As the sailor Qaeda killed Germans fist
The group of Marines from the unit Kunnikova. Qaeda second from the right in the top row. Of this group, survived only three people, including himself Qaeda.
This event took place at the Little Earth. The composition of assault detachment Caesar Kunnikova entered sailor Vladimir Nikitivich Qaeda. Before the war he served as a mechanic in the Dnieper flotilla, during the defense of Odessa participated in the landing at Grigorievka, which was severely wounded, and after the treatment was sent to the Marines.
Once Qaeda was under German bombing. Dive bombers, one after another bombing targeted a trench in which he was. Then Qaeda decided that the safest place to wait out the bombing, is a German trench, since its position the German bombers to bomb will not. The fact that the trench can be Germans, and all the stores to its machine empty for a long time, our man found little significant factor. In his youth, and the young 22-year-Qaida believed to years of service in the Navy, he happened to kill a bull in the dispute fist blow. Bull was also much healthier than the average German.
The enemy trench was empty. In it were two spotters. That they have imposed on the radio Junkers. One surprise has not had time to do anything. Qaeda punched him right in the helmet, and a steel helmet cutting his skull. Another German reached for the gun, and has already managed to remove it from the fuse and pull the gate, but he was hit under his chin. The cervical vertebrae are cracked, and the second German fell dead on the bottom of the trench.
Qaeda felt master of the trench. He pulled out of the pockets of dead documents. It may be useful in the headquarters. One nazi chest was pinned iron cross and a medal, the other only one medal. I removed them and pocketed.
Both the Nazis on the belts hanging jar. Qaeda unbuckled one, unscrewed the lid and tried. It turned out the wine. He drained the whole jar. The second, which was also wine, clipped to his belt.
Bombing subsided. Stop receiving adjustments on the radio, the pilots went to the airfield. For the trench heard the clatter of steps - our sailors, taking advantage of a break in the bombing, decided to destroy the spotters. Wearing peakless cap on the barrel machine Qaeda waved it above the parapet and shouted: "There is your own!". (In the photo: The three surviving soldiers from the same group. Qaida - the extreme right. Picture taken against the background of the monument to the unknown sailor Novorossiysk for which the sculptor himself posing Qaeda.)

This event took place at the Little Earth. The composition of assault detachment Caesar Kunnikova entered sailor Vladimir Nikitivich Qaeda. Before the war he served as a mechanic in the Dnieper flotilla, during the defense of Odessa participated in the landing at Grigorievka, which was severely wounded, and after the treatment was sent to the Marines.
Once Qaeda was under German bombing. Dive bombers, one after another bombing targeted a trench in which he was. Then Qaeda decided that the safest place to wait out the bombing, is a German trench, since its position the German bombers to bomb will not. The fact that the trench can be Germans, and all the stores to its machine empty for a long time, our man found little significant factor. In his youth, and the young 22-year-Qaida believed to years of service in the Navy, he happened to kill a bull in the dispute fist blow. Bull was also much healthier than the average German.
The enemy trench was empty. In it were two spotters. That they have imposed on the radio Junkers. One surprise has not had time to do anything. Qaeda punched him right in the helmet, and a steel helmet cutting his skull. Another German reached for the gun, and has already managed to remove it from the fuse and pull the gate, but he was hit under his chin. The cervical vertebrae are cracked, and the second German fell dead on the bottom of the trench.
Qaeda felt master of the trench. He pulled out of the pockets of dead documents. It may be useful in the headquarters. One nazi chest was pinned iron cross and a medal, the other only one medal. I removed them and pocketed.
Both the Nazis on the belts hanging jar. Qaeda unbuckled one, unscrewed the lid and tried. It turned out the wine. He drained the whole jar. The second, which was also wine, clipped to his belt.
Bombing subsided. Stop receiving adjustments on the radio, the pilots went to the airfield. For the trench heard the clatter of steps - our sailors, taking advantage of a break in the bombing, decided to destroy the spotters. Wearing peakless cap on the barrel machine Qaeda waved it above the parapet and shouted: "There is your own!". (In the photo: The three surviving soldiers from the same group. Qaida - the extreme right. Picture taken against the background of the monument to the unknown sailor Novorossiysk for which the sculptor himself posing Qaeda.)
