The world's first advertisement in prison
The world's first advertising brochure about the detention center. Believe it or not as well, but their services in Ukraine promotes prison in Dnepropetrovsk. Recently tamoshnem remand prison "knocked" round date - 100 years. The administration of the detention facility on such a jubilee occasion decided to issue a commemorative booklet advertising.
"The tasks of the detention facility - a component of the state policy", - cheerfully begins with a welcome speech in the booklet SIZO Dnepropetrovsk region Vladimir Vladimirovich Kalyuzhny.
Its centenary celebrating the Dnepropetrovsk prison at the highest level. Colorful brochure, consider, advertising brochures. Printed on paper other than Finnish, imposition intricate and fascinating illustrations that quite a visit to the institution.
Upon closer examination, it seems: a prison advertises such an incredible way, their services. If, de citizens, you want to commit the crimes made it, please, in the territory of the Dnipropetrovsk region. Then you get into the great greenhouse conditions ...
"For those who are serving a sentence in the composition hozobslugi, all conditions for training, recreation, relaxation (a word what, e-my !, - SK), and the study of Orthodox truths", - informs the prospectus. In confirmation - bright pictures infirmary, industrial parts, shops ... If you do not know what to talk about prison, you might think - advertised dispensary mediocre. What kind of "Birch", "Swallow", a former summer camp "Forest" at worst.
"One hundred years of history - a serious stage, filled with good traditions (" stage, filled with traditions "... fresh! Literary editor - in the studio! - SK), famous names of those who joined the formation and development of the institution, feelings of joy for the achievements and the desire to further achievements "- confirms friend Kalyuzhny.
"Insulator its anniversary marks the period of reform that our country spends in prison policy", - adds Vladimir Vladimirovich. At the same with the photographs you askance looks serious such solemn and frowning man in swamp-colored form with a slightly bleached straps. For the history of Vladimir Vladimirovich he starred in the interior of the cabinet, behind a desk - with a notebook and pen. Like another minute of this - a strong and hairy hand - signed someone permission to long, a few days visit. And mischievous child photographer distracted him from this noble classes, making a light brow display multiple dissatisfied bewilderment. Okay, okay, well, I come off for a second, "no time for pleasure" as they say.
I wonder why the small ranks of all stripes love to be photographed because it is in this perspective? Comrade Kalyuzhny, by the way, it is not typical - in the "red corner" behind his back obviously lacks the rich - gold painted fake - icons, but the portrait of President Viktor Yanukovych.
"Dnepropetrovsk detention center is one of the oldest in Ukraine the prison and the second largest in Europe».
I think after such a "promotional" all other regional detention center remains obzavidovatsya, dejected own imperfection. Well, Lukyanovka capital - immediately withdraw its shares on the IPO, to stay in London, but the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Especially Lukyanivka - in accordance with the relevant anecdote - once settled here Tymoshenko Didenko (from there, however, to move. It is - to the colony, he - at will), Lutsenko and other "VIP sideltsy", passed in the category «gentrification».
Anecdote, joke, laugh, laugh, but such "advertising" jail - something out of the ordinary, incredibly absurd and terrifying.
Indeed, we remove dorogushchie videos with "promo" of the country, draw "Sprytka and Garnyunyu" beckoning tourists to Euro ... why are not used at the same time boasting wonderful Ukrainian prisons?
Source: felbert.livejournal.com

"The tasks of the detention facility - a component of the state policy", - cheerfully begins with a welcome speech in the booklet SIZO Dnepropetrovsk region Vladimir Vladimirovich Kalyuzhny.
Its centenary celebrating the Dnepropetrovsk prison at the highest level. Colorful brochure, consider, advertising brochures. Printed on paper other than Finnish, imposition intricate and fascinating illustrations that quite a visit to the institution.
Upon closer examination, it seems: a prison advertises such an incredible way, their services. If, de citizens, you want to commit the crimes made it, please, in the territory of the Dnipropetrovsk region. Then you get into the great greenhouse conditions ...

"For those who are serving a sentence in the composition hozobslugi, all conditions for training, recreation, relaxation (a word what, e-my !, - SK), and the study of Orthodox truths", - informs the prospectus. In confirmation - bright pictures infirmary, industrial parts, shops ... If you do not know what to talk about prison, you might think - advertised dispensary mediocre. What kind of "Birch", "Swallow", a former summer camp "Forest" at worst.
"One hundred years of history - a serious stage, filled with good traditions (" stage, filled with traditions "... fresh! Literary editor - in the studio! - SK), famous names of those who joined the formation and development of the institution, feelings of joy for the achievements and the desire to further achievements "- confirms friend Kalyuzhny.

"Insulator its anniversary marks the period of reform that our country spends in prison policy", - adds Vladimir Vladimirovich. At the same with the photographs you askance looks serious such solemn and frowning man in swamp-colored form with a slightly bleached straps. For the history of Vladimir Vladimirovich he starred in the interior of the cabinet, behind a desk - with a notebook and pen. Like another minute of this - a strong and hairy hand - signed someone permission to long, a few days visit. And mischievous child photographer distracted him from this noble classes, making a light brow display multiple dissatisfied bewilderment. Okay, okay, well, I come off for a second, "no time for pleasure" as they say.
I wonder why the small ranks of all stripes love to be photographed because it is in this perspective? Comrade Kalyuzhny, by the way, it is not typical - in the "red corner" behind his back obviously lacks the rich - gold painted fake - icons, but the portrait of President Viktor Yanukovych.
"Dnepropetrovsk detention center is one of the oldest in Ukraine the prison and the second largest in Europe».

I think after such a "promotional" all other regional detention center remains obzavidovatsya, dejected own imperfection. Well, Lukyanovka capital - immediately withdraw its shares on the IPO, to stay in London, but the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Especially Lukyanivka - in accordance with the relevant anecdote - once settled here Tymoshenko Didenko (from there, however, to move. It is - to the colony, he - at will), Lutsenko and other "VIP sideltsy", passed in the category «gentrification».
Anecdote, joke, laugh, laugh, but such "advertising" jail - something out of the ordinary, incredibly absurd and terrifying.
Indeed, we remove dorogushchie videos with "promo" of the country, draw "Sprytka and Garnyunyu" beckoning tourists to Euro ... why are not used at the same time boasting wonderful Ukrainian prisons?
Source: felbert.livejournal.com