Mozhajskij guerrillas
The police took the children hostage partisan. Just what that 1941 ...
Glory ... which suddenly collapsed on the Mozhaisk district near Moscow resident Oleg Butusina, not to be envied: according to police reports at the end of May, he suddenly shot outfit DPS, wounding one of the inspectors. And now all the police hunt for him the field, dreaming of revenge. But first things first ...
Version MIA.
"May 28 traffic police officers ... ... had stopped the car" Toyota Land Cruiser. " When checking documents ... it determined that the driver's license, you may have symptoms of fake inspectors then offered to show your passport. Moving away from the patrol car about 5 meters, the driver took a traumatic gun and fired several shots at police officers and official vehicles. One of the inspectors DPS received a perforating wound of the right forearm wound to the chest ... The citizen got into his car and tried to escape ... In the prosecution ... the decision was made on the use of weapons ... The car was damaged left rear wheel driver ... ... disappeared in the forest ... "left his wife and 15-year-old son.
The wife of "partisan": "You sure he shoot?»
- We went with my son and husband of the Roman Uvarovka from school - says Tatiana its version. - We stopped, and demanded the right documents. My husband went to them. My passport is also requested. I went back to the car, she heard shots and turned one of the cops fired, Oleg jumped into the car and took off. They're behind us. Shots were many. One of the bullets hopped into the right door, narrowly missing Romana. Punctured wheel. We jumped on the oncoming and went into a ditch ... Oleg fled to the forest ...
- And why the husband shot?
- Are you sure he was shooting? - Tatiana surprised.
- Then why have injured a traffic cop?
- And they have all these injuries? - She asks again. - No blood stains on it did not see, though he was of me, as you are now. By the way, when we are already down to the ground, they moved, and had a couple of shots. The sound was different. No, I did not see where the shot ...
- Can he give up? - I ask.
- Not yet, - she shakes her head. - We do not know until the end, with whom we are dealing. Until it becomes clear, Oleg does not need to go out of the woods, he should keep his life ...
... The conversation is interrupted by call: woman selling cows and goats.
- The farm is large, but after what happened to 50 tons of hay for the cattle I'm not alone harvested, - she explains. - The eldest son could help, but it can not be: this, that if wounded, dragged him out of the car, put handcuffs pinned the whole weight on it sat on the back of the knee. Repeatedly. A compression fracture of the spine ...
"After nearly two weeks of ... ... Butusina wife received a complaint about the prosecution of traffic police, who, in her opinion, first opened fire and then allegedly beat her son ... This version does not find its confirmation ..." - answered me in SC GUS Russia the area. At the same time the fact of injury Tatiana (at time of writing), so never once questioned. Like its 15-year-old son, who spent almost a month in hospital. But questions about the details of the shootout, investigators reported that "in more detail at this stage of the investigation the investigation does not consider it appropriate to disclose details of the criminal case because the suspect is not detained, and may use the above information for the purpose of obstructing the investigation ..." Needless to say, permission to talk with the victim the police I do not got?
It has been almost two months, and children Butusinyh with the word "police" still shudder. On that day, Tatiana returned from the district department, asked a family friend, the famous blacksmith Vyacheslav Korostelyova, shelter the children from him, until the opera was performed in search of their economy. In order not to hurt the child's mind.
- About five in the morning we brought the children to bed laid, Tatiana went back to the farm - says Vyacheslav. - And after about an hour the dog barked: looked - and it was full of cars and people in civilian clothes. Please do not represent. Then one showed crust. He wasted. Finding children started saying, you know, that the children of the perpetrator's mother abandoned them. I explained: they are here nenasilno, brought their mother, but to no avail ... I asked: "Why?" And they are: children need to catch Oleg: spare them and surrender. They really took the children hostage!
- They are constantly told us: You threw the mother, went to the forest, and when they caught the parents - shoot - says Roman Butusin holding a broken back. - What if you do not say where the pope, orphanages us be spread. Then he was brought to the hospital and locked ...
Chad Tatiana rescued until the following day.
- Came to the Department of Juvenile (PDN), which officially took the children and went to talk: I'm the mother of why children were abandoned - she recalls. - I was to blame, and that left the children unattended at the bystanders, who has not left gendoverennosti ... Then they had some calls, they suddenly began to smile, and we were allowed to pick up children.
- And the guardianship?
- They disown, realizing it - lawlessness.
Find out the opinion of the guardianship to the situation, by the way, I also could not: hardly knowing about the purpose of my visit, the staff immediately said that they had nothing to do and you need to call the Ministry of Social Protection field and in Mozhaiskaya CRH suddenly remembered the medical confidentiality and sent to the Department of PDN ...
What prompted the police to this scandalous step, you can understand: DPS officer was wounded, and a matter of honor - to quickly find man encroached on the life of a state representative. And various kinds of tricks and techniques are quite pertinent. But this time the game came operative beyond the area: land and buildings Butusinym once gave a famous ex-oligarch German Sterligov, it was he bragged about it to the whole world.
And in late June, he was suddenly removed from his post head of the district department Yuri Mozhaiskogo noise. Follow thing bloggers immediately linked this fact with the withdrawal of children. However, the Ministry of Internal Affairs solemnly assured us he suspended for more - for the escape, which made from the local detention center a robber.
Sympathetic Butusinym meanwhile share another interesting observation: When investigators somehow did not want to hear the other side, rejecting their arguments simply ignoring it. In the area they say that the reason for this remarkable coincidence, in which the head of traffic police in the Mozhaisk district - Alexander Stupnikov and head of the UK division of the same territory - Pavel criminal. I do not whether the family? Perhaps in view of possible bias should entrust the matter to colleagues taller? And to finally answer the question that in the first after the incident days sounded German Sterligov, "If Butusin shot after the shooting by police of his car, then he is a hero ... if he shot the first of a respected cop, and they pursued him - they are heroes, he is a criminal and he should be put. The question is exactly so, and not the other way ... »
Read more here.
Glory ... which suddenly collapsed on the Mozhaisk district near Moscow resident Oleg Butusina, not to be envied: according to police reports at the end of May, he suddenly shot outfit DPS, wounding one of the inspectors. And now all the police hunt for him the field, dreaming of revenge. But first things first ...
Version MIA.
"May 28 traffic police officers ... ... had stopped the car" Toyota Land Cruiser. " When checking documents ... it determined that the driver's license, you may have symptoms of fake inspectors then offered to show your passport. Moving away from the patrol car about 5 meters, the driver took a traumatic gun and fired several shots at police officers and official vehicles. One of the inspectors DPS received a perforating wound of the right forearm wound to the chest ... The citizen got into his car and tried to escape ... In the prosecution ... the decision was made on the use of weapons ... The car was damaged left rear wheel driver ... ... disappeared in the forest ... "left his wife and 15-year-old son.

The wife of "partisan": "You sure he shoot?»
- We went with my son and husband of the Roman Uvarovka from school - says Tatiana its version. - We stopped, and demanded the right documents. My husband went to them. My passport is also requested. I went back to the car, she heard shots and turned one of the cops fired, Oleg jumped into the car and took off. They're behind us. Shots were many. One of the bullets hopped into the right door, narrowly missing Romana. Punctured wheel. We jumped on the oncoming and went into a ditch ... Oleg fled to the forest ...
- And why the husband shot?
- Are you sure he was shooting? - Tatiana surprised.
- Then why have injured a traffic cop?
- And they have all these injuries? - She asks again. - No blood stains on it did not see, though he was of me, as you are now. By the way, when we are already down to the ground, they moved, and had a couple of shots. The sound was different. No, I did not see where the shot ...
- Can he give up? - I ask.
- Not yet, - she shakes her head. - We do not know until the end, with whom we are dealing. Until it becomes clear, Oleg does not need to go out of the woods, he should keep his life ...
... The conversation is interrupted by call: woman selling cows and goats.
- The farm is large, but after what happened to 50 tons of hay for the cattle I'm not alone harvested, - she explains. - The eldest son could help, but it can not be: this, that if wounded, dragged him out of the car, put handcuffs pinned the whole weight on it sat on the back of the knee. Repeatedly. A compression fracture of the spine ...
"After nearly two weeks of ... ... Butusina wife received a complaint about the prosecution of traffic police, who, in her opinion, first opened fire and then allegedly beat her son ... This version does not find its confirmation ..." - answered me in SC GUS Russia the area. At the same time the fact of injury Tatiana (at time of writing), so never once questioned. Like its 15-year-old son, who spent almost a month in hospital. But questions about the details of the shootout, investigators reported that "in more detail at this stage of the investigation the investigation does not consider it appropriate to disclose details of the criminal case because the suspect is not detained, and may use the above information for the purpose of obstructing the investigation ..." Needless to say, permission to talk with the victim the police I do not got?
It has been almost two months, and children Butusinyh with the word "police" still shudder. On that day, Tatiana returned from the district department, asked a family friend, the famous blacksmith Vyacheslav Korostelyova, shelter the children from him, until the opera was performed in search of their economy. In order not to hurt the child's mind.
- About five in the morning we brought the children to bed laid, Tatiana went back to the farm - says Vyacheslav. - And after about an hour the dog barked: looked - and it was full of cars and people in civilian clothes. Please do not represent. Then one showed crust. He wasted. Finding children started saying, you know, that the children of the perpetrator's mother abandoned them. I explained: they are here nenasilno, brought their mother, but to no avail ... I asked: "Why?" And they are: children need to catch Oleg: spare them and surrender. They really took the children hostage!
- They are constantly told us: You threw the mother, went to the forest, and when they caught the parents - shoot - says Roman Butusin holding a broken back. - What if you do not say where the pope, orphanages us be spread. Then he was brought to the hospital and locked ...
Chad Tatiana rescued until the following day.
- Came to the Department of Juvenile (PDN), which officially took the children and went to talk: I'm the mother of why children were abandoned - she recalls. - I was to blame, and that left the children unattended at the bystanders, who has not left gendoverennosti ... Then they had some calls, they suddenly began to smile, and we were allowed to pick up children.
- And the guardianship?
- They disown, realizing it - lawlessness.
Find out the opinion of the guardianship to the situation, by the way, I also could not: hardly knowing about the purpose of my visit, the staff immediately said that they had nothing to do and you need to call the Ministry of Social Protection field and in Mozhaiskaya CRH suddenly remembered the medical confidentiality and sent to the Department of PDN ...
What prompted the police to this scandalous step, you can understand: DPS officer was wounded, and a matter of honor - to quickly find man encroached on the life of a state representative. And various kinds of tricks and techniques are quite pertinent. But this time the game came operative beyond the area: land and buildings Butusinym once gave a famous ex-oligarch German Sterligov, it was he bragged about it to the whole world.
And in late June, he was suddenly removed from his post head of the district department Yuri Mozhaiskogo noise. Follow thing bloggers immediately linked this fact with the withdrawal of children. However, the Ministry of Internal Affairs solemnly assured us he suspended for more - for the escape, which made from the local detention center a robber.
Sympathetic Butusinym meanwhile share another interesting observation: When investigators somehow did not want to hear the other side, rejecting their arguments simply ignoring it. In the area they say that the reason for this remarkable coincidence, in which the head of traffic police in the Mozhaisk district - Alexander Stupnikov and head of the UK division of the same territory - Pavel criminal. I do not whether the family? Perhaps in view of possible bias should entrust the matter to colleagues taller? And to finally answer the question that in the first after the incident days sounded German Sterligov, "If Butusin shot after the shooting by police of his car, then he is a hero ... if he shot the first of a respected cop, and they pursued him - they are heroes, he is a criminal and he should be put. The question is exactly so, and not the other way ... »
Read more here.