World War II was removed from the shelves
Sales of game Company of Heroes 2 on the events in the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945 have been suspended since July 26 - announced this Russian distributor of this game 1C-SoftKlab. Protests began after the appearance of the game on the web videos by Bad Comedian titled "Why hate the Russian Company of Heroes 2", the website Videogamer.com.
The video states that Soviet history is depicted in the game deceitfully and developers - "unscrupulous scumbags." Also, at the time of writing for Videogamer.com, the author points out, nearly 17 thousand people signed a petition against Valve's request to deprive the members of the CIS countries the opportunity to purchase the game in order to "protect young people from the propaganda».
The site reviews on Metacritic video game rating dropped to 1, 5 out of ten. Members in their reviews say: "Your game insults the memory of my ancestors and the memory of the millions of soldiers and officers of the Red Army who liberated the world from the Nazi plague." Another said: "I have never seen a game about World War II, which would have been so many lies and facts would be so perverted. Your game is more like a product of the German propaganda of 1939-1945, and it is not a game that is played by people of the free world in the 21st century, "according to the site.
The video states that Soviet history is depicted in the game deceitfully and developers - "unscrupulous scumbags." Also, at the time of writing for Videogamer.com, the author points out, nearly 17 thousand people signed a petition against Valve's request to deprive the members of the CIS countries the opportunity to purchase the game in order to "protect young people from the propaganda».
The site reviews on Metacritic video game rating dropped to 1, 5 out of ten. Members in their reviews say: "Your game insults the memory of my ancestors and the memory of the millions of soldiers and officers of the Red Army who liberated the world from the Nazi plague." Another said: "I have never seen a game about World War II, which would have been so many lies and facts would be so perverted. Your game is more like a product of the German propaganda of 1939-1945, and it is not a game that is played by people of the free world in the 21st century, "according to the site.
