Bob, Captain Airborne Brigade, spoke little. By the way, public speaking has never been one of the advantages of Basil. The captain spoke little in substance. For the authorities, he always kept ready Drill Charter, all from the capital letter "C" to the name of the publisher and circulation. For everyone else, the captain used the word "dick" in all its diversity and the diversity.
- Ohuevshie fighters - said Bob soldiers.
When once two sergeants got hold of an artillery shell and decided for some reason to dismantle it at the details, and up to a projectile suddenly exploded himself dismantled for parts sergeants, Bob went to the bucket, which collected all that remained of the soldiers raised his cold zvyaknuvshuyu cover gently touched his index finger eyeball lying in a bucket on top of the bloody entrails, shook his head and remarked:
- Ohuevshie fighters.
Several times Vasya offered Mallorcan position.
- Nehuevo - first happily agreed the captain, then the whole day went pensive, scratching his big nose, sighed, and in the evening, taking his guilty look, shook his head: - No. Cocks. [Next]
And only with his son Vasily been winded tender.
Son was barely seven years old. He was tonkoshey, babbling loudly and desperately shy with strangers. In the evening, sitting on a stool in the middle of the kitchen, as smooth as an outpatient study, Bob took his son in his arms, and they were talking, looking at the cold flame gas burners.
- What's the school like behaved? - Seriously, in the words of Bob stretching sparkled. Son skinny little arms waving and fractional sprinkled sound, like dry peas in the iron pot.
- Kolya friends? - Vasily catch the meaning of chirping son. - That's good, son, that's good.
Son hiccup of excitement, words do not have time for his poignant thought.
- Deuce got? You? Today in the school? - Captain Bob shook his head and gently ruffled pink heir of protruding ear. - And this is huёvenko, son, it huёvenko.
© pashtet_77
- Ohuevshie fighters - said Bob soldiers.
When once two sergeants got hold of an artillery shell and decided for some reason to dismantle it at the details, and up to a projectile suddenly exploded himself dismantled for parts sergeants, Bob went to the bucket, which collected all that remained of the soldiers raised his cold zvyaknuvshuyu cover gently touched his index finger eyeball lying in a bucket on top of the bloody entrails, shook his head and remarked:
- Ohuevshie fighters.
Several times Vasya offered Mallorcan position.
- Nehuevo - first happily agreed the captain, then the whole day went pensive, scratching his big nose, sighed, and in the evening, taking his guilty look, shook his head: - No. Cocks. [Next]
And only with his son Vasily been winded tender.
Son was barely seven years old. He was tonkoshey, babbling loudly and desperately shy with strangers. In the evening, sitting on a stool in the middle of the kitchen, as smooth as an outpatient study, Bob took his son in his arms, and they were talking, looking at the cold flame gas burners.
- What's the school like behaved? - Seriously, in the words of Bob stretching sparkled. Son skinny little arms waving and fractional sprinkled sound, like dry peas in the iron pot.
- Kolya friends? - Vasily catch the meaning of chirping son. - That's good, son, that's good.
Son hiccup of excitement, words do not have time for his poignant thought.
- Deuce got? You? Today in the school? - Captain Bob shook his head and gently ruffled pink heir of protruding ear. - And this is huёvenko, son, it huёvenko.
© pashtet_77
