Casting - is everything
It is given once in TYuZe one of the regional centers of our vast prezamechatelneyshy children's performance. It is the year 1990 or something ... Casting - is everything, or Features theatrical medicine
It is given once in TYuZe one of the regional centers of our vast prezamechatelneyshy children's performance. It is the year 1990 or something ...
The show was fun and easy, just what we need for the Saturday morning session. Poor sleep after Friday parents, yawning,
We watched the scene, while the children were delighted with the unpretentious humor sitcom. And this performance was quite simple, unremarkable episode. The main character collapses, someone yells, "Doctor! Doctor! "Resorted nurse and two orderlies with a stretcher. Nurse loudly asked: "Where is the patient ?!" She was lying in the foreground shows the main character, then she gets a huge syringe (this plug is usually washed out of the ears), screwed to his hefty needle (the tip of the rapier fencing) and inject this design vnutrizadnichno affected. One of the nurses can not withstand such sophisticated methods
therapy and he faints, unlike the hero, who immediately jumps up and, together with another male nurse, takes a weakling on a stretcher for
backstage. All. Episode exhausted. Here the children usually were filled with laughter, and parents continued to yawn in anticipation of the end of all this ugliness Saturday.
But life has a habit of making their adjustments, even in a flawless drama. That Saturday the actress Helen, who already had two years
Injection experience the protagonist, for some reason, did not come to the show. Whether sick, or I could not move after Friday. The bottom line is that it does not
It was directed and made the fateful decision: to entrust such a responsible role intern Kate. It must be said Katya in his 17 years looked for all 25, the girl was quite large and well-developed for his age. Had it with graceful Lena sleep in the same bed, Katya overlaid to her as a baby - were so different weight categories. But the importance of this situation escaped from the director, and Melpomene, apparently, was not able to change anything. Thus, the performance began, the children happy, parents yawn - everything goes on as usual. And it is time our episode. "Doctor, doctor!" - The cry is heard, the stage runs Katya with a syringe and 2 nurses. Find out who is sick, Kate pulls out a syringe and, apparently, in a fit of actor puts in all his silischa injection. Rapier pierces through the protective lining under jeans "patient" and included him in the loins. Poor guy publishes
strangled cry of "Shit-ah-ah", like a boa constrictor Kaa, tail caught in a trap and loses consciousness. Hall stops. What next? Sanitation, do not be stupid,
quickly placed the victim on a stretcher and carried away behind the scenes, and Kate is in a stupor, with a syringe in his hand and looking at the hushed room.
Terrified, she is strong and can no longer move. And then behind the scenes come to life in our wounded ass. He begins
rather loudly discussing the near relatives of Katie, and put forward proposals relating to the perverted forms of sexual contacts,
which recommends that all immediately start with Katya, director and theater themselves.
It was the first performance in which only parents bellow. To the audience laughed so hard, I had never heard! Satire Theatre smoked bamboo on
compared to the provincial TYuZom. And when someone has guessed the actors lead zastuporennuyu Katya from the scene, the audience applauded.
"Bravo, encore !!!" - shouted an enthusiastic audience, but the perpetrators of this triumph did not come on the scene. The protagonist, limping on both
feet long chased Katya around the theater, but never caught up.
A performance was asked to move to the evening.
It is given once in TYuZe one of the regional centers of our vast prezamechatelneyshy children's performance. It is the year 1990 or something ...
The show was fun and easy, just what we need for the Saturday morning session. Poor sleep after Friday parents, yawning,
We watched the scene, while the children were delighted with the unpretentious humor sitcom. And this performance was quite simple, unremarkable episode. The main character collapses, someone yells, "Doctor! Doctor! "Resorted nurse and two orderlies with a stretcher. Nurse loudly asked: "Where is the patient ?!" She was lying in the foreground shows the main character, then she gets a huge syringe (this plug is usually washed out of the ears), screwed to his hefty needle (the tip of the rapier fencing) and inject this design vnutrizadnichno affected. One of the nurses can not withstand such sophisticated methods
therapy and he faints, unlike the hero, who immediately jumps up and, together with another male nurse, takes a weakling on a stretcher for
backstage. All. Episode exhausted. Here the children usually were filled with laughter, and parents continued to yawn in anticipation of the end of all this ugliness Saturday.
But life has a habit of making their adjustments, even in a flawless drama. That Saturday the actress Helen, who already had two years
Injection experience the protagonist, for some reason, did not come to the show. Whether sick, or I could not move after Friday. The bottom line is that it does not
It was directed and made the fateful decision: to entrust such a responsible role intern Kate. It must be said Katya in his 17 years looked for all 25, the girl was quite large and well-developed for his age. Had it with graceful Lena sleep in the same bed, Katya overlaid to her as a baby - were so different weight categories. But the importance of this situation escaped from the director, and Melpomene, apparently, was not able to change anything. Thus, the performance began, the children happy, parents yawn - everything goes on as usual. And it is time our episode. "Doctor, doctor!" - The cry is heard, the stage runs Katya with a syringe and 2 nurses. Find out who is sick, Kate pulls out a syringe and, apparently, in a fit of actor puts in all his silischa injection. Rapier pierces through the protective lining under jeans "patient" and included him in the loins. Poor guy publishes
strangled cry of "Shit-ah-ah", like a boa constrictor Kaa, tail caught in a trap and loses consciousness. Hall stops. What next? Sanitation, do not be stupid,
quickly placed the victim on a stretcher and carried away behind the scenes, and Kate is in a stupor, with a syringe in his hand and looking at the hushed room.
Terrified, she is strong and can no longer move. And then behind the scenes come to life in our wounded ass. He begins
rather loudly discussing the near relatives of Katie, and put forward proposals relating to the perverted forms of sexual contacts,
which recommends that all immediately start with Katya, director and theater themselves.
It was the first performance in which only parents bellow. To the audience laughed so hard, I had never heard! Satire Theatre smoked bamboo on
compared to the provincial TYuZom. And when someone has guessed the actors lead zastuporennuyu Katya from the scene, the audience applauded.
"Bravo, encore !!!" - shouted an enthusiastic audience, but the perpetrators of this triumph did not come on the scene. The protagonist, limping on both
feet long chased Katya around the theater, but never caught up.
A performance was asked to move to the evening.