Lost tourist three weeks eat insects
According to police reports, a German tourist who went missing during a hike by Australia, three weeks fed flies and other insects to survive. 26-year-old Daniel Dudzizh disappeared Feb. 17 during a hike on the central western Queensland. According to police, he lost his way, stuck between the two banks of the river flooded. Last Thursday, he took avtomobilist.
Tourist felt good and was in a pretty good mood. "He joked that in Australian forests can not be starved because everywhere flying a huge number of flies, and flies are known to contain the protein - said Police Inspector Mark Henderson. - When he left the city of Windorah, he had with him were stocks of canned beans and corn flakes, but they quickly ran out. Therefore, in the next few weeks Dudzizh fed flies ».
Henderson also said that the tourist was found abandoned medical care. "Of course, he was very hungry, but generally in pretty good spirits," - said the police. Dudzizh lost during a hike between the towns of Queensland Windorah and Jund. Police searched the neighborhood with the help of helicopters and ATVs, but did not find turista.
According to Henderson, Dudzizh was going to continue his campaign and hoped to walk to the northern part of Australia. "He said he will now go only on main roads and not to climb into the jungle," - said Henderson.
Source: mirfactov.com/