Russian Air Force Museum in Monino
By popular demand, I post a photo report on the trip to the Central Museum of the Russian Air Force. Material gain a lot, so it decided to create a separate post (the first time for yourself here!). Pardon.
Was there more than once, so the photos selected the most characteristic of the various visits, so the weather conditions and the lighting will be different, do not be surprised.
Do not rule out that I can do something wrong, so that corrects, corrected.
The museum exhibition is a vast, constantly transformed, so that in this post will place is not all that there is in the museum.
Partly certificate. In 2005, it burned down the main building of the museum. Materials for him, unfortunately I have now is not at hand.
For those interested - fitsialny site of the museum: www.monino.ru/ , but the information has not been updated there tavno.
The end will tell, please, do not break.
So there you go. Road miss, and here we are at the Monino checkpoint. The museum is located on the territory of the garrison and has the status of a military unit. Without skipping any way.
After verification of documents and small petlyaniya through the streets of the military camp, finally, the long-awaited goal!
Ticket prices do not bother, at that time something like 50-70 rubles. And visiting rules:
Immediately, at the entrance, we were met by the only surviving Mi-12. MiG-29 on the background of a moth. This monster was released in the amount of 3 pieces. It was planned that they will be delivering components of missiles in remote inaccessible areas. But the concept has changed and the project is closed down.
Next, I will articulate just what I learned from the employees of the museum, not the well-known facts.
The museum has all the equipment sistematezirovannyy. Will and I stick to it. In our series are famous "carcass", and the first Tu-4 - an exact copy of the American B-29s. There is a bike that when he imitated, copied, and the camera accidentally left on the hook American pilot in the cockpit.
Further, in order of placement:
It completes a series of Tupolev aircraft loitering interceptor long-range Tu-128. Description plohochitaemoe, I will not put.
and here he is
Separate words worthy of the unique aircraft (aircraft) stood in front of "carcasses". One myasischevsky M-50
It is the same but with a different angle:
What follows is no less unique T-50 or "Weaving" Sukhoi. It is made entirely of titanium miracle.
Museum staff say that all the aircraft arrived at the museum on their own. No exception and "Weaving". The museum is located on the territory of the school airfield, though flights there is no longer maintained.
And here is another view, a little bit "spicy»
You can not oboiti their attention and The strategic intercontinental jet bomber 3M. It is a development of the previous design EDO V. Myasishev - bomber M-4
On the street a little walk, go to the hangar. The inscription over the entrance speaks for itself:
In my opinion, the most important exhibit in the hangar - a "Ilya Muromets" Igor Sikorsky:
This veteran is in very good condition despite its age.
Well, his arms also looks solid
I repeat it once more and go further
The planes of the era are presented here, too:
Here's another:
Or this:
ANT-2 - the first native all-metal aircraft, covered with corrugated lining kolchugalyuminiya. One of the first passenger planes. Regular flights. It should be under the wing of the other Tupolev, which further.
And here he is - ANT-25 (also known as RD - "distance record") - single-engine all-metal cantilever nizkoplan with high aspect ratio wing.
Developed in 1932 at TsAGI brigade Sukhoi led Tupolev. In this plane there were several record flights. In September 1934 - a record for distance and duration flight on the circular route - 12411 km for 75 hours (crew commander - MM Gromov). In July 1936 at the ANT-25 was committed by the first non-stop flight from Moscow to the Far East a length of 9375 km (crew commander - VP Chkalov). In June-July 1937, two aircraft, the ANT-25 and ANT-25-1 carried out one after the other on marshrugu flights Moscow - North Pole - United States (crew commander - VP Chkalov, Gromov) .
The military version of the ANT-25 - "the first long-range bomber" DB-1 (ANT-36) issued by small series and joined the Air Force Red Army.
What is this "lad", frankly, I forgot. I connoisseurs certainly remind.
Well, it's time to walk the legendary military equipment, and the first, of course, the Po-2 (U-2). Incidentally, I note that we are dummies, although not as expressive as in Prague.
Polikarpovsky "Ishachёk" I-16:
IL-2. No comments. And so it is clear to all.
Force! The power! Beauty! And it is - the IL-2!
... And his younger brother (back briefly on the street), the IL-10:
Model of the aircraft as a child, I have repeatedly made of different materials and in different scales. Imagine my feelings when I saw him alive? This is a genuine Kozhedubovsky La 7:
In the right corner of reduced photos, information about visiting the museum three times Hero of the Soviet Union Lieutenant-General Kozhedub.
On the left side of the aircraft installed walkways, from which you can look at the cockpit. What is there tesnotischa! In such circumstances, people fought.
Another representative of the Great Patriotic War:
Concluding the topic Second World War, the first domestic jet fighter interceptor BI-1
Now a bit of exoticism:
Unique apparatus that thrusters are located on the end of the blades.
It's strange construction has the same strange name: "Turbolёt." An analogue of the helicopter, only jet-powered.
Next stratosphere gondola
USSR, 1:
And Volga:
Under the ceiling of the hangar very many good gliders, models. At one stop. This model of the Tu-144, which was exhibited in France. Natural Tu-144 in the museum too, but more on that later.
Hangar examined, it is time again to the street.
Well here we are back on the street. And immediately the area with helicopters. The first is the Yak-24 (development of Kamov)
Behind him his American "twin". If I am not mistaken, it Piasecki H-21
Mi-6. When I had a chance to live in the 5 km away from the military airfield, where such "Eagles" were based. The sound of the engines flying monster still stands in the ears.
And his version of the fire. Same crashed while fighting fires in France.
"Sweet Couple»
Another representative tezhelovesov. Mi-10:
A worthy continuation of the Mi-6 - Mi-26 - the world's largest serial transport helicopter:
Legendary worker - Mi-8:
Equally legendary fighters:
... And Mi-24V
Veteran Mi-4, just buried in the ground:
And finally on helicopters. Most I, served in the Navy, a close - the Ka-25 - anti-submarine ship-based helicopter. Is the first domestic helicopter, was originally designed for combat use and became the first anti-submarine and the first combat helicopter initially USSR. On the basis of Ca-25, a large number of modifications for use in various applications.
Continuing the theme of the Navy, stop at the Yak-38 - Deck attack, the first Soviet serial VTOL:
Yak-141. The world's second multipurpose supersonic VTOL. For a long time remained the only aircraft in the world with similar characteristics.
Flying boat Be-12:
Another product that extends the naval theme. Ekranolёt Beriev VVA-14 or 14M-1P. The experimental apparatus to study the problem of contactless takeoff - landing. Test 14M-1H conducted in the waters of the Taganrog Bay of the Azov Sea in 1976
The remains of a single copy are waiting for restoration:
Yak-36 - Deck attack, the prototype of the first Soviet serial VTOL Yak-38:
Kohl Yaks are talking about, pay attention to the Yak-15 - the first jet fighter, the Air Force adopted the USSR. Designed based on the Yak-3. The Soviet Air Force Yak-15 was regarded as a transitional aircraft, and only used for retraining flight crews from piston to jet fighters.
Scout Yak-25RV:
Yakov finish line of the Yak-28.
MiGs are presented almost all post-war cars. That overall plan:
I, today, braked. Waiting impressions and wishes. Uchtu them in the second part, which will be tomorrow.
Was there more than once, so the photos selected the most characteristic of the various visits, so the weather conditions and the lighting will be different, do not be surprised.
Do not rule out that I can do something wrong, so that corrects, corrected.
The museum exhibition is a vast, constantly transformed, so that in this post will place is not all that there is in the museum.
Partly certificate. In 2005, it burned down the main building of the museum. Materials for him, unfortunately I have now is not at hand.
For those interested - fitsialny site of the museum: www.monino.ru/ , but the information has not been updated there tavno.
The end will tell, please, do not break.
So there you go. Road miss, and here we are at the Monino checkpoint. The museum is located on the territory of the garrison and has the status of a military unit. Without skipping any way.

After verification of documents and small petlyaniya through the streets of the military camp, finally, the long-awaited goal!

Ticket prices do not bother, at that time something like 50-70 rubles. And visiting rules:

Immediately, at the entrance, we were met by the only surviving Mi-12. MiG-29 on the background of a moth. This monster was released in the amount of 3 pieces. It was planned that they will be delivering components of missiles in remote inaccessible areas. But the concept has changed and the project is closed down.
Next, I will articulate just what I learned from the employees of the museum, not the well-known facts.

The museum has all the equipment sistematezirovannyy. Will and I stick to it. In our series are famous "carcass", and the first Tu-4 - an exact copy of the American B-29s. There is a bike that when he imitated, copied, and the camera accidentally left on the hook American pilot in the cockpit.

Further, in order of placement:




It completes a series of Tupolev aircraft loitering interceptor long-range Tu-128. Description plohochitaemoe, I will not put.

and here he is

Separate words worthy of the unique aircraft (aircraft) stood in front of "carcasses". One myasischevsky M-50

It is the same but with a different angle:

What follows is no less unique T-50 or "Weaving" Sukhoi. It is made entirely of titanium miracle.

Museum staff say that all the aircraft arrived at the museum on their own. No exception and "Weaving". The museum is located on the territory of the school airfield, though flights there is no longer maintained.

And here is another view, a little bit "spicy»

You can not oboiti their attention and The strategic intercontinental jet bomber 3M. It is a development of the previous design EDO V. Myasishev - bomber M-4

On the street a little walk, go to the hangar. The inscription over the entrance speaks for itself:

In my opinion, the most important exhibit in the hangar - a "Ilya Muromets" Igor Sikorsky:

This veteran is in very good condition despite its age.

Well, his arms also looks solid

I repeat it once more and go further

The planes of the era are presented here, too:

Here's another:

Or this:

ANT-2 - the first native all-metal aircraft, covered with corrugated lining kolchugalyuminiya. One of the first passenger planes. Regular flights. It should be under the wing of the other Tupolev, which further.

And here he is - ANT-25 (also known as RD - "distance record") - single-engine all-metal cantilever nizkoplan with high aspect ratio wing.
Developed in 1932 at TsAGI brigade Sukhoi led Tupolev. In this plane there were several record flights. In September 1934 - a record for distance and duration flight on the circular route - 12411 km for 75 hours (crew commander - MM Gromov). In July 1936 at the ANT-25 was committed by the first non-stop flight from Moscow to the Far East a length of 9375 km (crew commander - VP Chkalov). In June-July 1937, two aircraft, the ANT-25 and ANT-25-1 carried out one after the other on marshrugu flights Moscow - North Pole - United States (crew commander - VP Chkalov, Gromov) .
The military version of the ANT-25 - "the first long-range bomber" DB-1 (ANT-36) issued by small series and joined the Air Force Red Army.

What is this "lad", frankly, I forgot. I connoisseurs certainly remind.

Well, it's time to walk the legendary military equipment, and the first, of course, the Po-2 (U-2). Incidentally, I note that we are dummies, although not as expressive as in Prague.

Polikarpovsky "Ishachёk" I-16:

IL-2. No comments. And so it is clear to all.

Force! The power! Beauty! And it is - the IL-2!

... And his younger brother (back briefly on the street), the IL-10:

Model of the aircraft as a child, I have repeatedly made of different materials and in different scales. Imagine my feelings when I saw him alive? This is a genuine Kozhedubovsky La 7:

In the right corner of reduced photos, information about visiting the museum three times Hero of the Soviet Union Lieutenant-General Kozhedub.

On the left side of the aircraft installed walkways, from which you can look at the cockpit. What is there tesnotischa! In such circumstances, people fought.

Another representative of the Great Patriotic War:

Concluding the topic Second World War, the first domestic jet fighter interceptor BI-1

Now a bit of exoticism:

Unique apparatus that thrusters are located on the end of the blades.

It's strange construction has the same strange name: "Turbolёt." An analogue of the helicopter, only jet-powered.

Next stratosphere gondola
USSR, 1:

And Volga:

Under the ceiling of the hangar very many good gliders, models. At one stop. This model of the Tu-144, which was exhibited in France. Natural Tu-144 in the museum too, but more on that later.
Hangar examined, it is time again to the street.

Well here we are back on the street. And immediately the area with helicopters. The first is the Yak-24 (development of Kamov)

Behind him his American "twin". If I am not mistaken, it Piasecki H-21

Mi-6. When I had a chance to live in the 5 km away from the military airfield, where such "Eagles" were based. The sound of the engines flying monster still stands in the ears.

And his version of the fire. Same crashed while fighting fires in France.

"Sweet Couple»

Another representative tezhelovesov. Mi-10:

A worthy continuation of the Mi-6 - Mi-26 - the world's largest serial transport helicopter:

Legendary worker - Mi-8:

Equally legendary fighters:

... And Mi-24V

Veteran Mi-4, just buried in the ground:

And finally on helicopters. Most I, served in the Navy, a close - the Ka-25 - anti-submarine ship-based helicopter. Is the first domestic helicopter, was originally designed for combat use and became the first anti-submarine and the first combat helicopter initially USSR. On the basis of Ca-25, a large number of modifications for use in various applications.

Continuing the theme of the Navy, stop at the Yak-38 - Deck attack, the first Soviet serial VTOL:

Yak-141. The world's second multipurpose supersonic VTOL. For a long time remained the only aircraft in the world with similar characteristics.

Flying boat Be-12:

Another product that extends the naval theme. Ekranolёt Beriev VVA-14 or 14M-1P. The experimental apparatus to study the problem of contactless takeoff - landing. Test 14M-1H conducted in the waters of the Taganrog Bay of the Azov Sea in 1976
The remains of a single copy are waiting for restoration:

Yak-36 - Deck attack, the prototype of the first Soviet serial VTOL Yak-38:

Kohl Yaks are talking about, pay attention to the Yak-15 - the first jet fighter, the Air Force adopted the USSR. Designed based on the Yak-3. The Soviet Air Force Yak-15 was regarded as a transitional aircraft, and only used for retraining flight crews from piston to jet fighters.

Scout Yak-25RV:

Yakov finish line of the Yak-28.

MiGs are presented almost all post-war cars. That overall plan:
I, today, braked. Waiting impressions and wishes. Uchtu them in the second part, which will be tomorrow.
