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About Serge.

I have long noticed: a lot of people. And they are all different. This is probably because each is designed for something specific. If the pianist to give up the sledgehammer, then we get a pianist with a hernia injury and feet. Forcing blacksmith play the piano, we restock polished splinters. Who established this division, I do not know, but one thing he has not thought: wow man to somehow explain to him what you can do in life, and what in any case impossible. For safety. Not her. Surrounding.

That's because such a category of their own destiny neproinformirovannyh about and came originally freshly baked, delicious smelling new uniforms Lieutenant technical service of the Air Forces of the USSR Sergei.

Times were hard. Five air-technical schools of the Soviet Union produced a thousand aviation specialists each year, and is still not enough. Five thousand if dissolved in air armies grand grand grand country's armed forces. Therefore, the technical schools of people have taken, sometimes turning a blind eye to the discrepancy of the candidate chosen profession. The system of education in these schools forced to conform to any discrepancy.

Here are just a Seryozha was so primordial, profound and even mystical discrepancy, that the Soviet system of training issued Seryozha Blue Diploma "technician-mechanic operation of aircraft and aircraft engines" only modestly turned away. The system probably knew deep down that you can not admit to Serge aeronautical engineering. Then it turned out that any technology - it is impossible. But it was too late. It is finished. The regiment arrived in the person of Lieutenant completion Seryozhi. [Next]

Why not just Serge? Because his name is constantly overlooked. Well, as you might remember the name of a person resembling a cheerful, kind, clumsy puppy jumping with dangling ears and raspolzayuschimisya thick legs? A sort of universal friend from Kirghiz tanker fuel and lubricants to the regimental commander. His so-called failure, "Lieutenant Serge, go to two steps».

Oddities started as soon as the ritual went awarding lieutenants aircraft. It was officially built entire engineering staff. Before the systems were four rapid handsome MiG-21 SMT. Presentation forms, heartfelt speech, clumsy parting prospirtovannyh calloused inarticulate older techies with pauses instead of the mat, political officer fiery speech: "Carrying solutions! To put into practice! Following the precepts! The imperialists are rampant, and yet not all notes are the primary sources! We will continue! Stop stealing alcohol! Aggressive NATO! Komsomol drink vodka in jeans! "The intensity of the ideologically correct, but ignorant voice political worker knocked Lieutenant Seryozhi puzzled exclamation:" And I have a flat tire from the bottom. " Political officer choked and fell silent. Everyone looked at Sergei. Wheels bottom he was not. Most ingenious turned their heads to aircrafts. Three Migara also proudly sought in the sky and only the plane, just designated for Serge, was standing with a flat right pneumatics like a wounded crow sad and downcast. Everyone was struck by the accuracy of the description of Serёzhinogo. Indeed, the main bus stand right lower part of the plane lying on the concrete. And on top of anything yet. Round and it is inflated.

And they say that a piece of iron does not feel anything. These people are rude and heartless, but the creation of human genius immediately realized that he could face in the future and longed advance.

Plane as the water looked. In Seryozhi broke everything that could. That break could not, in principle, to spit on the principles and too broke. This Seryozha did not even have a hand to apply. It is missing one of his eyes and thought in my head: "You have to repair it." Victim of potential repairs immediately capitulated and self-destructive.

People in Aviation understands quickly. All instantly we realized that among them humbly walks outstanding man, a worthy recognition of his eccentricity, and began to cut it all faults and private schools. A month later, even the commander of the battalion airfield Logistics quite seriously argued that the I-beam is bent in a hangar because passing by Sergei. Therefore Bato is not guilty and repair will not be engaged. Better Serge is like here and there, a beam of fright and straighten.

The heaviest share fell chief executives Semyonitch TECH. More Semyonitch war caught the edge. He Yak-3 Samurai ammunition fitted out. He was 30 years in aviation. He could not part with it. He loved her. While his unit did not come Serge. And all seasoned than maybe seasoned Semyonitch only at the end of the service realized that the war with the samurai - one of the most cloudless period of his life, because there was a gate of possible defeat, and Sergei unwinnable. Samurai compared with Sergei - appendix sluggish. Samurai can not look bent I-beams. Weakling he samurai this. And seasoned Semyonitch broke. He fawned Serge, asking him not to approach the plane, and personally, his hardened hands, preparing to fly his airplane.

It seemed such a way irrepressible Serёzhinu managed to balance the energy. It turned out that it seemed. He has this energy bubbling, gurgling, and sought a way out. And I found a way out. Since I pushed away from the iron components of the aircraft, the impact was on the radio-electronic equipment. Gradually. That is not right. In a sense, indirectly. Roundabout. By washing the airplane when translated into winter operation. Learned people knowing grin: clear all filled with water, that shorted. Right now! Serge is not of that caliber. Such a person will not wash the aircraft. He will paint it. Together with rust and dirt. Be particularly careful to mud. Painted mud is very aesthetic. Here are just a cone, revealing sighting system and other scattered here and there on the airframe antenna with radio waves eroded coating violated artistic harmony. I had to paint them too. Well, that green paint at the airport is complete. She painted the wheels from tankers. Beautifully turned out! Only the plane somehow pathetically mowed landing light and quietly sobbed.

Then came radio operators. Serge treated to a cigarette (it never was) and have got to check your electronics. Sergei smoked and proudly admiring freshly painted, cast metallic luster. Radio operators have checked everything. Nothing works. Surprised. Once again we checked. Once again surprised. Got out, lit a cigarette and began to swear. Pomateritsya and began to change the units. Mother, of course. On the second day blocks over, and obscene words were repeated. On the third day came the main radio operator, looked battle-eye panorama and gently asked: "Serge, zaёrshenny wire up your ass, you paint a colored antenna?". Serge replied honestly: "Green." And just in case I pushed away leg rope inappropriately turned around. With ustatku did not beat him. Pendali and cuffs are not considered. Just as a punishment from said drag TECH mobile screening center, showed where to connect the plug connector and cursing wearily went flipping clever scheme, simultaneously coming up with fresh Seryozha abusive epithets. They thought that nothing else can happen. What can happen? After all, the SR has protivodurakovoe device in the form of two pins of different diameters. And in the second leg of the two holes is also different, but the corresponding pins diameter. It is impossible to connect the wrong thought naive radio operators.

But against this fool any protivodurakovoe device is still a joiner beside a carpenter. When Sergei discovered that the IMP does not become the place he made eight control vtykivany with a gradual build-up of forces, then rose from the depths of his memory all the knowledge acquired in school, he added to it a little bit poor analytical ability and found that (quote) "pin thick and slim hole ". "So that's why it will not go!" - Struck a certified technician. SR flip 180 degrees - a boring decision. And Serge, fun unscrewing the guide pin, which is thicker, joyful leaps raced to grind it down to the desired diameter for the sample taking smaller diameter pin.

I will not describe further, because the talent is needed here. Of course I could list a verbal momentum zoofilicheskie analogy, tips unconventional use of various objects, erotic description of routes and points of final destination, but it is prohibited by law. Home, Sergei was still alive. Although not quite understand, because of what was all this commotion. However, the bubble and gurgle he stopped for a while.

The trouble came from not waiting. In my opinion, it is not a correct expression. In the army, always waiting for trouble from one place. Because of higher headquarters. This time the trouble took the form of an inspector for the Air Force Flight Training. The trouble was promoted to general and related bodily proportions. It is terrifying. This is logical. If you do not terrible, what are you, General? All Soviet generals terrifying. Everyone. Villains, of course, is the impact of crippling, and our military personal. They are accustomed. They are subjected to such exposure on a monthly basis for the psychological stability. They have on-site application of exposure corn armored pyatisantimetrovym. And yet the generals have a scent. He flair. General sniffed, smelled and had ordered him to fly "Now this board." Here paralyzed even our armored troops. The plane was Serёzhin.

To fly the plane prepared everything. Who has not been brought to the preparation, stripped away Serge, who beat the hoof, whined and also wanted to participate. The commander remembered how to survive in distant garrisons and, in any case, Botha went on the hair dryer. Zampolit frantically flipping through decisions of party congresses in search of guidance. Not finding any, he went to the aircraft and, looking around fearfully, finely smoked baptized nozzle. Semyonitch with samurai serenity honed rasp for hara-kiri.

Flying. General in the air. At the airport of impending stress a strange strangled silence. Everything sounding like a gas mask on zvukoizdavatel pulled. Clattering and whistling engines are now usually publish some prishepёtyvanie. Colors faded. MiGs on their way taxiing sideways, gently fingering the landing gear. In concrete pig is the command of the regiment. (It's a way of building, not appearance.) All peer-to-end bandwidth. The commander on the courageous readiness to face the inevitable. Zam. of IAS quietly smiling. It took more inevitable in the morning.

Planting. Tension thickened, condensed and began to drip. He sat down! The parachute came out !!! Taxis !!!

All at once came to life and resound. Blow up the colors and smells, even cheered technique or, as one correspondent wrote Garrison rag, "planes, rattling and bouncing, rolling down the runway." Zampolit to celebrate passionately kissed Brezhnev's book "virgin lands" and as an honest Communist, has promised to marry her. Semyonitch threw unit tunes on his stomach rasp, is valiantly grabbed a folding ladder and skorenko drove her to the cabin. The general got out and stood on the top of the stairs. His face was pretty. He smiled graciously and paternally looked at all the top. Below is reigned jubilation. The smiles, pats, utiraniya sweaty bald head. In this euphoria, no one noticed, as near stepladder proved Serge training aircraft with a magazine in her hands. Sergei smiled happily and yelled at the top of "Comrade General !!! Let me get comments !!!!! »

The inspector shuddered, stunned by the sudden acoustic shock. Stepladder startled stunned vzdrognuvshim general, dropped the stopper, fixing it half and broke into two parts. General hung there in the air a little, hurt-looking reproachfully on a frozen crowd and all his bodily proportions with champ fell on concrete.

Now it became clear that to deal with this dark force is not possible. It was said that the deputy. regiment commander for ISS Sergei tried to sell alcohol for a can steer political officer for the Young Communist League, Ali more than necessary, but even the fearless Commissioner shoves his feet and spat saliva, but would not admit to Serge Saint. Risk ideology and world view, he could not. Although it would be political officer podalnovidnee, he would take Seryozha to party work. Now would be no doubt who is to blame for the fact that the power suddenly collapsed and communism was never built. However, I then lost track Seryozhi. Maybe fate has thrown him into the country's leadership, and he's reached the height of his talent? Had he not led the country in the middle of the glorious 80s? Painfully look like handwriting. Although unlikely. Sergei could polyset over the years, but the spots on his head was not exact. He was not. Just the same, but he is not. That was kind of Mishan. But the same.

Author: Alexander Artemenko
