How to force the bank to accept a fine trifle?
It is difficult to imagine how much stuff is now at hand, in homes, bank and purses of Russians. Moscow Region resident decided to see how employees would react "Savings Bank" to pay thousand-penalty fines, and tried to fix it all. What came out of it - in a report, "Reedus»
The purpose of the experiment - to see the reaction and the actions of "Savings Bank" to pay the penalty fines. And, looking ahead, you can immediately tell that to pay this penalty had to spend as much as two days, apply to several bank branches and communicate with law enforcement officials. But first things first, and to start a small law help.
Any bank in the territory of Russia is obliged to accept money in any form, whether it coin in a penny or torn wash dozen. The main thing that was in the safety of the series and number of banknotes. However, there are some internal rules, which bank employees often refer not to fool their brains, for instance, the same fines. But consumers should know that the internal instructions for the internal and that apply only to employees.
As for the photos and videos on the territory of the banks ...
Shoot, or rather, to film in Russia can be in any public place. But in any situation in the first place, there are pitfalls, and secondly, misunderstanding or incorrect interpretation of various rights and rules. The right to seek, receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information by any legal means, with the exception of information constituting a state secret, we will grant 29 article of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Nevertheless, there is an article 24, which prohibits the collection of information about the private life of a person without his consent. But it is worth noting that this does not apply to employees of banks, as they are at work though, but in a public place.
Thus, once again, to get a grasp and obtaining their legal rights, the authors of this material went to the bank.
First Bank, which we visited, was the separation of "Savings Bank" in the streets of Leo Tolstoy. After receiving the voucher number line we went to the window, out of which we have not yet looked anxious eyes of Julia. She took the receipt, hammered the necessary information and indicate the amount to pay - 1000 rubles + commission.
Payer pulled out of the bag and the bag with a trifle loudly put it on the table. Julius laughed aloud, and began to consider ...
The action is continued for a long time ... This writer was ready to personally applaud Julia, Germany Oskarovich and around the "Savings Bank". Since the employee never said a word about the phone directed toward her, nor expressed his dissatisfaction trifle, but on the contrary, was lovely, friendly and competent. However, the operation to complete the payment of the fine was not possible, as the senior cashier would rather go home, and on completion of the counting of Julia took a long time. So how come we do have a bank closure, some sense of guilt was present. But on the other hand, the employees of the bank then immediately should refuse to pay, and to explain it to the early closure of the institution. But this did not happen. Thus, Julia did not manage to finish the payment. The next branch of the bank was the same "Savings Bank", but in Odintsovo. Despite the fact that, in general, we were set for a positive and rapid resolution of the situation, we had a surprise. Again received the voucher, we approached the cashier.
Like last time, the report's author, without hiding your phone, including recording and put the employee in front. She immediately asked to turn it off because it her "confused." In response, she tried to explain that it is impossible to make a pre-apologize for the inconvenience. Sense to go into detail and explain to her why it is possible to film, the authors were not reporting.
As soon as someone to get a package with a trifle, and also put it in front of an employee as she once refused to take the coins. "I will not be considered", - Ekaterina Timofeeva delivered the verdict. Then she asked to sort the coins and redirected us to another cashier, who three minutes to dial up the security (by the way, these employees, we have not seen, because of which there were doubts whether they exist at all).
And our new cashier again asked to remove the phone and sort coins. We were asked to show any document that requires the customer's bank to meet these requirements. Instead of searching for documents, the employee continued to dial in to Security Bank. After some time, the manager appeared. Nothing new girl did not say, but it is worth noting, said much more polite than its predecessors subordinates. While it is understandable to lose it seems much more if that ...
It is noteworthy that the author of the report was repeatedly asked to show any document in which, first, refers to the prohibition of video in the bank, and secondly, the burden of sorting monies lies with the client. Moreover, promised that if they see these regulations immediately saluted, do everything "as it should be." However, it is obvious that such documents exist in nature.
After much wrangling, 15 minutes later, we were invited to the next to the cashier, who still set to counting money, the operation to pay the fine. And I began to do everything very slowly. we soon found out why.
After another 20 minutes, the police arrived. Governor of the Bank demanded the execution of our site, quartered in this form to send to Siberia, in general, to hold, as soon as possible.
The reaction of law enforcement was expected: the causes of delay we did not have, and the bank's employees in the police request to provide documents that prohibit shooting, so anything sensible to say and could not.
It is also worth noting that the administration of the bank is not limited to only one call the police. Man came to the aid of one of the officers that depicted in the video. The young man with the habits of the district "gangsta" promised to "personally" to understand the situation, as it was necessary to inform law enforcement, then the ardor of the men died down. It is noteworthy that in the course of our "misunderstanding" on the horizon and does not add any security officer of the bank.
A completed more or less hepiendom: woman-cashier under the control of police finally took "kopek" fine amount of 1000 rubles. We waited another half hour until the bank's employees will write the statement, and the law enforcement agencies themselves were surprised: "What did they write this? For some article you? ". It is understood that for no. But bank officials very much wanted to take revenge for the fact that they were forced to serve as quality ...

The purpose of the experiment - to see the reaction and the actions of "Savings Bank" to pay the penalty fines. And, looking ahead, you can immediately tell that to pay this penalty had to spend as much as two days, apply to several bank branches and communicate with law enforcement officials. But first things first, and to start a small law help.
Any bank in the territory of Russia is obliged to accept money in any form, whether it coin in a penny or torn wash dozen. The main thing that was in the safety of the series and number of banknotes. However, there are some internal rules, which bank employees often refer not to fool their brains, for instance, the same fines. But consumers should know that the internal instructions for the internal and that apply only to employees.
As for the photos and videos on the territory of the banks ...
Shoot, or rather, to film in Russia can be in any public place. But in any situation in the first place, there are pitfalls, and secondly, misunderstanding or incorrect interpretation of various rights and rules. The right to seek, receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information by any legal means, with the exception of information constituting a state secret, we will grant 29 article of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Nevertheless, there is an article 24, which prohibits the collection of information about the private life of a person without his consent. But it is worth noting that this does not apply to employees of banks, as they are at work though, but in a public place.
Thus, once again, to get a grasp and obtaining their legal rights, the authors of this material went to the bank.
First Bank, which we visited, was the separation of "Savings Bank" in the streets of Leo Tolstoy. After receiving the voucher number line we went to the window, out of which we have not yet looked anxious eyes of Julia. She took the receipt, hammered the necessary information and indicate the amount to pay - 1000 rubles + commission.
Payer pulled out of the bag and the bag with a trifle loudly put it on the table. Julius laughed aloud, and began to consider ...
The action is continued for a long time ... This writer was ready to personally applaud Julia, Germany Oskarovich and around the "Savings Bank". Since the employee never said a word about the phone directed toward her, nor expressed his dissatisfaction trifle, but on the contrary, was lovely, friendly and competent. However, the operation to complete the payment of the fine was not possible, as the senior cashier would rather go home, and on completion of the counting of Julia took a long time. So how come we do have a bank closure, some sense of guilt was present. But on the other hand, the employees of the bank then immediately should refuse to pay, and to explain it to the early closure of the institution. But this did not happen. Thus, Julia did not manage to finish the payment. The next branch of the bank was the same "Savings Bank", but in Odintsovo. Despite the fact that, in general, we were set for a positive and rapid resolution of the situation, we had a surprise. Again received the voucher, we approached the cashier.
Like last time, the report's author, without hiding your phone, including recording and put the employee in front. She immediately asked to turn it off because it her "confused." In response, she tried to explain that it is impossible to make a pre-apologize for the inconvenience. Sense to go into detail and explain to her why it is possible to film, the authors were not reporting.
As soon as someone to get a package with a trifle, and also put it in front of an employee as she once refused to take the coins. "I will not be considered", - Ekaterina Timofeeva delivered the verdict. Then she asked to sort the coins and redirected us to another cashier, who three minutes to dial up the security (by the way, these employees, we have not seen, because of which there were doubts whether they exist at all).
And our new cashier again asked to remove the phone and sort coins. We were asked to show any document that requires the customer's bank to meet these requirements. Instead of searching for documents, the employee continued to dial in to Security Bank. After some time, the manager appeared. Nothing new girl did not say, but it is worth noting, said much more polite than its predecessors subordinates. While it is understandable to lose it seems much more if that ...
It is noteworthy that the author of the report was repeatedly asked to show any document in which, first, refers to the prohibition of video in the bank, and secondly, the burden of sorting monies lies with the client. Moreover, promised that if they see these regulations immediately saluted, do everything "as it should be." However, it is obvious that such documents exist in nature.
After much wrangling, 15 minutes later, we were invited to the next to the cashier, who still set to counting money, the operation to pay the fine. And I began to do everything very slowly. we soon found out why.
After another 20 minutes, the police arrived. Governor of the Bank demanded the execution of our site, quartered in this form to send to Siberia, in general, to hold, as soon as possible.
The reaction of law enforcement was expected: the causes of delay we did not have, and the bank's employees in the police request to provide documents that prohibit shooting, so anything sensible to say and could not.
It is also worth noting that the administration of the bank is not limited to only one call the police. Man came to the aid of one of the officers that depicted in the video. The young man with the habits of the district "gangsta" promised to "personally" to understand the situation, as it was necessary to inform law enforcement, then the ardor of the men died down. It is noteworthy that in the course of our "misunderstanding" on the horizon and does not add any security officer of the bank.
A completed more or less hepiendom: woman-cashier under the control of police finally took "kopek" fine amount of 1000 rubles. We waited another half hour until the bank's employees will write the statement, and the law enforcement agencies themselves were surprised: "What did they write this? For some article you? ". It is understood that for no. But bank officials very much wanted to take revenge for the fact that they were forced to serve as quality ...