Private prison for rent
California, along with 7 other US jurisdictions, is one of the states with the most overcrowded prisons. The people there are many (California - one of the most populous states of America), so they themselves are happy to get rid of some inmates. At the same time, everyone understands that the presence of petty criminals and offenders with hardened criminals threatens that petty criminals will, they say, "to live by the rules," and psychologically will not be able to return to normal life.
Last year, I visited the US prison (as a guest). The background is as follows - Lech, my childhood friend and former classmate, ten years as the moved to relocate to California and is now a successful real estate agent. He bought an old building in one of the less well-off areas near San Francisco, he has repaired it, drove the termites, and then handed it over to the state as a prison, where now receiving monthly income prevyschayuschy value of the market rent of the same property to private individuals.
The report I am using the word prison, but it would be better to speak of the colony. At least in Russia's jails only dangerous criminals and repeat offenders. Their conditions of punishment are different from other places of detention, since prisoners are in prison cells, but not in the dorms as correctional and educational colonies.
After returning to Russia, and viewing photos, I became interested in the subject being arranged around the prison system. Prison as a system of punishment (and later - correction) existed in ancient times, then - mainly for keeping criminals, war captives and the debtors.
America has made a fairly large contribution to the development of a modern penal system. Today, the prison system is involved every fiftieth American - all of these people serve, heal, protect, feed the prisoners. The annual turnover of the industry more than $ 70 billion.
View of the prison from the roadway.
In the US, there is a multi-stage prison system with prisons of different classifications and different levels of security, depending on the severity, duration crimes, as well as state and county. The American system of justice requires so-called "law of three poles" (3 sticks rule): if someone was given over 2 warnings, fines, administrative penalties or suspended sentences, then three times a judge must impose a sentence and give a person a real prison term even if all 3 times a person stealing a chocolate bar at the supermarket or retreated with his girlfriend in the park.
I was told that even if you are stopped on a deserted highway where appropriate, and around like anybody, but at that moment a passing near a police see you all - it falls under the category of "demonstration of his genitals in a public place" and an administrative offense. Police often and he would be happy to let go, but if his surveillance camera filmed the "terrible crime" committed in the night, then you are obliged to issue a warning and administratively punished. In America, 12% of all prisoners convicted of sex crimes - here and get rapists and pedophiles and those who do not need to stop to celebrate at the time and in the wrong place.
Locals suburb of San Francisco, a suspicious type. Exceptionally, in order to dilute the text of a photograph.
Due to the significant overcrowding state government carried out a campaign to "unload" the prison, putting harmless criminals (often victims of "3 sticks rule») in the county jail or a half-way house. The owner is such an "intermediate home" and a friend of mine Lech.
In each room can live up to three prisoners.
They live in such houses criminals for 3-4 months, leave the house without permission can not. At the same time, as I mentioned earlier, security guards, grids and Ovcharov not - so trains will power, and in parallel there is an adaptation of people to further their return to society.
Then, after 3-4 months, the prisoners are transferred in the fact that the closest to conditions of free life and recalls the story from the movie "The Shawshank Redemption", where one of the main characters - Red, played by Morgan Freeman, was released early. The state has allocated him an apartment and provided the opportunity to work in a supermarket. Lehin house - is an intermediate between the classical prison and more or less free life, on the eve of the complete liberation.
Prisoners in such homes are not working. Once a day, they are accompanied by manager, who is also warden for a walk. In general, the house lives only one watching. He, incidentally, himself a former prisoner and also passed through the "intermediate" houses.
Lives in the house lehinom 9 people (according to the rules can not lodge more than 3 people in one bedroom), but there are a number similar to the house with 10 bedrooms, so there is, in my estimation, is home to about 30 people. Clothing for all the usual, bring food once a week on the big truck wash prisoners themselves.
It looks very neat and presentable. Lech said that before here the prisoners were allowed to settle, he made a pact with the authorities and made the repair in accordance with their clear recommendations. Design, color of the walls, the layout - it all thought out by prison psychologists should be clearly observed.
Life prisoners in a house governed by a schedule and a bunch of rules that hang in a prominent place.
Living room.
Every day is coming chef who prepares all meals. The content of each inmate costs the state in the amount of about 1500-2000 dollars a month, which is cheaper than the content of the criminal in an ordinary prison. This is another reason why these homes so beneficial to the state, in addition to the adaptation of benefits.
The dining room in the big house.
Naturally, the neighbors are very happy so that's residents in their street (in fact always easier to be socially responsible in the abstract, but when it comes down to it ...) They even wrote a collective letter of complaint that do not want to be in close proximity with criminals who at any moment can leave your home. But in answer to their prison zhalyubu lawyer he said that this would be regarded as a discriminatory act against disadvantaged groups (and prisoners, as well as people with disabilities, veterans, etc. anyway - disadvantaged social group). Thus, the chance to meet the requests of the neighbors were zero - in America, takes on the topic of discrimination is sometimes exaggerated size.
Arbour, a gym and a neighboring car.
Volleyball court, and a neighbor's car park.
Information from Wikipedia:
According to some estimates, in 2006 around the world in confinement of at least 9, 25 million people. However, the actual number of prisoners may be much higher, because there is no reliable information from a number of countries, especially with authoritarian political regimes.
The absolute value is currently leading in the number of prisoners of the United States of America; in this country of more than 2, 19 million. in detention. Although the population of the United States is less than 5% of the world, about 20% of the people who are behind bars, falls on the American prison. In 2002, the number of prisoners in Russia and China and more than 1 million people. Later, however, the number of Russian prisoners has decreased and has made in February 2008, 891,738 people, or 629 100 000.
On February 1, 2014 in the FSIN facilities contain 674, 1 thousand people, 1859 people serving life sentences.
United States also have the superiority in the specific number of citizens who are in jail: as of October 2006, 738 people out of every one hundred thousand were serving sentences, were detained on suspicion of committing a crime or were in custody awaiting trial. The cost of keeping prisoners varies from state to state. In New York in 2010, the cost of keeping one prisoner per day is $ 210, or $ 6300 per month.
As far as I know, Russia does not have such institutions aimed at adapting petty criminals to return to life in society. But I could be wrong. Lech says, thanks to the "intermediate home" in his state, the number of cases of relapse falls from 70 to 20%. However, on this subject are no official figures, I have not found.
Lech gets for renting this home about $ 2700 a month, which is much more favorable than the usual rent this house to tenants.
In the United States, not all state prison. There are entire prison corporations that own or control the prisons. About 10% of US prisons - a private enterprise.
Source: chistoprudov.livejournal.com
Last year, I visited the US prison (as a guest). The background is as follows - Lech, my childhood friend and former classmate, ten years as the moved to relocate to California and is now a successful real estate agent. He bought an old building in one of the less well-off areas near San Francisco, he has repaired it, drove the termites, and then handed it over to the state as a prison, where now receiving monthly income prevyschayuschy value of the market rent of the same property to private individuals.

The report I am using the word prison, but it would be better to speak of the colony. At least in Russia's jails only dangerous criminals and repeat offenders. Their conditions of punishment are different from other places of detention, since prisoners are in prison cells, but not in the dorms as correctional and educational colonies.
After returning to Russia, and viewing photos, I became interested in the subject being arranged around the prison system. Prison as a system of punishment (and later - correction) existed in ancient times, then - mainly for keeping criminals, war captives and the debtors.
America has made a fairly large contribution to the development of a modern penal system. Today, the prison system is involved every fiftieth American - all of these people serve, heal, protect, feed the prisoners. The annual turnover of the industry more than $ 70 billion.
View of the prison from the roadway.

In the US, there is a multi-stage prison system with prisons of different classifications and different levels of security, depending on the severity, duration crimes, as well as state and county. The American system of justice requires so-called "law of three poles" (3 sticks rule): if someone was given over 2 warnings, fines, administrative penalties or suspended sentences, then three times a judge must impose a sentence and give a person a real prison term even if all 3 times a person stealing a chocolate bar at the supermarket or retreated with his girlfriend in the park.
I was told that even if you are stopped on a deserted highway where appropriate, and around like anybody, but at that moment a passing near a police see you all - it falls under the category of "demonstration of his genitals in a public place" and an administrative offense. Police often and he would be happy to let go, but if his surveillance camera filmed the "terrible crime" committed in the night, then you are obliged to issue a warning and administratively punished. In America, 12% of all prisoners convicted of sex crimes - here and get rapists and pedophiles and those who do not need to stop to celebrate at the time and in the wrong place.
Locals suburb of San Francisco, a suspicious type. Exceptionally, in order to dilute the text of a photograph.

Due to the significant overcrowding state government carried out a campaign to "unload" the prison, putting harmless criminals (often victims of "3 sticks rule») in the county jail or a half-way house. The owner is such an "intermediate home" and a friend of mine Lech.
In each room can live up to three prisoners.

They live in such houses criminals for 3-4 months, leave the house without permission can not. At the same time, as I mentioned earlier, security guards, grids and Ovcharov not - so trains will power, and in parallel there is an adaptation of people to further their return to society.
Then, after 3-4 months, the prisoners are transferred in the fact that the closest to conditions of free life and recalls the story from the movie "The Shawshank Redemption", where one of the main characters - Red, played by Morgan Freeman, was released early. The state has allocated him an apartment and provided the opportunity to work in a supermarket. Lehin house - is an intermediate between the classical prison and more or less free life, on the eve of the complete liberation.

Prisoners in such homes are not working. Once a day, they are accompanied by manager, who is also warden for a walk. In general, the house lives only one watching. He, incidentally, himself a former prisoner and also passed through the "intermediate" houses.

Lives in the house lehinom 9 people (according to the rules can not lodge more than 3 people in one bedroom), but there are a number similar to the house with 10 bedrooms, so there is, in my estimation, is home to about 30 people. Clothing for all the usual, bring food once a week on the big truck wash prisoners themselves.

It looks very neat and presentable. Lech said that before here the prisoners were allowed to settle, he made a pact with the authorities and made the repair in accordance with their clear recommendations. Design, color of the walls, the layout - it all thought out by prison psychologists should be clearly observed.

Life prisoners in a house governed by a schedule and a bunch of rules that hang in a prominent place.

Living room.

Every day is coming chef who prepares all meals. The content of each inmate costs the state in the amount of about 1500-2000 dollars a month, which is cheaper than the content of the criminal in an ordinary prison. This is another reason why these homes so beneficial to the state, in addition to the adaptation of benefits.


The dining room in the big house.

Naturally, the neighbors are very happy so that's residents in their street (in fact always easier to be socially responsible in the abstract, but when it comes down to it ...) They even wrote a collective letter of complaint that do not want to be in close proximity with criminals who at any moment can leave your home. But in answer to their prison zhalyubu lawyer he said that this would be regarded as a discriminatory act against disadvantaged groups (and prisoners, as well as people with disabilities, veterans, etc. anyway - disadvantaged social group). Thus, the chance to meet the requests of the neighbors were zero - in America, takes on the topic of discrimination is sometimes exaggerated size.
Arbour, a gym and a neighboring car.

Volleyball court, and a neighbor's car park.

Information from Wikipedia:
According to some estimates, in 2006 around the world in confinement of at least 9, 25 million people. However, the actual number of prisoners may be much higher, because there is no reliable information from a number of countries, especially with authoritarian political regimes.
The absolute value is currently leading in the number of prisoners of the United States of America; in this country of more than 2, 19 million. in detention. Although the population of the United States is less than 5% of the world, about 20% of the people who are behind bars, falls on the American prison. In 2002, the number of prisoners in Russia and China and more than 1 million people. Later, however, the number of Russian prisoners has decreased and has made in February 2008, 891,738 people, or 629 100 000.
On February 1, 2014 in the FSIN facilities contain 674, 1 thousand people, 1859 people serving life sentences.
United States also have the superiority in the specific number of citizens who are in jail: as of October 2006, 738 people out of every one hundred thousand were serving sentences, were detained on suspicion of committing a crime or were in custody awaiting trial. The cost of keeping prisoners varies from state to state. In New York in 2010, the cost of keeping one prisoner per day is $ 210, or $ 6300 per month.

As far as I know, Russia does not have such institutions aimed at adapting petty criminals to return to life in society. But I could be wrong. Lech says, thanks to the "intermediate home" in his state, the number of cases of relapse falls from 70 to 20%. However, on this subject are no official figures, I have not found.
Lech gets for renting this home about $ 2700 a month, which is much more favorable than the usual rent this house to tenants.
In the United States, not all state prison. There are entire prison corporations that own or control the prisons. About 10% of US prisons - a private enterprise.

Source: chistoprudov.livejournal.com