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The most unusual scammers

They stole that bad lay - in the literal and figurative sense
We, unfortunately, have become accustomed to stories about how politicians and the police abuse their powers. But such behavior is not exclusive to them - a little bit of creativity and madness, and with the help of government can do very funny things, though for the sake of pleasure, even for the sake of profit.

Astronaut who stole the moon

Ted Roberts dreamed of traveling into space his entire life. It seemed that he even has a chance to realize his dream - in 2001, the year he was accepted into NASA for elite courses for beginners astronauts. And now the most interesting - it is not a job where you can steal cash from the cash register, but for NASA, with all its pathos, there are amazing things and ask to be somebody stole.
So, Roberts was on his way to a dream. But one day, he noticed a set of lunar rock and a stone from Mars, kept in a locked safe in the office of one of the scientists. And Roberts decided to hell with it, with the Moon in space, it is possible to get here.
Within a month, Roberts came up with a cunning plan to steal a piece of the moon. Eventually, he met and became romantically involved with the intern Tiffany Fowler, agreed to help him commit robbery heaven. But how can steal precious space rocks? Steal the security codes? Break surveillance cameras? Slip between the lasers? In the movie, at least, something similar happened.
And here and there! They just loaded 600-pound safe on a cart and went to this cart away from the cabinet door.
Now it should be noted that Roberts was, apparently, a little crazy: the interrogation, he admitted that after the robbery took with Fowler hotel room, somehow opened the safe and put the stones from the Moon under the covers "to have sex on Moon ».
As a result, Roberts was caught trying to sell the stones for $ 21 million to several undercover FBI agent. If you declare that you have stones from the moon for sale immediately after someone stole such stones from NASA, the supersyschik to solve the crime here is not needed.
When authorities searched the house Roberts, everything else they found a bunch of fossils stolen them from some museum of Utah. So, apparently, this guy was a great lover of history or with it still was not all right. And only one of NASA recruits?

Double Robert De Niro Robert De Niro become

Joseph Manuella - former New York firefighter and professional counterpart Robert De Niro, he worked as an understudy De Niro in 1996 in the movie "fans". By the way, the film is about how the guy celebrity fascination led him to commit the crime strange. Soon, all this became topical.
Simulate De Niro at the Manuela succeed so well that he was earning $ 1,500 per performance as an actor in different weddings, corporate parties and birthdays. How can you break the law, if your profession - to look and talk like De Niro? Very simple.
Manuella got a credit card in the name of the actor on her reservation and hotel rooms themselves, came back and began to argue that he is a famous actor. He comes not one, but with a woman whose behavior was somewhat inappropriate for the wife of a celebrity. Apparently, Manuela was so brazen that distributed on behalf of De Niro autographs and even managed to fool the chapter «Sony Pictures».
In the year 2001 Manuella was arrested and charged two charges of fraud. He was held in jail overnight and released on bail of $ 100. Perhaps afraid that if he put in jail for a long time, then it will be released to freedom covered in tattoos and begin terrorizing Nick Nolte.

Superspasatel who stole severed limbs

For Cindy Economou help fellow it was not just a job - it was her passion. When she was not working on their core work of firefighters and paramedics in the town of Saint Lucie, Florida, everything is free time to devote to the work she founded as a charitable organization for the rehabilitation of emotionally and mentally disabled athletes to participate in Special Olympics. In 2007, she even received the title "Fireman of the Year", in general, such has been a great man.
But she, too, was a weirdo. In 2008, a man named Carl Lambert seriously injured in a car accident - he lost his left foot and right leg - they are severed during an accident. Economou was one of the first who rushed to the scene, and after Lambert was sent to the hospital, she found parts of his body in the wreckage and took them to his home.
It sounds like a prologue to the story of the cannibal. But Economou subsequently argued that the reason she was more mundane - she allegedly wanted to so teach your dog to look for the wounded in areas of natural disasters. So even when Economou commits a crime, it does so as a true Scout.
In defense Economou can say that the foot, she found, was already, in fact, no foot, and unrecognizable mass of flesh. Economou was charged with second-degree - petty theft, she was sentenced to six months probation. Also, she had to leave her job, leaving St. Lucie without one superspasatelya.
Incidentally, this is not the only case of this kind. Winston Henry Mokvin was a laboratory assistant at Ohio State University, his job was to study and cataloged human bones and the remains. In 2011, he began to steal bones from the laboratory - as he stole a human embryo - and sell them on eBay, earning $ 84 for the year 000.
If you're wondering who could this buy, the answer is simple - the buyers were mainly only three: a medical researcher from Utah, the company in Oregon called "Frozen tvaryushki» (Frozen Critters) and store in Berkeley, where you can buy real human skeletons .

A social worker who stole Christmas

The former head of the organization for the protection of foster children in San Diego 75-year-old Virginia Prieto Kelly regularly assist local children. Kelly, an expert on Hispanic foster families, was a very respected person and received several state awards for his decades of work.
She often worked with organizations such as "Toys for Tots" and "Childhood without violence and cruelty" - it gave out toys to thousands of children from poor families. Stunning work - like Santa Claus. Unfortunately, the government could even ruin it.
Yes, Kelly pulled more than 12,000 toys she kept them locked in two rooms in his house, and the house of his daughter, and storage outside its area. The approximate cost of the stolen toys - $ 375 000. Agree, pretty much.
Crime Kelly revealed when one foster mother complained that he could not get any toys to give her children. Kelly asked the authorities said that already distributed this year everything was. Soon after, she and several of her accomplices hastily packed bags in her car with bright toys and somewhere they were taken.
Mayor Donald Progreys, the organizer of the "Toys for Tots" and a former Marine, said then that "Kelly stole not just a toy - she stole Christmas».
Kelly was found guilty of stealing, and the judge sentenced her to 60 days in jail and 120 extra days of house arrest. When asked what she was going to do with so many toys, Kelly said, "aside for a rainy day." Repartee.

Laboratory assistant stole sperm

Karen Saum worked in «Genetic Connection», laboratory Clark County, Ohio, specializing in the storage and distribution of animal sperm, which later would be used for artificial insemination. Well, somebody has to do it.
So, what an unscrupulous person could do if have access to an unlimited number of bull semen? Connect your imagination.
Come on, we joked. She just stole it.
Soon after Saum lost her job in the lab, she has decided to take revenge. She knew that, and where it is stored, so it is easy to steal container with liquid nitrogen, which has been frozen sperm is the most valuable bulls in the amount of $ 110 000. No, that's not a typo - the cost of bovine semen did six-digit. And how, in your opinion, is to produce seed of a bull in a natural way? That's just it - it is more expensive than you think.
Saum plan was that bovine semen to give back to the owner of the animals in exchange for help in starting a small business. The plan covered himself with a copper basin, after police searched the garage Saum and found there a huge reservoir of nitrogen, full of sperm, resulting obviously illegally.
Frankly, to figure out who committed the theft was not too hard - she knew exactly where everything is and how much it costs. But if this were a movie, the crime get away with - the heroine of history would probably quickly replaced everything with mayonnaise.
