8-year-old child is saved at the cost of family
A touching story of an 8-year old boy who was saved from the fire of six members of his family at the cost of his own life.
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This tragedy occurred on Monday, January 20, upstate New York. During a fire, 8-year-old boy managed to save almost all of his family, but he was killed trying to help his uncle.
Little hero named Tyler spirit, in that tragic night he stayed with his relatives, who lived in the trailer (the classic American "mobile home" in size, about 27 m long and up to 5, 5 m wide) on the outskirts of Penfield (pc. New NY).
As told rescuers, fire broke out at 4:45 am when all nine occupants slept trailer. When Tyler woke up, the fire already raging in all. The boy sounded the alarm, shook his six relatives, they had run out and survived. After this brave boy who tried to bring his uncle Steven, who had a leg amputated, and who could not leave the house without support. Unfortunately, they both died in the fire. Unable to save and grandfather, Louis Beach.
Sam Tyler was not living in this trailer. The day before he asked permission from his mother to spend the night at grandma's house because there were holidays, and on Monday it was not necessary to go to school. He generally liked to be in this mobile home - there was always fun, he played with his cousins (4 and 6 years), and adults are often staged in the summer barbecue and fireworks.
According to firefighters, the cause of the fire was most likely the wiring.
Source: http: //
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This tragedy occurred on Monday, January 20, upstate New York. During a fire, 8-year-old boy managed to save almost all of his family, but he was killed trying to help his uncle.
Little hero named Tyler spirit, in that tragic night he stayed with his relatives, who lived in the trailer (the classic American "mobile home" in size, about 27 m long and up to 5, 5 m wide) on the outskirts of Penfield (pc. New NY).
As told rescuers, fire broke out at 4:45 am when all nine occupants slept trailer. When Tyler woke up, the fire already raging in all. The boy sounded the alarm, shook his six relatives, they had run out and survived. After this brave boy who tried to bring his uncle Steven, who had a leg amputated, and who could not leave the house without support. Unfortunately, they both died in the fire. Unable to save and grandfather, Louis Beach.
Sam Tyler was not living in this trailer. The day before he asked permission from his mother to spend the night at grandma's house because there were holidays, and on Monday it was not necessary to go to school. He generally liked to be in this mobile home - there was always fun, he played with his cousins (4 and 6 years), and adults are often staged in the summer barbecue and fireworks.
According to firefighters, the cause of the fire was most likely the wiring.

Source: http: //
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