Night at the Museum of the border:

We were able to penetrate the inner sanctum of the FSB! There, where men hold most of the front boundary secret - items confiscated from spies, smugglers and other scoundrels, disturb the peace of our country. Look what we saw there!

19 photo.

Footwear for the secret crossing trace strip

Hoof boar

The product consists of two pieces of solid wood with leather straps. It leaves a characteristic trail of cloven-hoofed animals. Time seizure: 20 years of the last century.

Bots-buskins wooden

Solid wood base with three projections simulates the trail of something non-human (perhaps even extraterrestrial). Time of withdrawal: 20-30 years of the last century.


Simulates trail clown, straying from the circus. Time of withdrawal: 20-30 years of the last century.


Do not allow to sink in the snow. It was commandeered a German spy. Time of withdrawal: 20-30 years of the last century.

Horse hooves on the braid

Made from natural materials (hoof, skin). Attached to the hands and feet defector. Before 1939 there were in the Brest Fortress. How rare and valuable artifacts were taken to Moscow, where the forces of Nazi Germany invaded Poland.

Bots-cork buskins

Simulates trace children's bench. It was assumed that the border guards did not suspect child bench malicious border crossing.


Garment Accessories

In the photo - the party of contraband pearl buttons inside the frozen fish. Buttons, buckles and clothes, sewing needles secretly transported across the border during the NEP. All of these things have been extremely valuable deficit.


Bag with braided yen

Shopping bag of rice straw was removed controller Davydov on Sakhalin border in 1947. Between straw was woven into illegal currency - the Japanese yen.

Boots for women in heels with cache

Shoes, inside of which a citizen of the USSR in the 20s tried to take abroad smuggled diamonds (cargo of precious stones - see photo). The arrest was the final long rassledovatelnoy operation.



December 27, 1935 at a checkpoint "Negoreloye" (Soviet-Polish border) from Moscow on the phone it's a very strange designation. NKVD Peter Barefoot mull over him for an hour. Moscow assumed that across the border that day will go a Japanese diplomat, who will try to take out the two Soviet women in the luggage. Twenty-four hours ago, these ladies went to the Japanese Embassy, ​​and did not go there. But UNC Katsumi attache came with two huge suitcases, and then took a train from Moscow to Berlin. Moscow ordered not to allow the export. However, if the guards vskroyut diplomatic baggage, and there will be no citizen Barefoot receive 5 years. If women still vyvezut - too.

When Mr. Katsumi really arrived at the station Negoreloye (with two suitcases, damn it!), Peter ordered to stop his train, ostensibly to repair. In the process of moving to a different part of the Japanese porters we had to deal with luggage attache possible negligence. Suitcases throwing, beating an acute angle of the platform - there no sound. In the end, one of the porters put his hand into the hole that broke through during the transfer, and felt human breath. Women, one of which was the mistress of the Japanese, and the other - her mother (where the same without Tiffany's!) Were triumphantly extracted and sent to stage for an attempt to cross the border illegally and spying. Attache with the scandal released. Now the long-suffering bags take pride of place in the museum. Women lost among thousands of others of the same exiles, prisoners and executed.

Flasks wearable

Nanozhnye, back wraps and wrist to smuggle a jar of alcohol. Seized in the 30s of the last century at about the same Nepmen speculators who imported buttons and needles.


Shooting handle

We use special agents of the US and the UK in the early twentieth century. The caliber bullets - 2 mm, which implies a treacherous fire at close range on the sly.

Switchblade knives with blade

Confiscated from enemy agents and spies knives can be activated by pressing a special button. At the beginning of the XX century this could not conceive that the yard is not the boy, but they themselves Soviet border guards.


Desyatizaryadny pistol disguised as a building roulette. Used to destroy the enemy at close range point shot in the head.

Gloves pistol

For the right glove bolted single-shot pistol. To achieve the effect of surprise villain hides behind the right hand clothes lapel or pocket. The gun fires from a push with his fist in the back or chest of the victim.

