15 shocking facts about prisons and prisoners

From Prison anything good we should not wait. Well, unless, of course, this is not a Norwegian prison, where cameras are known, are more like hotel rooms. < Website tells the most amazing facts about the world's prisons.
1. Prison without ogranicheniySamyh hardened criminals in Norway are transported to the island-prison, where they practically do not limit in any way. By international standards, this prison has a minimum level of security, but it also has one of the lowest rates of re-offending in the world.
2. The lawsuit for $ 5 mlnV 1995 Robert Lee Brock sued himself to himself, saying that he got drunk and committed a burglary. Since he was put behind bars 23 years and he was unable to earn an income, Robert expected that the state must fulfill the obligations of the claim for $ 5 million. His case was not even considered.
3. Hot dushAlkatras was one of the few American prisons, with a shower with hot water. The only reason for this was to prevent escapes of prisoners (it was assumed that the prisoners after a hot shower just will not get into the cold water of the bay).

4. My house - tyurmaZaklyuchenny in Baltimore jail slept with four women guards, after which they became pregnant, and has earned nearly $ 20 000 for smuggling goods
5.. Humanism in Japan tyuremnomuV sentenced to death are notified of impending death in just a few hours before the execution. Their families have already notified upon execution, after a while.
6. Chained to ekranuV some private prison management believes that provide inmates TV is much cheaper than hiring more guards.

7. Reeves like detiV 2010 two prisoners just released from prison in Wisconsin due to fake records for release. They caught a few days later.
8. Keys to the camera Nuuk, Greenland, some prisoners have the keys to their own cells. They can also leave the prison to go to school and to work. Some of them even allow you to go on the hunt.
9. Strange rukamiOhranniki prison in New Mexico exhibit recalcitrant prisoners to rest like snitches. This is done in order to beat them in the cells.

10. 46 years waiting kazniMaksimalnoe time spent on death row (according to the Guinness Book of Records) Japanese boxer Iwao Hakamada. He spent 46 years on death row for the murder of four people before he was released after DNA tests in 2014.
11. We're only an hour letaliAferist named Ronald McIntosh escaped from prison in California, hijacked helicopter then returned to pick up his girlfriend, who also remained in prison. Soon they were caught.
12. Last lgotaV Texas no longer offer a special dinner last prisoners who were executed shortly. Instead, they get the same food as everyone else.

13. 10 years for razgovoryProvedya 10 years in prison for his speech socialist Eugene Debs ran for president in 1920 and has received over a million votes.
14. IQ 46 ballovDzho Arrhidaeus was one of the happiest prisoners ever held on death row. The prisoner, whose IQ was 46 points, on the day the verdict was playing with a toy train, which brought him to the prison. When he was taken to the gas chamber in 1939, he began to get nervous, but the warden had given him rest. Joe was posthumously pardoned in 2011.
15. Bay strangers, their prostyatTayskim prisoners may reduce the sentence if they participate in boxing matches against foreigners.
via www.novate.ru/blogs/160116/34614/
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