Its not throw in trouble

They say that the whole story began in Vladivostok, in the factory of upholstered furniture when Upholstery worker, has provided leadership to the Chinese explanation of his truancy, written in Chinese characters clumsy.
How is this actually was or not, now is almost impossible to find. It is not known for sure, could there really skinny Chinese Upholstery worker upholstered furniture write characters, and indeed whether he skipped work Monday, sleeping off a hangover head Sunday after drinking, and what he wrote in his ill-fated explanatory fled there really a terrible Chinese cry and with his right hand in the explanatory down the hall office and chased after him if in righteous anger and rage foreman, which for systematic absences subordinates deprived Prize. No, it is not known for sure.
It seems that even in the news flashed crumpled sheet of paper with curved characters and spots of blood from the nose of Chinese who still caught up in the yard foreman and ran into a couple of times in the hearts of Chinese singing 'faces.
On this occasion, or what else, but after strong slap on the neck Upholstery worker upholstered furniture in the center of Vladivostok began to gather indignant Chinese kumachovye with his country's flag and banners calling for an end to harassment of their native Chinese language.
Photos and video from the rally quickly spread around the world, appeared on the Internet, got out on the front pages of the Western press, and several US senators expressed that, well, no one has the right not to consider the interests of minorities.
Half the night the police to catch the demonstrators and pack them in a paddy wagon and dove.
And in the second half of the night, when the police got tired and went to bed, Vladivostok included several hundred well-armed and well-equipped Chinese without any markings and chevrons. Quickly and efficiently, the military seized the administration of Vladivostok, put on the roof a couple of guns, blocked streets adjacent BMP Type 97 with poorly shaded stars on board, parked at the entrance of the four "Dongfeng Mansion" with machine guns on the roof.
During the night, another group of armed men in military uniform unmarked captured airport "Vladivostok».
Townspeople woke up in the morning and was surprised to find yourself in obscure military men in uniform introduced warriors. Frightened, the police did not dare to approach the harsh military and limit that surrounded the captured quarter and waited for instructions from above.
Immediately and quickly got the rally, joyfully and unanimously supported fighters vigilantes.
A State Council voted unanimously for the use of the armed forces of China in Russia to stabilize the situation. So far, they said, we are not going to use them, as they say, promise to use and apply - it's two different things.
And the Chinese armed forces immediately began large-scale exercises on the border with Russia.
And, most importantly, Russians fellows.
For example, all Russian bloggers wrote in his blog, how wonderful it is when the state does not leave in the lurch of its citizens, and come to their rescue, and just takes emotion, when you look at the Chinese military in the center of Vladivostok.
And President Putin submitted to the State Duma a draft of the separation of the Vladivostok city district, in order to maintain good neighborly relations and simply because it is not a pity, that there.
Source pashtet-77.livejournal.com/109353.html