African actress in Chelyabinsk
Audrey Indombe of Congo and Anatoly "Balamut" met on the Internet. Feelings were so strong that she left her career as a film actress and flew to his handpicked successor.
Introducing this unusual pair proved to be quite banal. Anatoly Panov accidentally saw a photo of a girl in Facebook and I could not resist, wrote. To establish a dialogue and two months almost continuously, at a distance of several thousand kilometers, they know each other. And then Anatoly invited Audrey to Chelyabinsk.
- Audrey graduated from the university, received a diploma actress, so flew immediately. I had the money I saved up to go to France with friends. And when she said she was ready to come to me, I immediately sent her the necessary sum, - says Anatoly Panov. - All friends were dying with laughter and looked at me like I was a fool. All were convinced that it is some kind of crook, get the money and disappear. But I -That felt that she did not betray. I played with the fate of the roulette, bet on black and won.
5 photos will
Audrey was too risky and courageous girl. In the Congo, she left her career as an actress - a student, she starred in several films - and arrived in Chelyabinsk.
- I immediately warned Anatolia, that is serious. I'm only here because I need a family and children, I want to marry him - admitted "good news" Audrey Indombe. - I believe that he - my destiny. One day my mother had predicted that I would be "white" husband. And when I met with Anatoly, knew immediately that prediction coming true. Parents are afraid to let me go to Russia. We agreed that in three months I'll be back home to convince them that all is well with me.
Surprisingly, Anatolia once too naprorochili dark-skinned wife from abroad. And when the lovers were close, and the barrier of kilometers between VNIMI collapsed immediately, a new - language. Anatoly not know French, a girl from the Congo had never spoken in Russian. Now the pair is explained in love "on the fingers", helping them and gestures and attitudes. And they always keep handy online dictionaries and "translator". Despite the fact that they are sometimes poorly understand each other, Audrey and Anatoly failed to agree on the provisional date of her wedding, they are scheduled for September 28.
- We have come to the registrar to apply, but we did not take it. So complicated! It turned out that the documents that Audrey had brought with her, we did not apply. For example, medical certificates that she is not married, and that she had no children - angry groom Anatoly Panov. - Now we will have to fly to the Congo Embassy in Moscow, and only then we can officially apply.
In the meantime, the bride and groom are studying habits of each other and, like all couples, lapped at home. Anatoly was very surprised when Audrey confessed that he had never used the washing machine - he caught her trying to cram together on the color and the white stuff. It turned out that all the girls at home and occasionally enjoy laundry washed by hand. Now, says Anatoly, his apartment turned into a huge walk-in closet. African bride, judging by the amount of clothes in Russia immediately going for a long time.
- Now her dresses, blouses everywhere, but that does not stop me. She arranges for me these shows. Changes over time dozens of dresses and none is repeated, - says Anatoly. - And I'm pleased to see her, if she walks down the runway. Also, I sometimes help her painted, I also have a make-up artist education. And if we're going somewhere, I do her makeup.
From the black actress and biker nicknamed "Balamut" turned exotic steam. Now for the development of their relations with the interests of the following friends and acquaintances Anatolia. Despite the fact that for a long time its fame biker inveterate bachelor, their romance with an eye on the family becomes even more curious. And if you love to celebrate a wedding, they are exactly the surprise of many skeptics. And while they do surprises each other. Recently Anatoly woke up with "African" hair on his head. Caring Audrey braided pigtails him dozens while he slept.
Introducing this unusual pair proved to be quite banal. Anatoly Panov accidentally saw a photo of a girl in Facebook and I could not resist, wrote. To establish a dialogue and two months almost continuously, at a distance of several thousand kilometers, they know each other. And then Anatoly invited Audrey to Chelyabinsk.
- Audrey graduated from the university, received a diploma actress, so flew immediately. I had the money I saved up to go to France with friends. And when she said she was ready to come to me, I immediately sent her the necessary sum, - says Anatoly Panov. - All friends were dying with laughter and looked at me like I was a fool. All were convinced that it is some kind of crook, get the money and disappear. But I -That felt that she did not betray. I played with the fate of the roulette, bet on black and won.
5 photos will

Audrey was too risky and courageous girl. In the Congo, she left her career as an actress - a student, she starred in several films - and arrived in Chelyabinsk.
- I immediately warned Anatolia, that is serious. I'm only here because I need a family and children, I want to marry him - admitted "good news" Audrey Indombe. - I believe that he - my destiny. One day my mother had predicted that I would be "white" husband. And when I met with Anatoly, knew immediately that prediction coming true. Parents are afraid to let me go to Russia. We agreed that in three months I'll be back home to convince them that all is well with me.
Surprisingly, Anatolia once too naprorochili dark-skinned wife from abroad. And when the lovers were close, and the barrier of kilometers between VNIMI collapsed immediately, a new - language. Anatoly not know French, a girl from the Congo had never spoken in Russian. Now the pair is explained in love "on the fingers", helping them and gestures and attitudes. And they always keep handy online dictionaries and "translator". Despite the fact that they are sometimes poorly understand each other, Audrey and Anatoly failed to agree on the provisional date of her wedding, they are scheduled for September 28.

- We have come to the registrar to apply, but we did not take it. So complicated! It turned out that the documents that Audrey had brought with her, we did not apply. For example, medical certificates that she is not married, and that she had no children - angry groom Anatoly Panov. - Now we will have to fly to the Congo Embassy in Moscow, and only then we can officially apply.
In the meantime, the bride and groom are studying habits of each other and, like all couples, lapped at home. Anatoly was very surprised when Audrey confessed that he had never used the washing machine - he caught her trying to cram together on the color and the white stuff. It turned out that all the girls at home and occasionally enjoy laundry washed by hand. Now, says Anatoly, his apartment turned into a huge walk-in closet. African bride, judging by the amount of clothes in Russia immediately going for a long time.

- Now her dresses, blouses everywhere, but that does not stop me. She arranges for me these shows. Changes over time dozens of dresses and none is repeated, - says Anatoly. - And I'm pleased to see her, if she walks down the runway. Also, I sometimes help her painted, I also have a make-up artist education. And if we're going somewhere, I do her makeup.
From the black actress and biker nicknamed "Balamut" turned exotic steam. Now for the development of their relations with the interests of the following friends and acquaintances Anatolia. Despite the fact that for a long time its fame biker inveterate bachelor, their romance with an eye on the family becomes even more curious. And if you love to celebrate a wedding, they are exactly the surprise of many skeptics. And while they do surprises each other. Recently Anatoly woke up with "African" hair on his head. Caring Audrey braided pigtails him dozens while he slept.
