Kill trolls and bots!
I would like to ask people how they such an idea. The idea is that the visitors a little thought, they write.
Further, some have an explanation.
Minus 13 is just from the bulldozer. You can set at the discretion of the administration.
Lows should be considered only for comments if the post goes negative, it is not considered. Pros considered all that could be stumbled to post something interesting and out of the muteness.
Honestly, lately an incredible amount of real robots go, write complete nonsense and leave without saying goodbye.
Also, it is desirable to allow only those who comment, confirmed his emeyl, though some difficulties for reptiles.
The administration, I think you opinions of visitors in this matter will be interesting. And it is not difficult to implement.
Further, some have an explanation.
Minus 13 is just from the bulldozer. You can set at the discretion of the administration.
Lows should be considered only for comments if the post goes negative, it is not considered. Pros considered all that could be stumbled to post something interesting and out of the muteness.
Honestly, lately an incredible amount of real robots go, write complete nonsense and leave without saying goodbye.
Also, it is desirable to allow only those who comment, confirmed his emeyl, though some difficulties for reptiles.
The administration, I think you opinions of visitors in this matter will be interesting. And it is not difficult to implement.