Birthday in jail (7 photos)
For birthday in jail Serpukhov sacked the head of the insulator. Immediately after the publication of this "photo reports" from the holiday FSIN Russia has reviewed and ordered to punish officials who committed "masquerade" in jail.
Commission, performing the inspection, found that the pictures were taken in December 2010 - January 2011. It was then celebrated his birthday convicted for robbery Anton Kuznetsov. Now he is convicted and sent to the colony. One of the photographs birthday sitting at the head table, which are fresh fruits and vegetables, pickles and home of Olivier. On the other - Kuznetsov imposes on the royal sandwich serving caviar, the third - in a special window receives food from the "McDonald's". On the birthday of the pictures with the guests appeared in the form of Roman soldiers. Alcohol at the birthday Kuznetsov tried.
Commission, performing the inspection, found that the pictures were taken in December 2010 - January 2011. It was then celebrated his birthday convicted for robbery Anton Kuznetsov. Now he is convicted and sent to the colony. One of the photographs birthday sitting at the head table, which are fresh fruits and vegetables, pickles and home of Olivier. On the other - Kuznetsov imposes on the royal sandwich serving caviar, the third - in a special window receives food from the "McDonald's". On the birthday of the pictures with the guests appeared in the form of Roman soldiers. Alcohol at the birthday Kuznetsov tried.