12 ways to tell the story of the homeless Arcadia. All journalism in one collection!
Readers often accuse journalists of bias. And what kind of objectivity can be discussed if the laws of the genre allows to tell the same story twelve different ways, without changing the meaning? < Website publishes an amusing collection, which clearly demonstrated the characteristics of the different genres of journalism .
1. Note h3> last night in St. Petersburg alley dog bitten homeless Arcadia.
2. Report h3> We came to a gate, where at this time investigators scraped the pavement remains of homeless Arcadia. Nearby lay unfinished bottle of beer and a ticket to the Hermitage.
3. Interview h3> - What can you say about yesterday's homeless, who ate a dog?
4. Correspondence h3> In St. Petersburg, in broad daylight, the dog ate the homeless. How many of these homeless people go into the mouth of an animal, the authorities realized that all the money from the state budget to send an urgent need for food for stray dogs.
5. Article h3> Russia heading for the abyss. Statistics prove that we are doomed. Because of inflation, the population is starving. Even stray dogs desperate wait for food from people. Yesterday they ate the homeless.
6. Sketch h3> From left homeless Arcadia bit. But that scraped off the pavement, you can see the person thinking, serious, intelligent, with a bit of a sly look and a slight smile.
7. Essay h3> And it is not even eaten homeless. This Petersburg Andrei Bely, crazy Petersburg Gogol and Dostoyevsky, Mandelstam dying Petrograd, where, turning the corner, you can go crazy with any dog.
8. Outline h3> Outside, the sky was pouring St. Petersburg autumn. But for him, there is no "outside" does not exist. There was no window at the Arcadia, no walls, no home. He again went to the doorway. There's noisy students liked to leave unfinished bottle. And if you're lucky, and half-eaten hamburgers that Arkady had become accustomed to share with the local dogs. Ah, Arkady. You should not have been so good.
9. Feuilleton h3> Dogs chose the wrong time to eat Arcadia. They could not do it at the beginning of next week? No, it is necessary on Friday. We spoil the anticipation of the weekend for the whole department of Social Policy. Arkady their lives ruined forever separate all parameters. And finally, even the revenge his death, deprived social workers drinking. However, their style would be drunk, arguing it is a wake for the deceased.
10. Pamphlet h3> Well, wait? Rabble - this is not an unfortunate Arkady. Trash - it's you. Your rotten oskotinivshayasya essence. You - the Democrats - this praise. On your conscience gnawed his bones. You do homeless scientists, doctors, workers. You spend fascist stroke of the pen "optimization", leaving people on the street. You're worse than dogs who have eaten Arcadia. They ate one person. You - dozhiraete our society.
11. Obituary h3> He left us the way he lived. And so we did and remember - drunk. Not just once or twice told him not to feed dogs. But this imprudent risk was that trait, for which he loved us, occasional and frequent drinking companions dogs.
12. Press release from investigators h3> According to preliminary data, a citizen of AA without fixed abode had killed a dog by biting the teeth of at least five minutes. Features bites indicate a deliberate, well-planned action.
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