She broke down and spent her entire salary on a new coat, which was the only money in our family.
When impulse buying It makes you feel guilty, not far from it. People start looking for excuses for their actions. And not finding him, gnaws at himself from the inside in an attempt to either punish himself or do something that can cover up the sin. Unfortunately, this can lead to more serious consequences.
The heroine of our history Julia faced just such a problem. But thanks to her mother, she realized how important it is to be happy in the here and now. What happened and why just one impulsive purchase changed a woman’s life forever? Read about it further in the article.
At the very beginning of autumn I bought myself an expensive coat. I know it was an impulsive purchase, but I didn’t dare to do otherwise at the time. For a long time I dreamed of high-quality clothing. For 5 years now, I have been wearing my old toe, which looks terrible.
But I just couldn’t afford a new one. Or you didn't? It's just that every time I think about buying, I think about my kids and my husband. I thought that if I bought something for myself, my little ones would be offended. Therefore, I always tried to pamper them first of all with new clothes.
My husband and I don’t make much money. It's kind of enough for basic needs. But you do not have to think about luxurious things. “I will do without it,” I comforted myself, suppressing the new desire.
Only that day was different. I was lucky to get a salary and a small bonus. On the way home, I walked past the showcase again with the coveted coat. “Can I at least try it on for the sake of interest?” I thought and went to a fashion boutique. She helped me find the right size and gave me a hundred compliments when I put on my coat.
And I did it. I bought an expensive coat and spent almost all my money on it. On the way home, I was drowning in remorse: “Have you thought about the children?” What if Tanya or Anyuta get sick? What shishas are you going to treat them for? I don't know why I'm screwing myself up, but I just couldn't stop.
I was so upset that I decided to go to my mother and find out what she thought about it. Suddenly, my mother asked me to try on that coat. When I did that, she gasped and said I looked just fine.
To be honest, I thought she would judge me and advise me to return the coat to the store before it was too late. But she said, "Daughter, buying a coveted coat is not something to blame yourself for." It's just clothes and money is water. If that coat makes you happy, that's the point. And, believe me, your children will not accuse you of anything, but will only rejoice in the radiance of their beloved mother.
I wanted to cry from my mother's words. She continued, You have no idea how many things I have regretted in my life. But what's the point? I'm old now and I'm not happy. But you and the smile on your face when you put that coat on changed that. The happiness within us is reflected in others.
My mother passed away recently. But she managed to convey to me the most important wisdom: it is important to be happy here and now, because tomorrow may not come. Surprisingly, after buying this coat, I started to enjoy every new day. Now I look at everything material in a different way and do not attach the same importance to it as before.
Thank you, Mom.
At first glance, impulsive buying can serve as a lifelong lesson. Of course, this does not mean that you need to spend on everything that your soul desires. But to spend your whole life in constant restrictions is also not worth it.
I wonder what you think about that? Are you close to the position of the mother of the main character Julia?

The heroine of our history Julia faced just such a problem. But thanks to her mother, she realized how important it is to be happy in the here and now. What happened and why just one impulsive purchase changed a woman’s life forever? Read about it further in the article.
At the very beginning of autumn I bought myself an expensive coat. I know it was an impulsive purchase, but I didn’t dare to do otherwise at the time. For a long time I dreamed of high-quality clothing. For 5 years now, I have been wearing my old toe, which looks terrible.

But I just couldn’t afford a new one. Or you didn't? It's just that every time I think about buying, I think about my kids and my husband. I thought that if I bought something for myself, my little ones would be offended. Therefore, I always tried to pamper them first of all with new clothes.
My husband and I don’t make much money. It's kind of enough for basic needs. But you do not have to think about luxurious things. “I will do without it,” I comforted myself, suppressing the new desire.

Only that day was different. I was lucky to get a salary and a small bonus. On the way home, I walked past the showcase again with the coveted coat. “Can I at least try it on for the sake of interest?” I thought and went to a fashion boutique. She helped me find the right size and gave me a hundred compliments when I put on my coat.
And I did it. I bought an expensive coat and spent almost all my money on it. On the way home, I was drowning in remorse: “Have you thought about the children?” What if Tanya or Anyuta get sick? What shishas are you going to treat them for? I don't know why I'm screwing myself up, but I just couldn't stop.
I was so upset that I decided to go to my mother and find out what she thought about it. Suddenly, my mother asked me to try on that coat. When I did that, she gasped and said I looked just fine.

To be honest, I thought she would judge me and advise me to return the coat to the store before it was too late. But she said, "Daughter, buying a coveted coat is not something to blame yourself for." It's just clothes and money is water. If that coat makes you happy, that's the point. And, believe me, your children will not accuse you of anything, but will only rejoice in the radiance of their beloved mother.
I wanted to cry from my mother's words. She continued, You have no idea how many things I have regretted in my life. But what's the point? I'm old now and I'm not happy. But you and the smile on your face when you put that coat on changed that. The happiness within us is reflected in others.

My mother passed away recently. But she managed to convey to me the most important wisdom: it is important to be happy here and now, because tomorrow may not come. Surprisingly, after buying this coat, I started to enjoy every new day. Now I look at everything material in a different way and do not attach the same importance to it as before.
Thank you, Mom.
At first glance, impulsive buying can serve as a lifelong lesson. Of course, this does not mean that you need to spend on everything that your soul desires. But to spend your whole life in constant restrictions is also not worth it.

I wonder what you think about that? Are you close to the position of the mother of the main character Julia?
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