Arkady Severny
You want songs? They have me ...
Fadeev Alibasov, Ukupnik, Drobysh, Prigogine, Jan, God forgive me, Rudkovskaja ...
Who are these clowns?
What, what? Pro-du-sulfur? So that's it ... Then tell me who these "Shashel beaten" oldies?
It will be 40 photos. And the author's comments
2.If you know - hats off.
If not - take a pencil and write. This legendary producer, the real devotees of the business, which in the complete absence of legal instruments made on the enthusiasm that today, trying to make the characters listed at the beginning of Lent.
In the first photo Sergei Maklakov - Blokadnik, learned and poverty and prison, master "entries on the edges", the man who stood at the origins of the clandestine manufacture of forbidden artists studio recordings. Thanks to him, ascended Star Arcadia North, it is first opened and gave a start in life begins Executive Alexander Rosenbaum in 1983.
3. On the second photo - Vladislav Petrovich Kotsishevsky, musician and producer from Odessa, below - quite a legendary figure, a businessman from God - Rudolf Fuchs. He first made an amateur record of student Arkady North in 1963, he released his first disc on his own record company in the United States in the 80 th year ...
And on the fourth picture - Stas Eruslane. How many times have I heard that name from the mouth of the Northern Arcadia, clinging to a schoolboy hissing dynamics coil magician!
4. Recalls Sergei Maklakov: In 1955, by chance acquainted with the people who produced the house records, as they say, on the edges. And Bender said, "Things are moving." In the same year I buy German equipment "Telefunken" Looking good and intelligent man, who worked in a studio at the University. There was a smart studio for the production of records. I adopt some experience. I even cutters to cut the sound track of the good he was doing drills.
It was then I have one friend engineer Ruslan Theological because it is here that such could do: He orders the two matrices well, for example, Peter Leshchenko. Matrix size records - we comrade. Lenin, the price is 15 cents. Inserts Lenin's speech between the two matrices heated and Peter Leshchenko sang. The quality of the original disc can not be distinguished. He did recorders for machines for the production of these discs. And I did cutters disc itself.
5.A united all these wonderful people, devotees of the business, the legendary singer, people's artist of truly
Arkady Severny.
6. If at the mention of the name pop up in your mind the word "Prison" and "Chanson", the more you can not read. Continue to listen to Dima Bilan ...
North - a phenomenon this phenomenon. Just imagine - for the entire creative career he did not have a single minute on television or on the radio one second, a single line in the newspaper or magazine, no (!) Official concert.
But, while everyone knew his voice. His songs listened to the whole country, from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad!
7.Populyarnost Northern Arcadia was comparable to the popularity of Vladimir Vysotsky, who was a general phenomenon of the planetary order. And this despite the fact that Vysotsky was primarily a poet, he wrote, he starred in the movie, he knew by sight.
North only sang. But, as he sang! It was an absolute hit in the top ten, the camp was waiting for the new Utesova.
On incredible popularity of the North says such a fact: in the last years of his life, and he died in the 80th, he was drinking. He drank a lot. He is nowhere officially worked, he had no property, there was no registration. Even the passport he was not! But, while he traveled around the country, he recorded concerts ... And this in the Soviet Union, where it was possible thunder in jail for a few months idle life.
The secret is simple. He was listened to and loved by workers and scientists, criminals and police. The rank and file and the officers, judges and prosecutors, secretaries of district committees and regional committees. And if he suddenly come to the attention of people oblichёnnyh power, then I heard his voice, they just reverently ask for autographs.
I will not retell the biography of an artist who is interested will always find interesting information. Let's just look at pictures, plunge into the atmosphere ...
8.Byl and an episode in the life of the North had not yet, but just Arkashov Zvezdina)
10.Semeynye photos ...
11.Eschё childhood Arkady learned to play the seven-string guitar. He had a phenomenal memory and he knew and sang to the accompaniment of guitars huge number of different songs: songs by Soviet composers, popular at the time, foreign hits and of course the "urban songs" - songs that were popular among teens at the time.
14.Dlya us schoolboys' 70s, always very sharply stood two questions:
1. Who is more beautiful, fair-haired or chёrnenkaya of ABBA
2. Who is cooler, Vysotsky or North?
15.Arkady North Island Dnieper River with Nicholas Krivorogom 1977
18.U my room hung on the wall of the same set of photos ...))
24.O man in a white shirt deserves mention. It Dmitry Mikhailovich Kalyatin known collector from St. Petersburg (1976)
He had a huge collection of music recordings, necessary acquaintances, had entrepreneurial talent and was a great expert in the field of electronics. At his apartment and its equipment it makes a lot of studio recordings of Northern Arcadia.
29.Arkady North was "grabbing on." He was invited businessmen of the shadow economy in all cities of the Soviet Union. He's in Kiev, together with his brothers Revelsonami, Modest and Frederick (Fred)
Fadeev Alibasov, Ukupnik, Drobysh, Prigogine, Jan, God forgive me, Rudkovskaja ...
Who are these clowns?
What, what? Pro-du-sulfur? So that's it ... Then tell me who these "Shashel beaten" oldies?
It will be 40 photos. And the author's comments

2.If you know - hats off.
If not - take a pencil and write. This legendary producer, the real devotees of the business, which in the complete absence of legal instruments made on the enthusiasm that today, trying to make the characters listed at the beginning of Lent.
In the first photo Sergei Maklakov - Blokadnik, learned and poverty and prison, master "entries on the edges", the man who stood at the origins of the clandestine manufacture of forbidden artists studio recordings. Thanks to him, ascended Star Arcadia North, it is first opened and gave a start in life begins Executive Alexander Rosenbaum in 1983.

3. On the second photo - Vladislav Petrovich Kotsishevsky, musician and producer from Odessa, below - quite a legendary figure, a businessman from God - Rudolf Fuchs. He first made an amateur record of student Arkady North in 1963, he released his first disc on his own record company in the United States in the 80 th year ...
And on the fourth picture - Stas Eruslane. How many times have I heard that name from the mouth of the Northern Arcadia, clinging to a schoolboy hissing dynamics coil magician!

4. Recalls Sergei Maklakov: In 1955, by chance acquainted with the people who produced the house records, as they say, on the edges. And Bender said, "Things are moving." In the same year I buy German equipment "Telefunken" Looking good and intelligent man, who worked in a studio at the University. There was a smart studio for the production of records. I adopt some experience. I even cutters to cut the sound track of the good he was doing drills.
It was then I have one friend engineer Ruslan Theological because it is here that such could do: He orders the two matrices well, for example, Peter Leshchenko. Matrix size records - we comrade. Lenin, the price is 15 cents. Inserts Lenin's speech between the two matrices heated and Peter Leshchenko sang. The quality of the original disc can not be distinguished. He did recorders for machines for the production of these discs. And I did cutters disc itself.

5.A united all these wonderful people, devotees of the business, the legendary singer, people's artist of truly
Arkady Severny.

6. If at the mention of the name pop up in your mind the word "Prison" and "Chanson", the more you can not read. Continue to listen to Dima Bilan ...
North - a phenomenon this phenomenon. Just imagine - for the entire creative career he did not have a single minute on television or on the radio one second, a single line in the newspaper or magazine, no (!) Official concert.
But, while everyone knew his voice. His songs listened to the whole country, from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad!

7.Populyarnost Northern Arcadia was comparable to the popularity of Vladimir Vysotsky, who was a general phenomenon of the planetary order. And this despite the fact that Vysotsky was primarily a poet, he wrote, he starred in the movie, he knew by sight.
North only sang. But, as he sang! It was an absolute hit in the top ten, the camp was waiting for the new Utesova.
On incredible popularity of the North says such a fact: in the last years of his life, and he died in the 80th, he was drinking. He drank a lot. He is nowhere officially worked, he had no property, there was no registration. Even the passport he was not! But, while he traveled around the country, he recorded concerts ... And this in the Soviet Union, where it was possible thunder in jail for a few months idle life.
The secret is simple. He was listened to and loved by workers and scientists, criminals and police. The rank and file and the officers, judges and prosecutors, secretaries of district committees and regional committees. And if he suddenly come to the attention of people oblichёnnyh power, then I heard his voice, they just reverently ask for autographs.
I will not retell the biography of an artist who is interested will always find interesting information. Let's just look at pictures, plunge into the atmosphere ...

8.Byl and an episode in the life of the North had not yet, but just Arkashov Zvezdina)


10.Semeynye photos ...

11.Eschё childhood Arkady learned to play the seven-string guitar. He had a phenomenal memory and he knew and sang to the accompaniment of guitars huge number of different songs: songs by Soviet composers, popular at the time, foreign hits and of course the "urban songs" - songs that were popular among teens at the time.



14.Dlya us schoolboys' 70s, always very sharply stood two questions:
1. Who is more beautiful, fair-haired or chёrnenkaya of ABBA
2. Who is cooler, Vysotsky or North?

15.Arkady North Island Dnieper River with Nicholas Krivorogom 1977



18.U my room hung on the wall of the same set of photos ...))






24.O man in a white shirt deserves mention. It Dmitry Mikhailovich Kalyatin known collector from St. Petersburg (1976)
He had a huge collection of music recordings, necessary acquaintances, had entrepreneurial talent and was a great expert in the field of electronics. At his apartment and its equipment it makes a lot of studio recordings of Northern Arcadia.





29.Arkady North was "grabbing on." He was invited businessmen of the shadow economy in all cities of the Soviet Union. He's in Kiev, together with his brothers Revelsonami, Modest and Frederick (Fred)
