Russian Products
Many of us prefer western products Russia allegedly because of the fact that our country has long been coming in crisis and Russia has not yet created the conditions for the implementation of domestic goods, but is it true? Here is the usual grocery shopping in the store. I do not aim to unleash the full range of products Mordovia, as he takes on the exhibitions pavilion, as in real life - the whole food departments. Also in Mordovia is made, not all, and in Russia - almost everything.
1 Cabbage. Of Greenhouse. Saransk.
Chicken egg. Poultry Farm of Chamzinka. The alternative - Atemarskaya PF Elkhovskoye PF and PF overdokuya in Mordovia. Also and chicken.
Tomatoes and cucumbers. Of hothouse, Saransk
What? bright red tomatoes are not as in advertising? Pfff. We and sausage - Grey.
Milk. Chamzinsaya milk. Alternatives. Saransk MOH Shaygovskoya Feram and 3-4 mill
That milk.
But its composition. And yes, it is sour!
Like this. Made from natural whole cow's milk. Vaistenu. Cottage cheese. Chuvashia. Alternatives: Saransk plant of baby food, and all dairy producers. (3-4) Saransk station - where do cheese for children. This. Dear.
Maslo.Prosto oil. Ichalki. The alternative - to be honest did not look occasionally buy Finnish to remember the taste of margarine.
Sausage same. Atyashevo - hundreds of varieties, and it really smoked! Saw. And breast side. Alternatives - Combine Oaks (Grey pork, YES!) Is no longer sought.
CHEESE. Ichalkovsky the cheese. Alternatives - NO. ranging from 100 to 2000 per kg I tried a lot of things. And yes, it appears the mold. And we like it eprodvinutye cut. BUT beware of fakes! Only Ichalki and only from Mordovia. Really 20+ varieties in the picture: Russian (I'm with my son) MAssdam (loves his wife and son and ladshy for holes) and of hunting with pepper on a fishing trip.
Coffee with thickening and thickening. (Saransk Canning zd). Alternatives - a whole shelf.
Well, if talking about RMS, so pea mayonnaise and Nizhny Novgorod. Alternatives - the sea.
Juice. Pridonya Gardens. Like all. And it confirms the composition.
Coffee for thickening. I recall I did not set the goal to someone something to prove. Simply delicious coffee. But coffee is not growing at the moment, it has other countries. Although written -Mytischi))
Balm? Mordovia balm - here it is. Simply, request a certificate from the seller to the composition. And let the whole world wait.
Mayonnaise Provencal smetannyy.A buckwheat porridge of millet you do not produce?
If each of us will vote rubles for domestic products and imports will cease. I know it is easier to fill the truck up to the top products in spite of the composition and the manufacturer, but still.
The slogan "Buy American" once made a miracle.
And our producers do not have to wonder. They need your support.
Not only are government programs
Not only subsidies.
And your evidence. they do not work for nothing.
Source: amatiel
1 Cabbage. Of Greenhouse. Saransk.

Chicken egg. Poultry Farm of Chamzinka. The alternative - Atemarskaya PF Elkhovskoye PF and PF overdokuya in Mordovia. Also and chicken.

Tomatoes and cucumbers. Of hothouse, Saransk
What? bright red tomatoes are not as in advertising? Pfff. We and sausage - Grey.
Milk. Chamzinsaya milk. Alternatives. Saransk MOH Shaygovskoya Feram and 3-4 mill

That milk.

But its composition. And yes, it is sour!

Like this. Made from natural whole cow's milk. Vaistenu. Cottage cheese. Chuvashia. Alternatives: Saransk plant of baby food, and all dairy producers. (3-4) Saransk station - where do cheese for children. This. Dear.

Maslo.Prosto oil. Ichalki. The alternative - to be honest did not look occasionally buy Finnish to remember the taste of margarine.

Sausage same. Atyashevo - hundreds of varieties, and it really smoked! Saw. And breast side. Alternatives - Combine Oaks (Grey pork, YES!) Is no longer sought.

CHEESE. Ichalkovsky the cheese. Alternatives - NO. ranging from 100 to 2000 per kg I tried a lot of things. And yes, it appears the mold. And we like it eprodvinutye cut. BUT beware of fakes! Only Ichalki and only from Mordovia. Really 20+ varieties in the picture: Russian (I'm with my son) MAssdam (loves his wife and son and ladshy for holes) and of hunting with pepper on a fishing trip.

Coffee with thickening and thickening. (Saransk Canning zd). Alternatives - a whole shelf.

Well, if talking about RMS, so pea mayonnaise and Nizhny Novgorod. Alternatives - the sea.

Juice. Pridonya Gardens. Like all. And it confirms the composition.

Coffee for thickening. I recall I did not set the goal to someone something to prove. Simply delicious coffee. But coffee is not growing at the moment, it has other countries. Although written -Mytischi))

Balm? Mordovia balm - here it is. Simply, request a certificate from the seller to the composition. And let the whole world wait.

Mayonnaise Provencal smetannyy.A buckwheat porridge of millet you do not produce?
If each of us will vote rubles for domestic products and imports will cease. I know it is easier to fill the truck up to the top products in spite of the composition and the manufacturer, but still.
The slogan "Buy American" once made a miracle.
And our producers do not have to wonder. They need your support.
Not only are government programs
Not only subsidies.
And your evidence. they do not work for nothing.

Source: amatiel