Escape from the Soviet Union (9 photos)
March 8 family of many children Irkutsk Ovechkin, consisting of mothers and 11 children, made an attempt to hijack a plane Tu-154 with the purpose of escaping from the Soviet Union abroad. However, their idea failed: after the aircraft landed, not where they needed it was taken by storm. This newly killed five terrorists mother, Ninel Ovechkin, and her four older sons. Above the surviving adult children was made a show trial.
Team members
In that fateful year Ovechkina family consisted of a mother, Ninel Sergeyevna, and 11 children aged 9 to 32 years old. There was another, the eldest daughter Ludmila, but by the time she was married and lived separately from his relatives, but because in the seizure of the aircraft was not involved. Once there was a family and a father, but he died in 1984 from severe beatings, which awarded him the elder sons. However, if no evidence is proved, and if there was such an incident in his biography Ovechkin, for what sons beat his own father - is unclear.
From left to right: Olga, Tatiana, Dmitry, Ninel Sergeyevna with Ulyana and Sergei, Alexander, Michael, Oleg Basil
Male Ovechkina family structure consisted of seven brothers, who from an early age making music. They even in 1983, appealed for help to the teacher Irkutsk College of Arts that he has promoted them to create a family jazz ensemble, the so-called jazz band. The teacher did not mind, and as a result there was a jazz band "Seven Simeonov».
Gradually, the newly formed group began to gain popularity. Brothers was invited to play at local events, which took place in Irkutsk. They even played in a city park on holidays. But the truly great success came to them in 1984 when they took part in the festival "Jazz 85" national level. After him, "Seven Simeonov," was invited to shoot in TV programs and even filmed a documentary about them. In 1987, a family consisting of a mother Ovechkin and the children were invited for a tour of Japan. It was then the head of the family Ninel Ovechkin, having been on the other side of the Iron Curtain, has come to the conclusion that it unlucky to be born and to live in the Soviet Union. Therefore, the idea to escape from the USSR.
Long preparation
During a tour of Japan have all come to the conclusion that with the talent and success they could achieve real fame abroad. After returning home, family Ovechkina led by Ninel Sergeyevna beginning to bear an escape plan. Since the Soviet Union all abroad were not allowed to, the family decided to seize the aircraft on domestic routes and then send it to another country.
Implementation of the plan was scheduled for March 8, 1988. On that day, the whole family Ovechkin, except the eldest daughter Ludmila, who was not in the know, bought tickets for the Tu-154, en route flight Irkutsk - Barrow - Leningrad. Familiar and airport officials were told that Ovechkin flew on tour and therefore take with them a variety of musical instruments. Of course, a thorough inspection they were not staged. As a result, the criminals managed to smuggle on board the two aircraft weapons shotgun, a hundred rounds of ammunition and homemade explosives. All this stuff was hidden in musical instruments. Moreover, by the time the family Ovechkina hijacking has already sold all the things from the house and buy new clothes to go abroad for her.
Nine-year Ovechkin Sergey
At the very end of his journey, when the plane flew up to Leningrad, Ovechkin through a flight attendant handed the note demanding fly to London or any other capital city in Western Europe. Otherwise, they threatened to blow up the plane. However, the flight crew decided to cheat, and told the terrorists that the plane did not have enough fuel, and therefore need to be refueled. It was stated that the aircraft will be refueled in Finland, but are associated with terrestrial services pilots put the plane at a military airfield not far from the Soviet-Finnish border.
Olga Ovechkin on the court
Seeing at the airport Soviet soldiers, Ovechkin realized that they decided to cheat, and opened fire. One of the older brothers shot the stewardess, and then all together have tried to break down the door to the cockpit. Meanwhile, the assault began. Realizing that they suffered a setback, Ninel S. requested that she was shot, then made the explosion of the plane. One of the older brothers shot the mother, but the bombing appeared aimed, and the desired effect was not achieved. But as a result of his three passengers were killed and another 36 injured. After that, the elder brothers - Basil, Oleg, Dmitry and Alexander - in turn shot from a shotgun. Because of the explosion started a fire, which resulted in the aircraft completely burnt.
House Ovechkina.
September 8, 1988 was held the trial of the survivors Ovechkin. The older brother Igor and sister Olga received eight and six years in prison, respectively. Minors Ovechkin were originally given to an orphanage. But then they took under his wing elder sister Lyudmila. Olga, who already had a daughter in prison, and Igor served only half of their sentences and been released.

Team members
In that fateful year Ovechkina family consisted of a mother, Ninel Sergeyevna, and 11 children aged 9 to 32 years old. There was another, the eldest daughter Ludmila, but by the time she was married and lived separately from his relatives, but because in the seizure of the aircraft was not involved. Once there was a family and a father, but he died in 1984 from severe beatings, which awarded him the elder sons. However, if no evidence is proved, and if there was such an incident in his biography Ovechkin, for what sons beat his own father - is unclear.

From left to right: Olga, Tatiana, Dmitry, Ninel Sergeyevna with Ulyana and Sergei, Alexander, Michael, Oleg Basil
Male Ovechkina family structure consisted of seven brothers, who from an early age making music. They even in 1983, appealed for help to the teacher Irkutsk College of Arts that he has promoted them to create a family jazz ensemble, the so-called jazz band. The teacher did not mind, and as a result there was a jazz band "Seven Simeonov».

Gradually, the newly formed group began to gain popularity. Brothers was invited to play at local events, which took place in Irkutsk. They even played in a city park on holidays. But the truly great success came to them in 1984 when they took part in the festival "Jazz 85" national level. After him, "Seven Simeonov," was invited to shoot in TV programs and even filmed a documentary about them. In 1987, a family consisting of a mother Ovechkin and the children were invited for a tour of Japan. It was then the head of the family Ninel Ovechkin, having been on the other side of the Iron Curtain, has come to the conclusion that it unlucky to be born and to live in the Soviet Union. Therefore, the idea to escape from the USSR.

Long preparation
During a tour of Japan have all come to the conclusion that with the talent and success they could achieve real fame abroad. After returning home, family Ovechkina led by Ninel Sergeyevna beginning to bear an escape plan. Since the Soviet Union all abroad were not allowed to, the family decided to seize the aircraft on domestic routes and then send it to another country.

Implementation of the plan was scheduled for March 8, 1988. On that day, the whole family Ovechkin, except the eldest daughter Ludmila, who was not in the know, bought tickets for the Tu-154, en route flight Irkutsk - Barrow - Leningrad. Familiar and airport officials were told that Ovechkin flew on tour and therefore take with them a variety of musical instruments. Of course, a thorough inspection they were not staged. As a result, the criminals managed to smuggle on board the two aircraft weapons shotgun, a hundred rounds of ammunition and homemade explosives. All this stuff was hidden in musical instruments. Moreover, by the time the family Ovechkina hijacking has already sold all the things from the house and buy new clothes to go abroad for her.

Nine-year Ovechkin Sergey
At the very end of his journey, when the plane flew up to Leningrad, Ovechkin through a flight attendant handed the note demanding fly to London or any other capital city in Western Europe. Otherwise, they threatened to blow up the plane. However, the flight crew decided to cheat, and told the terrorists that the plane did not have enough fuel, and therefore need to be refueled. It was stated that the aircraft will be refueled in Finland, but are associated with terrestrial services pilots put the plane at a military airfield not far from the Soviet-Finnish border.

Olga Ovechkin on the court
Seeing at the airport Soviet soldiers, Ovechkin realized that they decided to cheat, and opened fire. One of the older brothers shot the stewardess, and then all together have tried to break down the door to the cockpit. Meanwhile, the assault began. Realizing that they suffered a setback, Ninel S. requested that she was shot, then made the explosion of the plane. One of the older brothers shot the mother, but the bombing appeared aimed, and the desired effect was not achieved. But as a result of his three passengers were killed and another 36 injured. After that, the elder brothers - Basil, Oleg, Dmitry and Alexander - in turn shot from a shotgun. Because of the explosion started a fire, which resulted in the aircraft completely burnt.

House Ovechkina.
September 8, 1988 was held the trial of the survivors Ovechkin. The older brother Igor and sister Olga received eight and six years in prison, respectively. Minors Ovechkin were originally given to an orphanage. But then they took under his wing elder sister Lyudmila. Olga, who already had a daughter in prison, and Igor served only half of their sentences and been released.