Female names that add years and make you look older
“When my pregnant friend found out she was having a daughter, she immediately rushed to find the perfect name for her. What name to call the girl, the future mother could not decide until the birth of the baby.
But from the very beginning firmly weeded out 3 names proposed by the spouse. And not out of harm, but because I knew that none of them promises the girl happiness in the future, says our reader Irina.
Editorial "Site" Find out which female names can be negative influence Today I want to share this discovery with you.
Choosing a name for a child is one of the most responsible missions that fall on the shoulders of future parents. Before deciding what name to call the girl, you should think about how it will affect the future life of the daughter.
Esotericists claim that the name affects the character of a person and largely determines his fate.
Of course, no one dares to tell the future mother what name to call her child. The perfect name for a baby is the one that a mother’s heart tells. And not always in such cases should be guided by reason.
However, to know about the troubles that can await a person with a particular name, in such cases will certainly not be superfluous.
Unhappy female names
Of course, there is an exception to every rule. In addition to the name, there are many factors that affect the fate of a person. But if you have the slightest doubt about a particular name, it is better to continue the search than to choose something random.
But from the very beginning firmly weeded out 3 names proposed by the spouse. And not out of harm, but because I knew that none of them promises the girl happiness in the future, says our reader Irina.

Editorial "Site" Find out which female names can be negative influence Today I want to share this discovery with you.
Choosing a name for a child is one of the most responsible missions that fall on the shoulders of future parents. Before deciding what name to call the girl, you should think about how it will affect the future life of the daughter.

Esotericists claim that the name affects the character of a person and largely determines his fate.
Of course, no one dares to tell the future mother what name to call her child. The perfect name for a baby is the one that a mother’s heart tells. And not always in such cases should be guided by reason.
However, to know about the troubles that can await a person with a particular name, in such cases will certainly not be superfluous.
Unhappy female names
- natalia Regardless of whether Natalia acquires bad habits with age or leads an exceptionally healthy lifestyle, she will have to look older than her peers. And it's all about the nature of most of the owners of this name.
Natalia by nature women fighting. They can overcome any life difficulties. And ironically, they are the ones who have the most of these difficulties.
In addition, women named Natalia are extremely serious and responsible individuals. They are constantly trying to keep everything under control and help others. They quickly earn chronic stress, which negatively affects not only their appearance, but also their well-being. - marina According to astrological studies, women named Marina have been influenced by the moon since birth. This is why they often look older than their age.
This is due to the fact that the main reference point in the life of most Marinas is not appearance, but intellectual development.
Owners of this name prefer mental work and spend a lot of effort on increasing their erudition. So for simple girl joys in their life there is very little time.
As a result, it is much more difficult for Marinas to find the second half than for other women. - Hope. The principal difference between Hope and other ladies is inexhaustible energy reserves.
As soon as they want, they can stop the horse and turn the mountains. Just for fun.
The only reason why Nadezhda may not have a personal life is a permanent desire to be in stressful situations.
She likes to face challenges and feel like a winner. But the constant victories achieved at such a price lead to rapid exhaustion of the body and premature aging.
Of course, there is an exception to every rule. In addition to the name, there are many factors that affect the fate of a person. But if you have the slightest doubt about a particular name, it is better to continue the search than to choose something random.
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