Odd couple on the street: dog and cat together
On the streets of Kunming, Yunnan Province, you can find odd couple - a dog and a cat sitting on a riding companion. Call them Wangcang County and Mimi. The owner of the animals, 42-year-old retired policeman Xu Jin is surprised so strong friendship is not less than the others. "When I had a dog, and I started to write her for a walk, a cat meowing plaintively began - the man says. - So I bought a leash and began to take her too. Soon, however, the cat began to tire, and quickly realized that it is much easier to ride on the back of a dog ».
Now Xu Jin let them walk together. In case you lost Wangcang County and Mimi, the dog's paw to have a smartphone with the function of tracking movements.
4 photos © REUTERS / Wong Campion
Now Xu Jin let them walk together. In case you lost Wangcang County and Mimi, the dog's paw to have a smartphone with the function of tracking movements.
4 photos © REUTERS / Wong Campion