"Space: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" - an online meeting with cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin
Today, 18 to 19 hours MSK met with cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin.
- «first pancake" was released, alas, sometimes lumpy - I passed out on the broadcast about five minutes, twenty minutes. And the questions were going to echo. But it is avoidable problems, I hope that in the future will be better.
- This little thought, but now the astronauts are not young military pilots are not older than 25 years, but on the contrary, experienced professionals, engineers, scientists, doctors, and they fall in the space program after 30 years. Jurchihin itself, for example, passed a set of cosmonauts in 39 years, and made its first flight in '43.
- Classical stories about space pen as an example of how bother alone, and do not bother others. The money spent on the handle Fisher, not NASA to insist sources on the Internet, but still, a lot of money has been spent.
- Very interesting comparison: a spaceship - a submarine, which swims at a depth of 10 m, but "on the contrary».
- An interesting story about the pictures in space, how it differs from the terrestrial photography.
- Apology manned space flight and the description of the first-hand working with Robonaut. li >
- A brief and clear answer that is required for further space exploration by man. About "Plasma Crystal" Habré have a post .
- Fedor very sharply expressed about the program «Mars One "- in his opinion a reasonable person to Mars in one direction will not fly because it does not make sense. Colony of several dozen people, even if it is able to create, can not exist independently - we need tens of thousands of people.
- Again emerges the question of reusable devices and their profitability, the question came from space technology.
- A little said about the issues of cosmonaut training and habituation techniques to fear.
- Quote: "We're going into space patriots of their countries and return patriots Earth».
- In the 42-minute stream disappears, apparently, there was asked about the film "Gravity". Fedor strongly criticized the film due to technical inaccuracies and advised to watch "Apollo 13". Of course, the perception of the film - it's a matter of taste, I "Gravity" liked, but the advice to look "Apollo 13" join. Very good work and shows on Earth and in space, fighting with the accident, the real drama.
- Amused question about the instructions of the action at a meeting with the aliens. Answer smoothly flowing into the philosophical question of our rationality.
- Aytishikov appreciate a story about computers and operating systems on the ISS.
- Instead of space tourists Fedor said warmly. To be honest, after this story and I became better to think of them.
- It is interesting description of perception segment of the ISS astronauts and rules Cultural rest.
And a small bike - I'll remember for a long time, as the announcer NASA-TV, commenting on EVA in August 2013. surname Jurchihin clearly read as Your Chicken. Perhaps he used mnemonics to articulate this complex Russian surname ...
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/214121/
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