Problems Mint UK

In the UK, people with disabilities of all kinds are precautionary, do not forget about them even when planning the release of metallic money. All denominations are made so that they can determine the blind groping. Tiny five pence, flat round coin 10 pence, 20 pence, which has an octagonal shape.
Large coin 50 pence for the blind distinguishable its octagonal shape and define sighted her profile Checa Britain militant lady with a trident and combat helmet in ancient Greek style
Coin one pound too with what can not be confused, even in complete darkness, it is twice thicker than the others. In turn it introduced in 1983 to replace the care one pound note.
On one side - the profile of the British Queen Elizabeth II, on the other - the royal coat of arms stamped on the rim inscription in Latin DECUS ET TUTAMEN («decoration and protection", protection against forgery)
Indeed, work is fine, easy to fake. So, in any case, I think the developers and creators of the monetary unit.
Royal Mint for many years closely followed the money supply, and in March of last year made a shocking announcement: turnover is half a billion coins in one pound, according to the Mint 3.04 percent of them - fake.
In terms of numbers understandable - it is 45 million pounds. It turns out that every 33th coin - falshak.
Last year, the Customs at the port of Dover seized consignment, declared as "car parts". Under a thick layer of metal washers 22 mm were hundreds of thousands of freshly minted coins.
The quality was so excellent that the experts had trouble locating difference. Trail led to Amsterdam, in a legitimate stamping facility for the production of signs and sample application on metal bars.
In a small, sheltered workshop stood advanced equipment, high-speed punch, capable of producing hundreds of pound coins every minute. This, with a break for a smoke, when working in three shifts could give 150,000 pounds per day.
It is clear that this money is not free. Firstly - equipment, which invested millions. Second, the workpiece from a special metal alloy that had to buy from the subcontractor.
And yet, criminologists believed that the cost of production for counterfeiters was about 20 pence apiece, they sold the products well organized crime 70 cents. Net profit - 40 pence coin with.
Similar falshivomonetnye yards later found in north London and Essex.
On the scale of a country with an annual GDP of more than two trillion these 45 million in general not very noticeable, but agree - the disorder.
Measures have been taken, the new model of a pound, it will start to go in 2017.
The coin will be shaped along the rim - 12 wavy edges, it is minted in two parts of different colors, and then a special machine zavaltsovyvayut them together.
You can, of course, and it's fake.
Hoping that the business plan is the production becomes unprofitable.
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