History Shrek - abandoned dog who found a home
With the help of veterinary clinics and caring people, the poor man was rescued and found a new home.
Pesic, was nicknamed Shrek because of his matted dirty "mane", I found a new home and a lot of fans around the world. Male doctor Brands Go Shrek found in a forest in Ontario, and then the dog almost could not move. His thick matted fur, paws were covered with blisters, and build-up formed on the eye.
In vetklinike Park Road him sostrigla 1, 6 kg of wool, which was quite a lovely 6-year-old poodle hybrid and lapdogs. Although Shrek was scared and shy, his health went on the mend, and he began to gradually get used to the company of people and other dogs.
11 photos from here
1. That such a creature was found in the woods.
2. His hair matted and turned it into a real monsters.
3. Shrek gave sleeping pills, and veterinarians went to work.
4. They sostrigla 1, 6 kg of wool!
5. This skin, in which anything can find, weight Shrek and strongly pressed on his foot.
6. And under all this ugliness hiding here so handsome.
7. Shrek sostrigla wool, healed all wounds and removed the growth on the eye.
8. Slowly Shrek started to get used to the company of humans and other animals.
9. And after a while Shrek found a new home ...
10. ... and loving owners.
11. Good luck to you, Shrek! You deserve happiness!
Pesic, was nicknamed Shrek because of his matted dirty "mane", I found a new home and a lot of fans around the world. Male doctor Brands Go Shrek found in a forest in Ontario, and then the dog almost could not move. His thick matted fur, paws were covered with blisters, and build-up formed on the eye.
In vetklinike Park Road him sostrigla 1, 6 kg of wool, which was quite a lovely 6-year-old poodle hybrid and lapdogs. Although Shrek was scared and shy, his health went on the mend, and he began to gradually get used to the company of people and other dogs.
11 photos from here
1. That such a creature was found in the woods.

2. His hair matted and turned it into a real monsters.

3. Shrek gave sleeping pills, and veterinarians went to work.

4. They sostrigla 1, 6 kg of wool!

5. This skin, in which anything can find, weight Shrek and strongly pressed on his foot.

6. And under all this ugliness hiding here so handsome.

7. Shrek sostrigla wool, healed all wounds and removed the growth on the eye.

8. Slowly Shrek started to get used to the company of humans and other animals.

9. And after a while Shrek found a new home ...

10. ... and loving owners.

11. Good luck to you, Shrek! You deserve happiness!
