" will be approved across the Union (the Parliament of the RSFSR practically unanimously adopted its September 11 this year, ) and starts to act, exactly five hundred days later, our economy will disappear all the problems, but in our lives comes the order and full prosperity. In my opinion, the program follows only one thing: five hundred days is barely stable, it stopped moving our economy slipping downhill.
- You are not wrong. I would just like to add, in the program "500 days" is not the most important thing is that we start a little bit to get out of the pit, and that is why we will start to come out of it. It is through this time would appear mechanisms that objective, regardless of the will of a person or a goal that has put some national governing body - for example, the State Planning Commission or Gossnab and objectively, by linking economic interests began to give us the opportunity to rise. This is the main.

Leonid died in March 2004. He was buried in Moscow Ostankino cemetery. That's how I remember about him Ogonkovtsy. "It's hard to imagine that we will not see its colorful powerful figure, not a rolling hear his greeting:" Well, zdo-ro-in! What's new? "And" what's new? "We often learned from him. Because Leonid knew everything, everything in the world - was in the "Ogonyok" own "walking" encyclopedia. What would be the most complicated issues raised in any of its materials are always sounded its own fundamental views. That is why many publications, whether "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Change", "Ogonyok", considered it an honor to publish his article. He perfectly owning a word, could say more and more interesting to his fellow writers. That is why it opened and ministers, and directors and actors, and ordinary people from distant hinterland. We all learned from him. »
1. 1968 - The Diamond Arm - dreary at a public toilet (the role was not included in the credits)
2. 1969 - Noble Nest
3. 1970 - Wonderful character
4. 1977 - Almost a funny story - bearded fellow traveler on the train
5. 1978 - Sibiriada - Siberian merchant
6. 1980 - shot in the back
7. 1982 - The Adventures of Count Nevzorov - Burstein
8. 1983 - Vassa
9. 1983 - Garden (short film by Alexander Kaidanovsky)
10. 1986 - Mikhail Lomonosov - father Simon
11. 1987 - Selecting
I saw here. I read myself. Bring on the PL
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