Named Tavria (17 photos)
Now this may sound strange, naive and even ridiculous, but in 1979 Zaporizhia Automobile Plant with a new model at the time "Tavria" could become a pioneer in the creation of a fundamentally new class of Soviet cars - three-door hatchback front wheel. Any resident of the USSR sixties and seventies ready unmistakably associated the abbreviation ZAZ with homely "humpback" and "eared" Cossacks. Meanwhile, the SEC enterprise a team of designers and stylists created a fundamentally new type of Soviet car - front-wheel drive, light, agile little car with futuristic design was to replace the outdated model. That by 1979, the final prototype was ready for serial production. About the role that could be played by brands in the motorization of the country and how easily broken dreams of a wall of vested interests and bureaucratic offices - our present story.
brand, and then began to develop more Perspective immediately after development in the production of the 962nd plows. The model was originally designed with modern assembly solutions, new suspension, new stylish body and front wheel drive.
In 1963 ZAZ comes to work an ordinary engineer talented young professional Steshenko Vladimir, who worked at MAZ and enthusiastic ideas forward drive. Parallel in Moscow Automotive Institute, he wrote a thesis on the same subject, and one of the first in the Soviet Union successfully defends her. Attitude to front-wheel drive, meanwhile, during those years was more than cautious. Key findings and became the basis for a future car.
I think that it would be appropriate to say a few words about this extraordinary man. Steshenko even externally produced uncommon impression: handsome man almost two meters tall with an open energetic face, reminiscent of the famous artist Sanaeva, but more manly. Dressed not as it was decided on Wednesday the head of production (which cost wide-black hat and black cloak waving extravagantly!). Was stubborn, not only with subordinates but also with bosses, firmly defending their opinions. Superiors bear it hard.
In 1967 he built with his colleagues Steshenko "miracle Yudo" based on "ZAZ-966».
- We called him "Push-Pull" - recalled Steshenko. - Front, in the trunk, was an experimental 50-strong Melitopol liquid-cooled engine. Then we went on it, then in the back and compared the behavior of the car. Traveled so from Zaporozhye to Gorky, to Ulyanovsk. And since they were young, sometimes indulged chip trick - to include both engines at the same time - and put to some dude on a foreign car. He - in shock: "Zaporozhets" "made" him as a child! And we in the shower laughing ...
By the way, almost ten years of development of the car was carried out in secret, without an official order of the ministry. Starting from the canons of the famous Mini, team konstruktorov- enthusiasts to create more and more new prototype cars. Some of them came out a little prettier, some - less, but without exception, the model is performed at a high stylistic level and in compliance with the world of fashion.
In the first experimental car in 1970 the power unit included directly engine, clutch disk aperture and a five-speed transmission with a single oil bath. For all-wheel drive versions provided for the installation of wheel gear wheel to maintain the momentum of the car using the standard transmission. The working volume of engines for different chassis was 0, 9 and 1 0 liters with a power of 40 hp and 44 respectively. This car, called "Perspective" was tested during the 1972-1973 period.
In 1973 saw the light of a new series of vehicles used in the design of some of the interior details VAZ-2101. The second family had identified earlier shortcomings.
In 1974, these prototypes were several "edit" in the part of the exterior.
In 1975 saw the release of a new version of "Tavria". This model was created in collaboration with designers VAZ, working on his model of VAZ 1101 (Oka). Moreover, each design team went his own way, laying in the projected number of cars unification of components for its cheaper. However, for various reasons, and this sample also did not get into production.
In 1978 Minavtoprom finally gives the plant a formal specification for development "peredneprivodnik." Ready machine like Brezhnev and had to get up on the conveyor in 1981. However, instead of the desired "start" in life, became zazovtsy got a new job - copy the car Ford Fiesta. For several reasons, a direct copy was not possible, so the car creatively reworked and resubmitted to the state commission ...
Vladimir Petrovich Steshenko died in 1991. Already moving two heart attacks in the way of setting brand on production, he walked around the shops agonizing plant and seen pictures of the heart could not stand ... However, to overcome the fate he still failed. By the time his brainchild wheel to many cities of the Soviet Union.
The last idea that nurtured Steshenko was ZAZ-1106, which existed in the form of slow-moving clay layout and save it on a few pictures. Below - my humble understanding of how this might look like the car in the series.

brand, and then began to develop more Perspective immediately after development in the production of the 962nd plows. The model was originally designed with modern assembly solutions, new suspension, new stylish body and front wheel drive.
In 1963 ZAZ comes to work an ordinary engineer talented young professional Steshenko Vladimir, who worked at MAZ and enthusiastic ideas forward drive. Parallel in Moscow Automotive Institute, he wrote a thesis on the same subject, and one of the first in the Soviet Union successfully defends her. Attitude to front-wheel drive, meanwhile, during those years was more than cautious. Key findings and became the basis for a future car.
I think that it would be appropriate to say a few words about this extraordinary man. Steshenko even externally produced uncommon impression: handsome man almost two meters tall with an open energetic face, reminiscent of the famous artist Sanaeva, but more manly. Dressed not as it was decided on Wednesday the head of production (which cost wide-black hat and black cloak waving extravagantly!). Was stubborn, not only with subordinates but also with bosses, firmly defending their opinions. Superiors bear it hard.

In 1967 he built with his colleagues Steshenko "miracle Yudo" based on "ZAZ-966».
- We called him "Push-Pull" - recalled Steshenko. - Front, in the trunk, was an experimental 50-strong Melitopol liquid-cooled engine. Then we went on it, then in the back and compared the behavior of the car. Traveled so from Zaporozhye to Gorky, to Ulyanovsk. And since they were young, sometimes indulged chip trick - to include both engines at the same time - and put to some dude on a foreign car. He - in shock: "Zaporozhets" "made" him as a child! And we in the shower laughing ...

By the way, almost ten years of development of the car was carried out in secret, without an official order of the ministry. Starting from the canons of the famous Mini, team konstruktorov- enthusiasts to create more and more new prototype cars. Some of them came out a little prettier, some - less, but without exception, the model is performed at a high stylistic level and in compliance with the world of fashion.

In the first experimental car in 1970 the power unit included directly engine, clutch disk aperture and a five-speed transmission with a single oil bath. For all-wheel drive versions provided for the installation of wheel gear wheel to maintain the momentum of the car using the standard transmission. The working volume of engines for different chassis was 0, 9 and 1 0 liters with a power of 40 hp and 44 respectively. This car, called "Perspective" was tested during the 1972-1973 period.

In 1973 saw the light of a new series of vehicles used in the design of some of the interior details VAZ-2101. The second family had identified earlier shortcomings.

In 1974, these prototypes were several "edit" in the part of the exterior.

In 1975 saw the release of a new version of "Tavria". This model was created in collaboration with designers VAZ, working on his model of VAZ 1101 (Oka). Moreover, each design team went his own way, laying in the projected number of cars unification of components for its cheaper. However, for various reasons, and this sample also did not get into production.

In 1978 Minavtoprom finally gives the plant a formal specification for development "peredneprivodnik." Ready machine like Brezhnev and had to get up on the conveyor in 1981. However, instead of the desired "start" in life, became zazovtsy got a new job - copy the car Ford Fiesta. For several reasons, a direct copy was not possible, so the car creatively reworked and resubmitted to the state commission ...

Vladimir Petrovich Steshenko died in 1991. Already moving two heart attacks in the way of setting brand on production, he walked around the shops agonizing plant and seen pictures of the heart could not stand ... However, to overcome the fate he still failed. By the time his brainchild wheel to many cities of the Soviet Union.

The last idea that nurtured Steshenko was ZAZ-1106, which existed in the form of slow-moving clay layout and save it on a few pictures. Below - my humble understanding of how this might look like the car in the series.