What kind of animal (5 photos)
Strange creature. This caterpillar chtoli?
Russian reality through the eyes of Alexander Petrosyan
What kind of animal (4 photos)
Guess what kind of celebrity (18 photos)
What were drinking in the USSR (27 photos)
Strange creatures caught oceanographers from the water
What is this device? (8 photos)
Photos from the strange and funny people
What was (5 photos)
Jin wishes Photoshop takes too literally. It turns hilarious!
Blood pressure: what is actually meant by these strange figures
Russian reality through the eyes of Alexander Petrosyan
What kind of animal (4 photos)
Guess what kind of celebrity (18 photos)
What were drinking in the USSR (27 photos)
Strange creatures caught oceanographers from the water
What is this device? (8 photos)
Photos from the strange and funny people
What was (5 photos)
Jin wishes Photoshop takes too literally. It turns hilarious!
Blood pressure: what is actually meant by these strange figures
Personal photographer of President
Curious device (8 photos)