Roman Smischuk one against the German "Tiger"

Roman Semenovich Smischuk born in the village Volosovo-Kriklivets in the Vinnitsa region of Ukraine. Before the war, he started a family and had a son. He has worked in the police and in the factory and on the farm. In June 1941, Roman was 40 years old. The Red Army did not have time to call upon it to defend the country - the Germans were advancing so rapidly that in July 1941, his home was occupied by Vinnytsia region.
The share Smischuka and his villagers fell many hardships and troubles. Not far from Vinnitsa Hitler's headquarters "Werewolf", so on the orders of the occupying territories were particularly violent.
In 1944, the Vinnytsya region freed, then that Roman Semenovich and his son and called into the Red Army.
In the first battle of yesterday farmer he showed himself a real hero.
50th Infantry Division, which was distributed to the newly Smischuk Red Army, broke into the territory of Romania. The Germans desperately fought for these lands: Wehrmacht all the equipment working on fuel Romanian oil fields, so the loss of Romania would have been the enemy special punch.
The end of May 1944. The Nazis launched a fierce counterattack, forcing Soviet troops to move from defense to attack.
The regiment, which served as a Roman Smischuk, took up a position north of the city of Iasi on Mount Ollariol. June 4 the Germans stormed the occupied territory of the fighters. On this day, Roman and many of his colleagues who, like him, have long lived under the yoke of occupation, took the first battle in life.
During the assault company, which served as a Red Army soldier Smischuk was surrounded. Soviet soldiers took perimeter defense. By moving the trenches German tanks. 16 Hitler's "Tigers", followed by the infantry.
Roman Smischuk, forgetting the fear attacked. After letting the German "Tiger" closer, almost back to back, threw a grenade under the chassis - a tank got up into the engine compartment, he threw a Molotov cocktail, and the machine lit up like a torch. Once, in a newspaper heading "hero of the Word", Roman will remember:
"When the tanks began to approach, I remembered how in 1941 the fascists in our village tanks crushed the prisoners ... I remembered about it, and such hatred heart sank! That's where Herod-Nazis could take revenge. And with this feeling, I rushed to the vexed tanks. "

Soon blazed the second and the third tank. A Roman Semenovich continued to destroy enemy vehicles. Grenades and run out of the bottle. Red Army soldier ran through the trench. I found another. The forces at the end.
And Hitler's "tigers" all the rod into position. The fourth tank fire. Another effort. He knocked out fifth.
Just like in a fog. Lights up six tanks. The enemy does not recede. Again Nazi machine is nearing the trenches. Exhausted, the hero fainted. A tank began ironing trench, the earth fell asleep Red Army. One of the soldiers, inspired by the feat Smischuka, followed suit, and now burns seventh car.
The enemy retreated. A Soviet soldiers break out, went to his.
June 12, 1944 Roman Semenovich Smischuku awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. At the award brought his son Gregory. Guide Red Army granted the request, and before the end of the war, father and son have served together.
The news about the heroism of ordinary Smischuka spread through all front-line newspaper. And in the magazine "Red Army" printed humorous poem:
"Case Wizard afraid»
"In the years of the hero. But, among other things,
And the young will give an example.
Vaughn razmolochen fascist tank -
Collective farmer threshing much. "

Source: defendingrussia.ru