Concentration camp inmate (7 photos + text)
Anatoly S. Soy. 81.
Concentration camp inmate, a decorated, the designer of the Palace of Congresses in the Kremlin in Moscow and many residential neighborhoods. Grandfather of six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Elena Soy, Sydney Olympic champion in synchronized swimming - his granddaughter.
Mum was taken to the Gestapo, and we stayed
My life - the most common. I was born in 1927 in Dnepropetrovsk an average of three brothers, the beginning of the war he graduated from 6th grade. My father went to the front of the second day, and we stayed with her mother. Two months later, Dnipropetrovsk was occupied and bombed out completely. In the city there was no water, no electricity, no salt, no soap, not to mention the products. And after four months my mother was taken to the Gestapo for liaison with the guerrillas, and we are left with three brothers. The eldest was 17 years old, I am 14 and the youngest 11. What then ate - just a shame to say; all were Zayed lice.
The elder brother was very capable, he worked as a mechanic at the locomotive repair works, well painted. And of brass tubes learned to make lighters engraved them himself. And I with my younger brother went to the flea market to sell. With the money to buy paint for fabric, aluminum spoons and forks - the only thing that could then buy, too, all homemade - folded in a bag and walked out of the city. At first, that it was possible to barter for food in nearby villages. So we exchanged his father's suit for two buckets of maize. Then I began to have to go with the sled like a peddler of 30-40 km. When that became impossible, had to travel by train. And while there were only military train. We had to find the one that goes to the rear, and when he departs from the station and picks up speed, jump onto the stairs and hide between cars. So get over 70-80 km from the city. And when the train pulls into the station, jump, jump ahead and wait for him again will depart, - the terms of protection and the laws of war on all foreign military train shot. These were particularly difficult rush on the way back in the cold with 10-15 kg of corn. Could shoot at any time ...
Do not believe
Came in 1942 and I was 15 years old. With this age the Germans put all registered to work for them either in Germany, in a labor camp, or on-site, in Dnepropetrovsk. I refused to go to Germany. Then I was sent to the factory to them. Voroshilov loader. Before the war, it was a powerful military-industrial complex. Its time to evacuate, leaving only the walls, where the Germans made a tactical warehouse. With me to work there and my friend from school Toll Lagutkin.
At lunch we were given a soup of millet and water, without salt, and in the evening a pound of bread, also from millet. I used to bring him home, to somehow help the brothers. And at this plant was fenced part of the territory where the Russian prisoners were kept, where they also worked. And somehow, in March 1943, returning after a 12-hour day home, we were just past the barbed wire. And hungry prisoners begged to give them bread. I felt so sad. I do not know where my father was then, maybe he's just standing somewhere and requests. And I threw someone out of their bread. It is noted SS man on the tower and turned the alarm. We ran off, but we are, of course, was captured and brought to the commandant's office for questioning. The Germans were convinced that we handed weapons. Beat us so that we become like burgers, threatened to shoot the prisoners if we do not recognize. Claim the person who gave, and they're all on one person: overgrown, thin ... We do not remember who passed. We do not believe the night and thrown into the camera. And in the morning, accompanied by two SS men with guns taken somewhere. We were sure to be shot. Had already shot all local Jews who did not evacuate. But we were taken to the Gestapo. And we have worked for six months in a concentration camp in his hometown.
Coffee from ground acorns
Meanwhile, the Germans were defeated at Stalingrad, soon the summer - at Kursk. And it was decided to take out all the camps. And 27 September 1200 among our fellow citizens "from the temporarily occupied territory as a prisoner," I was deported to Austria, in the Mauthausen concentration camp. We pushed for fifty people in a completely empty car and drove eight days without water and food. Unlike most other camps, where slave labor, it was an extermination camp. Its construction by Spanish prisoners of war in 1938, Himmler personally inspected. And it is here, the Germans began to bring their all echelons of prisoners during the retreat.
In Mauthausen all the prisoners worked in a quarry. More than a month, no one stood: die 500-600 people a day, or at work, or in the barracks at night, or just a dog bite to death. The dead were burned in the crematorium immediately. We, the kids, loaded with stones litter that adult prisoners attributed to the barge. They weigh more than 100 kg - they were tied with wire to the neck, like a collar. Mode of the day was this: rise at 5 o'clock; half an hour all had to wash in cold water zone of the small Dusík in his barracks. If you do not - you'll beat the overseer of the prisoners. No soap, no towels were not - wiped his striped form and wet then went to work. Shoes, canvas shoes with wooden soles on his bare feet. In the morning were given half a liter of "bitter water" - a decoction of ground burnt acorns - such as coffee.
Then on the 40-meter "ladder of death," all went down into the pit on a 12-hour day in the winter - even in complete darkness. At 12 o'clock was dinner: the prisoners were brought to his wagon big thermos of soup, gruel of rutabagas, which had a drink for 2-3 minutes of bowls with two handles. Again, work until 6 pm. At the end of dinner was given 100 grams of bread acorn, bone and wood flour. But it seemed to us delicious chocolate. Sometimes gave a piece of sausage from the old horse or a spoonful of marmalade with a bitter water. Or "soup with meat" - worms, which wound up in the wheat husk. To 11 pm - lights out - no one was allowed to enter the hut to rest. At the camp yard SS man came and made us go then goose-stepping, then run, then go to bed, get up, people are more likely to become depleted. All slept on a bunk in a continuous three floors of 300 people in the 100-meter room. Rather than put his striped cushion shape. Turned over to the other side on the pitch. Stuffiness was such that even in the cold with no glass in the windows steam billowed out. But fell asleep as dead. As it was difficult to get up after 6 hours of sleep on a 12-hour work! ..
This stupidity saved me
In such circumstances, I spent a month until a miracle happened. Himmler decided that one of us can make the soldiers and ordered from all camps to select prisoners of 14-16 years and bring together in the camp of Dachau in Germany. We began to teach military science, German language and mathematics. We thought that we stand under the gun to fight against his. But two months later, the Germans themselves disappointed in his idea, and it was all over. But this stupidity played a decisive role in my life: I was still alive. If we had not taken away from Mauthausen, I would have walked out only through the crematorium chimney.
Also in Mauthausen was also my friend, neighbor and classmate, Toll Lagutkin, I lost it in 1943 when I was transported to Dachau, and he was sent to another camp. And in 2001, during a visit to Germany, delegations from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, I found it among the delegates! Here was a meeting!
During the "study" in Dachau, I made friends with our four children, my age. We and steel stick together. There were times during the distribution of rations to prisoners with experience could grab your rations and eat. But we were together, and we did not touch.
How can I repay the miracle?
December 30, 1943 and I'm just very sick. I was assigned to the camp hospital. And in fact, it was a testing ground of the Munich Military Medical Institute, where the sick prisoners conducted experiments. I, meanwhile, the temperature rose to 40 degrees. I lay there and recalled all his former life, saying goodbye to her. And I felt so hurt that I die here, and no one will know that I, Anatoly Soy, all died. Here you have no name, no last name, just ... My camp number was 57611. I roared long time, could not sleep. I was not taught to believe, my father was a communist, and I did not know then what to pray, ask God for forgiveness, help. And then I started thinking, when suddenly a miracle will happen, and I'll stay alive than I can repay for it? And I vowed that if it so happens, I'll be sure to study and work, and the rest of his life doing only good people. I try to implement it and to this day. And because I'm the happiest man.
I did not believe that he returned
After the release of prisoners by Allied troops began sending all home. June 15, 1945, we were transferred to a distribution camp, and from there by rail - in Dresden, where they handed in our filtration camp. There we went sanitation and quarantine, we were given a temporary license and sent to the city under its own power. On the border of the USSR and Poland, our border guards have fed, washed, and together with the demobilized soldiers, we finally got to Lviv and I to Dnepropetrovsk.
Walked from the station to the house and kissed every tree, every corner of the house - did not believe that back. I went over, look: the gates are broken, our house is not. I have everything froze. About his family I knew nothing. But the neighbors, fortunately, was told that the house was already broke our projectile during the retreat of the Germans that his father was alive and was discharged, and now aims to be rebuilt Zaporozhye locomotive factory. But not enough - and my mother was still alive: it somehow released from the Gestapo, where she cried all the time about his three abandoned children. And I took the money from neighbors and went to Zaporozhye, where the parents do not expect to see me alive - also did not know about me since 1943. After some time, we, along with her mother returned home.
Afternoon - textbooks at night - iron pots
Meanwhile, I was already 18 years old, and behind - only 6 years of education, which over the years completely eroded, and no profession. I first decided to enroll drivers. But it took until the 7th grade. Then I found that the railway technical externally can deliver items for Grade 7, bought the necessary books, collected documents. And to ensure the existence, learned from a neighbor pouring iron pots, and my mother was selling them on the market for 40 rubles. A loaf of bread then cost 400. I was educated technician specialty "industrial and civil construction" parallel finished courses drivers that I was given with great difficulty: nights continued to pour iron pots. And in 1949, went to his father in the town of tansy, carry wood and timber, where he met his future wife, with whom already live in the 58th year.
Foreman was Khrushchev
After college was spread in every city, and in Moscow - only one place on the plant "Hammer and Sickle." Because of him was such a stir among parents of graduates: and bribes, forgery and that as a result it was removed from the general distribution. But there were three places at the disposal of the ministry, but no one knows where: it could be the Urals, and in Chukotka. And I think, "Yes, I was already in the other world, and all go!". Right romance. And what do you think? When it came time to go, it turned out that the ministry itself, and Glaucus, and trust are in Moscow! And in 1965, I, for reasons unknown to me, was in the number of selected experts for the preparation of the first Soviet managers or, as they say, managers - the organizers of industrial production and construction.
I was the chief engineer of zone "B", and the foreman was considered Khrushchev himself. When construction began, in 1960, I was the only head of the site, such as in Glavmosstroy was about one and a half thousand. But the chief engineer to lay the foundation for the Palace of Congresses chose me. Then I became the chief of construction management. Designed and built the Olympic venues and neighborhoods: Kuncevo, Davydkovo, Troparevo. Was recognized as one of the best Glavmosstroy innovators - to save the state of 8 million. Rubles. I worked for almost 40 years.
The secret of success
I'm the same as everybody else. But, even if the boss, no one ever ordered. Always going to subordinates and consulted. After that, summed up and make a decision. But they saw their direct involvement, folded mountains! Therefore, I do not believe that fate plays with a man - nothing of the sort! My example is proof how zatyukali guy with a sixth grade education eventually became deputy chief of the all-union construction association "Soyuzelektronstroy", uniting 40 trusts. And if you do good to people, it comes back to you like a boomerang. And when I was being unfair with some subordinates to me immediately dumped a lot of problems. And apologize to him, and the soul is nice. Life is not striped like a zebra - how you spend it, so it will pass. So I'm a happy man!
- Community.livejournal.com
Concentration camp inmate, a decorated, the designer of the Palace of Congresses in the Kremlin in Moscow and many residential neighborhoods. Grandfather of six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Elena Soy, Sydney Olympic champion in synchronized swimming - his granddaughter.

Mum was taken to the Gestapo, and we stayed
My life - the most common. I was born in 1927 in Dnepropetrovsk an average of three brothers, the beginning of the war he graduated from 6th grade. My father went to the front of the second day, and we stayed with her mother. Two months later, Dnipropetrovsk was occupied and bombed out completely. In the city there was no water, no electricity, no salt, no soap, not to mention the products. And after four months my mother was taken to the Gestapo for liaison with the guerrillas, and we are left with three brothers. The eldest was 17 years old, I am 14 and the youngest 11. What then ate - just a shame to say; all were Zayed lice.
The elder brother was very capable, he worked as a mechanic at the locomotive repair works, well painted. And of brass tubes learned to make lighters engraved them himself. And I with my younger brother went to the flea market to sell. With the money to buy paint for fabric, aluminum spoons and forks - the only thing that could then buy, too, all homemade - folded in a bag and walked out of the city. At first, that it was possible to barter for food in nearby villages. So we exchanged his father's suit for two buckets of maize. Then I began to have to go with the sled like a peddler of 30-40 km. When that became impossible, had to travel by train. And while there were only military train. We had to find the one that goes to the rear, and when he departs from the station and picks up speed, jump onto the stairs and hide between cars. So get over 70-80 km from the city. And when the train pulls into the station, jump, jump ahead and wait for him again will depart, - the terms of protection and the laws of war on all foreign military train shot. These were particularly difficult rush on the way back in the cold with 10-15 kg of corn. Could shoot at any time ...

Do not believe
Came in 1942 and I was 15 years old. With this age the Germans put all registered to work for them either in Germany, in a labor camp, or on-site, in Dnepropetrovsk. I refused to go to Germany. Then I was sent to the factory to them. Voroshilov loader. Before the war, it was a powerful military-industrial complex. Its time to evacuate, leaving only the walls, where the Germans made a tactical warehouse. With me to work there and my friend from school Toll Lagutkin.
At lunch we were given a soup of millet and water, without salt, and in the evening a pound of bread, also from millet. I used to bring him home, to somehow help the brothers. And at this plant was fenced part of the territory where the Russian prisoners were kept, where they also worked. And somehow, in March 1943, returning after a 12-hour day home, we were just past the barbed wire. And hungry prisoners begged to give them bread. I felt so sad. I do not know where my father was then, maybe he's just standing somewhere and requests. And I threw someone out of their bread. It is noted SS man on the tower and turned the alarm. We ran off, but we are, of course, was captured and brought to the commandant's office for questioning. The Germans were convinced that we handed weapons. Beat us so that we become like burgers, threatened to shoot the prisoners if we do not recognize. Claim the person who gave, and they're all on one person: overgrown, thin ... We do not remember who passed. We do not believe the night and thrown into the camera. And in the morning, accompanied by two SS men with guns taken somewhere. We were sure to be shot. Had already shot all local Jews who did not evacuate. But we were taken to the Gestapo. And we have worked for six months in a concentration camp in his hometown.

Coffee from ground acorns
Meanwhile, the Germans were defeated at Stalingrad, soon the summer - at Kursk. And it was decided to take out all the camps. And 27 September 1200 among our fellow citizens "from the temporarily occupied territory as a prisoner," I was deported to Austria, in the Mauthausen concentration camp. We pushed for fifty people in a completely empty car and drove eight days without water and food. Unlike most other camps, where slave labor, it was an extermination camp. Its construction by Spanish prisoners of war in 1938, Himmler personally inspected. And it is here, the Germans began to bring their all echelons of prisoners during the retreat.
In Mauthausen all the prisoners worked in a quarry. More than a month, no one stood: die 500-600 people a day, or at work, or in the barracks at night, or just a dog bite to death. The dead were burned in the crematorium immediately. We, the kids, loaded with stones litter that adult prisoners attributed to the barge. They weigh more than 100 kg - they were tied with wire to the neck, like a collar. Mode of the day was this: rise at 5 o'clock; half an hour all had to wash in cold water zone of the small Dusík in his barracks. If you do not - you'll beat the overseer of the prisoners. No soap, no towels were not - wiped his striped form and wet then went to work. Shoes, canvas shoes with wooden soles on his bare feet. In the morning were given half a liter of "bitter water" - a decoction of ground burnt acorns - such as coffee.
Then on the 40-meter "ladder of death," all went down into the pit on a 12-hour day in the winter - even in complete darkness. At 12 o'clock was dinner: the prisoners were brought to his wagon big thermos of soup, gruel of rutabagas, which had a drink for 2-3 minutes of bowls with two handles. Again, work until 6 pm. At the end of dinner was given 100 grams of bread acorn, bone and wood flour. But it seemed to us delicious chocolate. Sometimes gave a piece of sausage from the old horse or a spoonful of marmalade with a bitter water. Or "soup with meat" - worms, which wound up in the wheat husk. To 11 pm - lights out - no one was allowed to enter the hut to rest. At the camp yard SS man came and made us go then goose-stepping, then run, then go to bed, get up, people are more likely to become depleted. All slept on a bunk in a continuous three floors of 300 people in the 100-meter room. Rather than put his striped cushion shape. Turned over to the other side on the pitch. Stuffiness was such that even in the cold with no glass in the windows steam billowed out. But fell asleep as dead. As it was difficult to get up after 6 hours of sleep on a 12-hour work! ..

This stupidity saved me
In such circumstances, I spent a month until a miracle happened. Himmler decided that one of us can make the soldiers and ordered from all camps to select prisoners of 14-16 years and bring together in the camp of Dachau in Germany. We began to teach military science, German language and mathematics. We thought that we stand under the gun to fight against his. But two months later, the Germans themselves disappointed in his idea, and it was all over. But this stupidity played a decisive role in my life: I was still alive. If we had not taken away from Mauthausen, I would have walked out only through the crematorium chimney.
Also in Mauthausen was also my friend, neighbor and classmate, Toll Lagutkin, I lost it in 1943 when I was transported to Dachau, and he was sent to another camp. And in 2001, during a visit to Germany, delegations from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, I found it among the delegates! Here was a meeting!
During the "study" in Dachau, I made friends with our four children, my age. We and steel stick together. There were times during the distribution of rations to prisoners with experience could grab your rations and eat. But we were together, and we did not touch.
How can I repay the miracle?
December 30, 1943 and I'm just very sick. I was assigned to the camp hospital. And in fact, it was a testing ground of the Munich Military Medical Institute, where the sick prisoners conducted experiments. I, meanwhile, the temperature rose to 40 degrees. I lay there and recalled all his former life, saying goodbye to her. And I felt so hurt that I die here, and no one will know that I, Anatoly Soy, all died. Here you have no name, no last name, just ... My camp number was 57611. I roared long time, could not sleep. I was not taught to believe, my father was a communist, and I did not know then what to pray, ask God for forgiveness, help. And then I started thinking, when suddenly a miracle will happen, and I'll stay alive than I can repay for it? And I vowed that if it so happens, I'll be sure to study and work, and the rest of his life doing only good people. I try to implement it and to this day. And because I'm the happiest man.

I did not believe that he returned
After the release of prisoners by Allied troops began sending all home. June 15, 1945, we were transferred to a distribution camp, and from there by rail - in Dresden, where they handed in our filtration camp. There we went sanitation and quarantine, we were given a temporary license and sent to the city under its own power. On the border of the USSR and Poland, our border guards have fed, washed, and together with the demobilized soldiers, we finally got to Lviv and I to Dnepropetrovsk.
Walked from the station to the house and kissed every tree, every corner of the house - did not believe that back. I went over, look: the gates are broken, our house is not. I have everything froze. About his family I knew nothing. But the neighbors, fortunately, was told that the house was already broke our projectile during the retreat of the Germans that his father was alive and was discharged, and now aims to be rebuilt Zaporozhye locomotive factory. But not enough - and my mother was still alive: it somehow released from the Gestapo, where she cried all the time about his three abandoned children. And I took the money from neighbors and went to Zaporozhye, where the parents do not expect to see me alive - also did not know about me since 1943. After some time, we, along with her mother returned home.
Afternoon - textbooks at night - iron pots
Meanwhile, I was already 18 years old, and behind - only 6 years of education, which over the years completely eroded, and no profession. I first decided to enroll drivers. But it took until the 7th grade. Then I found that the railway technical externally can deliver items for Grade 7, bought the necessary books, collected documents. And to ensure the existence, learned from a neighbor pouring iron pots, and my mother was selling them on the market for 40 rubles. A loaf of bread then cost 400. I was educated technician specialty "industrial and civil construction" parallel finished courses drivers that I was given with great difficulty: nights continued to pour iron pots. And in 1949, went to his father in the town of tansy, carry wood and timber, where he met his future wife, with whom already live in the 58th year.

Foreman was Khrushchev
After college was spread in every city, and in Moscow - only one place on the plant "Hammer and Sickle." Because of him was such a stir among parents of graduates: and bribes, forgery and that as a result it was removed from the general distribution. But there were three places at the disposal of the ministry, but no one knows where: it could be the Urals, and in Chukotka. And I think, "Yes, I was already in the other world, and all go!". Right romance. And what do you think? When it came time to go, it turned out that the ministry itself, and Glaucus, and trust are in Moscow! And in 1965, I, for reasons unknown to me, was in the number of selected experts for the preparation of the first Soviet managers or, as they say, managers - the organizers of industrial production and construction.
I was the chief engineer of zone "B", and the foreman was considered Khrushchev himself. When construction began, in 1960, I was the only head of the site, such as in Glavmosstroy was about one and a half thousand. But the chief engineer to lay the foundation for the Palace of Congresses chose me. Then I became the chief of construction management. Designed and built the Olympic venues and neighborhoods: Kuncevo, Davydkovo, Troparevo. Was recognized as one of the best Glavmosstroy innovators - to save the state of 8 million. Rubles. I worked for almost 40 years.

The secret of success
I'm the same as everybody else. But, even if the boss, no one ever ordered. Always going to subordinates and consulted. After that, summed up and make a decision. But they saw their direct involvement, folded mountains! Therefore, I do not believe that fate plays with a man - nothing of the sort! My example is proof how zatyukali guy with a sixth grade education eventually became deputy chief of the all-union construction association "Soyuzelektronstroy", uniting 40 trusts. And if you do good to people, it comes back to you like a boomerang. And when I was being unfair with some subordinates to me immediately dumped a lot of problems. And apologize to him, and the soul is nice. Life is not striped like a zebra - how you spend it, so it will pass. So I'm a happy man!
- Community.livejournal.com