In search of the museum ProfessoraPleyshnera
And then his own, experienced Honestly passed through their own blood, sweat, tears, and not easy work traveler.
Will be 36 photos
This bike from Assa and Begemotova has long walks in Runet. It was only later I learned that it was a bike. But when I read it ...
You see, I am in principle to life with a happy smile fool. But sometimes breaks, sentimentality involved on what is called a "pride of power." Just think:
- Switzerland has a new attraction. In the Swiss capital Bern on Flower Street museum was opened by Professor Pleischner. Yes, yes, the same professor, who Standartenfiihrer SS von Stirlitz (aka Colonel Isayev) sent as a messenger to Bern and Pleischner because MS did not see a flower pot on the windowsill - a sign that the turnout failed.
And this year there was a road to Switzerland. Not for long. But ...
But if something vtemyashit in the head if it than that, "pregnant", sooner or later, it will not give the feet rest, as well as human wisdom predicts.
And on the eve of the trip, I read "Seventeen Moments of Spring". Examine the circumstances the failure of the mission Pleischner ... Yes, dammit, it all fits.
That Semenov writes about small shop on Flower Street, which sells birds. Exactly opposite the apartment, the windows of which, half-blind professor had not noticed a pot of flowers and got into a trap.
And the news that I read, too, it is written that the idea of creating such a museum owned by Jurgen Zengelyu, birds seller, opposite the shop which was the house where professor and fell Pleischner.
And once upon a time, a well-known writer Julian Semenov came into the shop for a long time looked at the house opposite to that recorded in the notes, and then bought a big red parrot. The parrot flew away from the writer and returned back to the store. From communicating with Yulian Semyonov bird made a few phrases in Russian, including "Give Suhar, Rick!" "Well, you and zhmotyar-ra!". Most of the other phrases - indecent.
And yet, that De, a few years after the book "Seventeen Moments of Spring", which became very popular in Switzerland, Mr. Zengel saved enough money, bought a house in front and refitting everything inside, became director of the museum. Famous parrot sitting on a perch in the hallway, and opening the lazy one eye, sometimes cries in pure Russian: "Turnout avenue rovalena!»
Well, my thoughts were approximately as follows: Switzerland - a small country in the second world war did not participate. Therefore, every hero, accomplished the feat in Switzerland, it is deeply revered by the Swiss. This was Till Eulenspiegel. Why not become a hero and Professor Pleischner, gave their lives for the cause of peace?
Probably, the Swiss do not mind that it is a fictional literary character. After all, there is in London Sherlock Holmes Museum in Baker Street, and the fact that invented Holmes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, does not prevent the English proud of their famous compatriot.
So I thought! Blessed are those who believe! But it is better to trust and verify what not to believe and always spit UnylymGovnom. So ...
And I vyrevel friends redraw program Alpine expedition to Europe and lead us in Bern, look at the "Museum of Professor Pleischner."
People who know Bern, we were told that there is such a museum. But we, blasphemy, we zhezh most intelligent, yopt we zhezh tyrnet read ... Frankly, I do hate these wise men who, having read in the net kaku thread her, then rush to her, arguing with professionals deride them ... lya many times have "happiness" such dispute ... But then I myself acted as such a "nerd." He insisted that Bern has a museum, and ...
And we went to Bern.
If anyone when he was in the mining area of the Urals, they can imagine Swiss roadside scenery.
Well, that's just like in Chebarkul, bypassing Miass and Zlatoust to further Satka, Asha and Minyar.
Toka, of course, if the city not to call themselves.
Why not Turgoyak? Why not Itkul? A?
All would be well, but ...
If it was not their way ...
Their patriotism ...
Their old ...
Their purity ...
Their famous "double cream» ...
Their epic Fondue ...
... The program was so thick, we are so tired that the road to Bern, I slept and I dreamed that the time will come when, and in my country, among the same natural beauty, will have the same wonderful cities such as smooth roads, ... and as if the Swiss and Italians and others all sorts of different ... the French and the Swedes dropped their bolognese bouillabaisse and, like moths to a light, flock to the smells, what some shanezhek, ravioli or dumplings, emanating from the roadside cafes. Pride sleepy bursting my patriotism, I slept and dreamed ...
Vovinam dreams:
"The opening ceremony was attended by President of the Swiss museum, members of the government, the mayor of Bern, owners of the largest banks and the Russian ambassador. Although the request of the Swiss government to award Professor Pleischner posthumously the Order of Lenin, the Russian government did not respond, though Russia's ambassador ceremonially awarded Pleischner medal "For Courage", which the ambassador personally bought the speculators on the Arbat.
Actually, the museum Professor Pleischner could be called a museum Isaev-Stirlitz. But the modest Swiss believe that the honor of the museum belongs to the Great Shtirlitsa country- Russia, and so they chose a simpler character. However, in the main hall of the museum except the Pleischner are wax figures of famous Soviet spy and his best agent Pastor Schlag, as well as figures of the Nazis, which Stirlitz had to communicate at work - Mueller, Bormann, Schellenberg, Eismann, Holthoff and even Adolf Hitler. Hitler Swiss do not like, so once great Fuhrer is facing a wall, and everyone can give him a kick of some hundred Swiss francs.
Also wax in the museum are many exhibits that are relevant to the professor and his head Pleischner Stirlitz. This layout eye professors who follow one of the legends Shtirlits picked up from the pavement, a carton of cigarettes with the poison, who took the professor before you throw out the window, skiing Pastor Schlag, in which the pastor did not learn to walk, dressing-eyed Gestapo Eismann, splinters bottles, which gave the head Shtirlits Holthoff fingerprints Shtirlitsa shot Muller suitcase with Russian radio operator, he suitcase with a radio, and radio - in working condition, the left front wheel of the car Shtirlitsa. And many passwords that turnout failed, as the parrot loves to report Yulian Semyonov. In one window are thirteen flowerpots, on the other - thirty three broken iron. At a specially driven into the wall hanging nail real cap standartenfuehrer SS von Stirlitz.
The museum's director, Mr. Zengel very proud of his collection of books about Stirlitz. It has about forty editions of "Seventeen Moments of Spring" and many other publications of books, which also featured a Soviet spy. A special place in the collection is occupied jokes about Colonel Isayev. They are, in the collection of the museum director about three hundred. Mister Zengel Russian language does not know, but it has translated all the anecdotes of three Swiss national languages - German, French, Italian. And although, according to his confession, Russian humor it is not clear, the museum's director invariably accompanies each anecdote loud happy laughter.
The walls of the museum are painted with scenes from the life of Russian spy. Stirlitz fired at close range. Stirlitz noted on February 23 in the face of falling salad. Stirlitz scatter brain. Stirlitz in the forest stumbles on a branch. Stirlitz bravely open safes in Hitler's bunker. Gestapo obkladyvaet all outputs, and Stirlitz out through the entrance. And so on.
In one of the halls of the museum on a large screen TV continuously spinning fragment of the Soviet film where the professor Pleischner ambushed. Nazi counter-espionage was almost celebrating a victory, but no! Fucked with a flower pot, but a brave professor Pleischner time to get out a cigarette case and a cigarette to eat poison, carefully issued him Stirlitz, and then falls out of the window, leaving the Nazis with his nose. This scene always makes the audience burst of enthusiasm, they joyfully clap their hands and go to a bar to drink beer.
On the ground floor of the museum is a bar, which is always a commercially available fresh Russian vodka, Zhiguli beer and cigarettes "White Sea Canal", the much-loved Soviet spy. Here you can dine true Russian dishes such as soup of sauerkraut on feeble broth from the bones, pasta nautically meatless sandwiches sprat Baltic big-eyed with dry black bread, boiled eggs, egg sac, hard boiled eggs and whipped eggs, stewed fruit, dilute with water from the tap, squash pancakes with caviar and tea Georgian broom from the first grade, and many other delicacies. The bar - a cozy semi-darkness and constantly sounds sad music. "Do not think of seconds down ...»
Instead of taking in museums around the world for the visitors' book, Mr. Zengel decided to take for this purpose the whole staircase, allowing colored markers to write reviews directly on the walls. But since coming to Switzerland, more and more Russian tourists and business travelers, the staircase becomes a little like a typical Russian porches, and Mr. Zengel, finally, for these inscriptions began to learn Russian. »..........
Well, here it is, your Bern! - Woke me GolosVoditelya.
??? .. Br-rr ... And what is the current garbage not dreamed with ustatku?!?
-Chё? Berne? Where? Ah-ah-ah ... here it is.
Well, hello, Bern!
Bern, certainly deserves to visit it. I will say more than that, we still managed to find the very, famous flower ulitsu- Blyumenshtrasse. It is situated on the outskirts of the city. No, this is not the backwoods town, and very nice and charming corner of Bern.
But ... But there is no shop, which sells birds. No there pubs, in which sits a parrot trained Semenov expressed in Russian. And there is not no museum ProfesoraPleyshnera.
Oh, sorry !!!
It's a pity of course. Very sorry! But nothing that is not there. And in general, as it turned out that the film was not shot in Bern.
But ...
But I was in Bern! And this was very pleased.
We saw a bear family, which lives in the best location in the city.
It bears the symbol of the city and beyond. The very name of the city taking in the Latin name of the bear. How actually Berlin. It's amazing. Always thought that the bear is a purely Russian character. Hmm ... how much we have in common ... well, in an ideological sense.
Funny, but the river was not a promenade. She squeezed houses, just like in Venice.
It seems that the city has no modern districts, but the whole is made up of the Middle Ages.
But unfortunately it is not so ...
Nevertheless, it was eight o'clock amazing architecture, but also the unique atmosphere of mutual love of the city and the citizens.
For example, like that immortalized the names of the citizens who sacrificed their denyuzhku to some urban projects.
And it is not no memorial, this is a real functioning bridge. Imagine you have your navssegda brick in the pavement. FOREVER !!!
It's some student snack ...
Oops ... I think there was a great Einstein.
Now there are other people live, but they put up a portrait of the scientist, perhaps, to passers-by stopped and thought for a moment about the relativity of existence.
And in the next ... It's funny, right?
And this is the area in front of City Hall. Probably somewhere in Samara or EKBurge there was a monument to the revolutionaries or Ilyich ... I do not want to be a judge and qualify for categorical on this issue. Maybe this is not bad, but ...
But personally I prefer the fountains. Here is a dancing fountain, fun for kids Bern. It's klassno- run, dodging the jets hitting right out of the pavement.
That's granddaughter said that class! And we did not object, Th ...
And if there is a museum in Bern ProfessoraPleyshnera, then certainly there are many shops shokolandnyh. Certainly we were not able to pass one of them.
So much chocolate I've only seen in the confectionery shop "makaronki" - macaroni factory in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where I was still at school was given a tour and ate all the food, which we were given for the whole class. I was given a bag to guard ... well, I ... I was ashamed!
Excuse me, classmates!
Whether there is a thread that delicious, handmade chocolate?
Now, I'm not a greedy chocolate. You want kusocheg? Please, I do not mind.
This is for you comrades!
And do not relax!
And at this time in the sky charted geometric shapes NATO planes. According to my calculations, they went to vstrechnyeh courses, flying from bases in Italy and Germany. That's it!
And they say that Switzerland is a neutral country ...
And here they are ... They're coming in to land already in Germany.
Mirazhiki not?
"People, beware!» ©
But still ...
All love!
Will be 36 photos

This bike from Assa and Begemotova has long walks in Runet. It was only later I learned that it was a bike. But when I read it ...
You see, I am in principle to life with a happy smile fool. But sometimes breaks, sentimentality involved on what is called a "pride of power." Just think:
- Switzerland has a new attraction. In the Swiss capital Bern on Flower Street museum was opened by Professor Pleischner. Yes, yes, the same professor, who Standartenfiihrer SS von Stirlitz (aka Colonel Isayev) sent as a messenger to Bern and Pleischner because MS did not see a flower pot on the windowsill - a sign that the turnout failed.
And this year there was a road to Switzerland. Not for long. But ...
But if something vtemyashit in the head if it than that, "pregnant", sooner or later, it will not give the feet rest, as well as human wisdom predicts.
And on the eve of the trip, I read "Seventeen Moments of Spring". Examine the circumstances the failure of the mission Pleischner ... Yes, dammit, it all fits.
That Semenov writes about small shop on Flower Street, which sells birds. Exactly opposite the apartment, the windows of which, half-blind professor had not noticed a pot of flowers and got into a trap.
And the news that I read, too, it is written that the idea of creating such a museum owned by Jurgen Zengelyu, birds seller, opposite the shop which was the house where professor and fell Pleischner.
And once upon a time, a well-known writer Julian Semenov came into the shop for a long time looked at the house opposite to that recorded in the notes, and then bought a big red parrot. The parrot flew away from the writer and returned back to the store. From communicating with Yulian Semyonov bird made a few phrases in Russian, including "Give Suhar, Rick!" "Well, you and zhmotyar-ra!". Most of the other phrases - indecent.
And yet, that De, a few years after the book "Seventeen Moments of Spring", which became very popular in Switzerland, Mr. Zengel saved enough money, bought a house in front and refitting everything inside, became director of the museum. Famous parrot sitting on a perch in the hallway, and opening the lazy one eye, sometimes cries in pure Russian: "Turnout avenue rovalena!»
Well, my thoughts were approximately as follows: Switzerland - a small country in the second world war did not participate. Therefore, every hero, accomplished the feat in Switzerland, it is deeply revered by the Swiss. This was Till Eulenspiegel. Why not become a hero and Professor Pleischner, gave their lives for the cause of peace?
Probably, the Swiss do not mind that it is a fictional literary character. After all, there is in London Sherlock Holmes Museum in Baker Street, and the fact that invented Holmes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, does not prevent the English proud of their famous compatriot.
So I thought! Blessed are those who believe! But it is better to trust and verify what not to believe and always spit UnylymGovnom. So ...
And I vyrevel friends redraw program Alpine expedition to Europe and lead us in Bern, look at the "Museum of Professor Pleischner."
People who know Bern, we were told that there is such a museum. But we, blasphemy, we zhezh most intelligent, yopt we zhezh tyrnet read ... Frankly, I do hate these wise men who, having read in the net kaku thread her, then rush to her, arguing with professionals deride them ... lya many times have "happiness" such dispute ... But then I myself acted as such a "nerd." He insisted that Bern has a museum, and ...
And we went to Bern.

If anyone when he was in the mining area of the Urals, they can imagine Swiss roadside scenery.

Well, that's just like in Chebarkul, bypassing Miass and Zlatoust to further Satka, Asha and Minyar.

Toka, of course, if the city not to call themselves.

Why not Turgoyak? Why not Itkul? A?

All would be well, but ...

If it was not their way ...

Their patriotism ...

Their old ...

Their purity ...

Their famous "double cream» ...

Their epic Fondue ...

... The program was so thick, we are so tired that the road to Bern, I slept and I dreamed that the time will come when, and in my country, among the same natural beauty, will have the same wonderful cities such as smooth roads, ... and as if the Swiss and Italians and others all sorts of different ... the French and the Swedes dropped their bolognese bouillabaisse and, like moths to a light, flock to the smells, what some shanezhek, ravioli or dumplings, emanating from the roadside cafes. Pride sleepy bursting my patriotism, I slept and dreamed ...
Vovinam dreams:
"The opening ceremony was attended by President of the Swiss museum, members of the government, the mayor of Bern, owners of the largest banks and the Russian ambassador. Although the request of the Swiss government to award Professor Pleischner posthumously the Order of Lenin, the Russian government did not respond, though Russia's ambassador ceremonially awarded Pleischner medal "For Courage", which the ambassador personally bought the speculators on the Arbat.
Actually, the museum Professor Pleischner could be called a museum Isaev-Stirlitz. But the modest Swiss believe that the honor of the museum belongs to the Great Shtirlitsa country- Russia, and so they chose a simpler character. However, in the main hall of the museum except the Pleischner are wax figures of famous Soviet spy and his best agent Pastor Schlag, as well as figures of the Nazis, which Stirlitz had to communicate at work - Mueller, Bormann, Schellenberg, Eismann, Holthoff and even Adolf Hitler. Hitler Swiss do not like, so once great Fuhrer is facing a wall, and everyone can give him a kick of some hundred Swiss francs.
Also wax in the museum are many exhibits that are relevant to the professor and his head Pleischner Stirlitz. This layout eye professors who follow one of the legends Shtirlits picked up from the pavement, a carton of cigarettes with the poison, who took the professor before you throw out the window, skiing Pastor Schlag, in which the pastor did not learn to walk, dressing-eyed Gestapo Eismann, splinters bottles, which gave the head Shtirlits Holthoff fingerprints Shtirlitsa shot Muller suitcase with Russian radio operator, he suitcase with a radio, and radio - in working condition, the left front wheel of the car Shtirlitsa. And many passwords that turnout failed, as the parrot loves to report Yulian Semyonov. In one window are thirteen flowerpots, on the other - thirty three broken iron. At a specially driven into the wall hanging nail real cap standartenfuehrer SS von Stirlitz.

The museum's director, Mr. Zengel very proud of his collection of books about Stirlitz. It has about forty editions of "Seventeen Moments of Spring" and many other publications of books, which also featured a Soviet spy. A special place in the collection is occupied jokes about Colonel Isayev. They are, in the collection of the museum director about three hundred. Mister Zengel Russian language does not know, but it has translated all the anecdotes of three Swiss national languages - German, French, Italian. And although, according to his confession, Russian humor it is not clear, the museum's director invariably accompanies each anecdote loud happy laughter.

The walls of the museum are painted with scenes from the life of Russian spy. Stirlitz fired at close range. Stirlitz noted on February 23 in the face of falling salad. Stirlitz scatter brain. Stirlitz in the forest stumbles on a branch. Stirlitz bravely open safes in Hitler's bunker. Gestapo obkladyvaet all outputs, and Stirlitz out through the entrance. And so on.
In one of the halls of the museum on a large screen TV continuously spinning fragment of the Soviet film where the professor Pleischner ambushed. Nazi counter-espionage was almost celebrating a victory, but no! Fucked with a flower pot, but a brave professor Pleischner time to get out a cigarette case and a cigarette to eat poison, carefully issued him Stirlitz, and then falls out of the window, leaving the Nazis with his nose. This scene always makes the audience burst of enthusiasm, they joyfully clap their hands and go to a bar to drink beer.
On the ground floor of the museum is a bar, which is always a commercially available fresh Russian vodka, Zhiguli beer and cigarettes "White Sea Canal", the much-loved Soviet spy. Here you can dine true Russian dishes such as soup of sauerkraut on feeble broth from the bones, pasta nautically meatless sandwiches sprat Baltic big-eyed with dry black bread, boiled eggs, egg sac, hard boiled eggs and whipped eggs, stewed fruit, dilute with water from the tap, squash pancakes with caviar and tea Georgian broom from the first grade, and many other delicacies. The bar - a cozy semi-darkness and constantly sounds sad music. "Do not think of seconds down ...»

Instead of taking in museums around the world for the visitors' book, Mr. Zengel decided to take for this purpose the whole staircase, allowing colored markers to write reviews directly on the walls. But since coming to Switzerland, more and more Russian tourists and business travelers, the staircase becomes a little like a typical Russian porches, and Mr. Zengel, finally, for these inscriptions began to learn Russian. »..........
Well, here it is, your Bern! - Woke me GolosVoditelya.

??? .. Br-rr ... And what is the current garbage not dreamed with ustatku?!?
-Chё? Berne? Where? Ah-ah-ah ... here it is.
Well, hello, Bern!

Bern, certainly deserves to visit it. I will say more than that, we still managed to find the very, famous flower ulitsu- Blyumenshtrasse. It is situated on the outskirts of the city. No, this is not the backwoods town, and very nice and charming corner of Bern.

But ... But there is no shop, which sells birds. No there pubs, in which sits a parrot trained Semenov expressed in Russian. And there is not no museum ProfesoraPleyshnera.
Oh, sorry !!!

It's a pity of course. Very sorry! But nothing that is not there. And in general, as it turned out that the film was not shot in Bern.
But ...
But I was in Bern! And this was very pleased.
We saw a bear family, which lives in the best location in the city.

It bears the symbol of the city and beyond. The very name of the city taking in the Latin name of the bear. How actually Berlin. It's amazing. Always thought that the bear is a purely Russian character. Hmm ... how much we have in common ... well, in an ideological sense.

Funny, but the river was not a promenade. She squeezed houses, just like in Venice.

It seems that the city has no modern districts, but the whole is made up of the Middle Ages.

But unfortunately it is not so ...
Nevertheless, it was eight o'clock amazing architecture, but also the unique atmosphere of mutual love of the city and the citizens.

For example, like that immortalized the names of the citizens who sacrificed their denyuzhku to some urban projects.
And it is not no memorial, this is a real functioning bridge. Imagine you have your navssegda brick in the pavement. FOREVER !!!

It's some student snack ...

Oops ... I think there was a great Einstein.

Now there are other people live, but they put up a portrait of the scientist, perhaps, to passers-by stopped and thought for a moment about the relativity of existence.

And in the next ... It's funny, right?

And this is the area in front of City Hall. Probably somewhere in Samara or EKBurge there was a monument to the revolutionaries or Ilyich ... I do not want to be a judge and qualify for categorical on this issue. Maybe this is not bad, but ...
But personally I prefer the fountains. Here is a dancing fountain, fun for kids Bern. It's klassno- run, dodging the jets hitting right out of the pavement.
That's granddaughter said that class! And we did not object, Th ...

And if there is a museum in Bern ProfessoraPleyshnera, then certainly there are many shops shokolandnyh. Certainly we were not able to pass one of them.
So much chocolate I've only seen in the confectionery shop "makaronki" - macaroni factory in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where I was still at school was given a tour and ate all the food, which we were given for the whole class. I was given a bag to guard ... well, I ... I was ashamed!
Excuse me, classmates!
Whether there is a thread that delicious, handmade chocolate?
Now, I'm not a greedy chocolate. You want kusocheg? Please, I do not mind.
This is for you comrades!

And do not relax!
And at this time in the sky charted geometric shapes NATO planes. According to my calculations, they went to vstrechnyeh courses, flying from bases in Italy and Germany. That's it!
And they say that Switzerland is a neutral country ...

And here they are ... They're coming in to land already in Germany.
Mirazhiki not?

"People, beware!» ©
But still ...
All love!
