Book Red Army (1948).
I'm afraid cons grab, because in the book there is not tolerant recording.
8 photos.
First spread
2 pp.
3 p.
Then no matter how tolerant about Zap.Ukrainu
5 p.
6 pp.
MiG-15 fighter of the first generation
Most retarded children's books
Why was a table-book in every family and can it somehow fit into the modern interior?
Manuals for the Red Army
How to hijack planes from the Soviet Union (8 photos)
The Wizard of Oz
Dostoevsky ... 2018 ...
The future of books
Why do we need "Book rescuer"
Troop search engines "Demyansk"
Military reenactment at Chernogolovka near Moscow (50 photos)
Terminator of Luhansk region
Hatred for the enemy
Roman Smischuk one against the German "Tiger"
Another book on the poop (14 prints)
Show your papers!
Sonia Centurion: "I do not dream, do not understand the mechanism"
My small fleet)
History Standartenfiihrer SS, who received two Stalin Prizes
My favorite car childhood
The final blow Stalin
80 years Vasily Shukshin.
MiG-15 fighter of the first generation
Most retarded children's books
Why was a table-book in every family and can it somehow fit into the modern interior?
Manuals for the Red Army
How to hijack planes from the Soviet Union (8 photos)
The Wizard of Oz
Dostoevsky ... 2018 ...
The future of books
Why do we need "Book rescuer"
Troop search engines "Demyansk"
Military reenactment at Chernogolovka near Moscow (50 photos)
Terminator of Luhansk region
Hatred for the enemy
Roman Smischuk one against the German "Tiger"
Another book on the poop (14 prints)
Show your papers!
Sonia Centurion: "I do not dream, do not understand the mechanism"
My small fleet)
History Standartenfiihrer SS, who received two Stalin Prizes
My favorite car childhood
The final blow Stalin
80 years Vasily Shukshin.
Replacing trim seats.
"And then what?"