Ideas on a napkin
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
American chemist and Nobel laureate Paul Lauterbur first sketched the idea of magnetic resonance imaging for lunch on a napkin. For eating hamburger Lauterbur invented a method by which scientists were able to measure the electromagnetic response of atoms in a constant magnetic field. This idea has taken forward on a journey of exploration of human anatomy (especially the brain), so that thousands of lives were saved.
NASCAR points system
NASCAR (National Association of stock car racing) - a company engaged in the organization of car racing in the United States. NASCAR points system, founded in 1948, was in his time the handle is drawn on a napkin. In the race, the winner of 43 cars can get maximum 48 points. The sum of points for all races determines who will be the champion of the year.
Spielberg's divorce agreement
In 1989, actress Amy Irving received a divorce agreement in the amount of 100 million. Dollars from director Steven Spielberg. Ckandalnoe decision of the court of appeal is the result of pre-marital contract, which Spielberg wrote on a paper napkin, which led to one of the most expensive divorces in history.
Laffer curve
American economist Arthur Laffer Laffer curve was first sketched on a napkin in 1974. The curve is a graphical representation of the relationship between tax revenues to the state treasury and the dynamics of tax rates. The point at which the state receives the maximum amount of tax deductions, depending on the shape of the Laffer curve.
Chile-based company
The company's founders Southwest Chile Supply (large suppliers of chili and restaurant owners in the US) - are big fans of chili from New Mexico, who also once sketched the business model of his company on a napkin. Now, they deliver 1 lb ready-to-freeze bags with chili throughout the United States.
Contract Messi Barcelona
The best player in the world in 2011, Lionel Messi got his contract with the football club "Barcelona" written on a napkin. Athletic Director "Barcelona" Carles Rexach was so impressed by the talent of Messi that without another paper on hand sketched on a napkin deal, offering 11-year-old Lionel place in the youth team of "Barcelona".
Car Zimmer
At dinner with his son Bob Paul Zimmer painted design of the Zimmer Golden Spirit on a napkin. This car combines the exterior of the great Jazz Age and the engine of the Ford Mustang, and is considered a neoclassical automotive industry.
The network of fast Whataburger
The network has 700 Whataburger restaurants. The unusual shape of white-orange buildings in the shape of the letter A was once drawn on the back of a napkin. These caves can be found in all the southern states of the US, where they are called "treasure of Texas."
Kriozamorozka Ted Williams
Written on the napkin Family Compact, allegedly signed by the legendary baseball player from Boston Red Sox Ted Williams, it contained the last will and testament after the death of his body subjected to cryogenic freezing. In laboratory tests signature Williams was recognized as valid, and the pact - legally binding, after which his body was frozen in cryochamber in Arizona.
Ziggy Stardust (David Bowie)
Ziggy Stardust, the alter ego of David Bowie, was allegedly born on the back of a cocktail napkin. During one of his tours Bowie drew on a napkin a character who was supposed to look like an alien from Mars.
Gettysburg Address
November 19, 1863, President Lincoln delivered one of the most famous speeches in US history - the Gettysburg Address. It was rumored that this speech was written on the back of napkins on the train from Washington to Gettysburg, but found later drafts of the speech refuted this myth.
American chemist and Nobel laureate Paul Lauterbur first sketched the idea of magnetic resonance imaging for lunch on a napkin. For eating hamburger Lauterbur invented a method by which scientists were able to measure the electromagnetic response of atoms in a constant magnetic field. This idea has taken forward on a journey of exploration of human anatomy (especially the brain), so that thousands of lives were saved.

NASCAR points system
NASCAR (National Association of stock car racing) - a company engaged in the organization of car racing in the United States. NASCAR points system, founded in 1948, was in his time the handle is drawn on a napkin. In the race, the winner of 43 cars can get maximum 48 points. The sum of points for all races determines who will be the champion of the year.
Spielberg's divorce agreement
In 1989, actress Amy Irving received a divorce agreement in the amount of 100 million. Dollars from director Steven Spielberg. Ckandalnoe decision of the court of appeal is the result of pre-marital contract, which Spielberg wrote on a paper napkin, which led to one of the most expensive divorces in history.
Laffer curve
American economist Arthur Laffer Laffer curve was first sketched on a napkin in 1974. The curve is a graphical representation of the relationship between tax revenues to the state treasury and the dynamics of tax rates. The point at which the state receives the maximum amount of tax deductions, depending on the shape of the Laffer curve.
Chile-based company
The company's founders Southwest Chile Supply (large suppliers of chili and restaurant owners in the US) - are big fans of chili from New Mexico, who also once sketched the business model of his company on a napkin. Now, they deliver 1 lb ready-to-freeze bags with chili throughout the United States.
Contract Messi Barcelona
The best player in the world in 2011, Lionel Messi got his contract with the football club "Barcelona" written on a napkin. Athletic Director "Barcelona" Carles Rexach was so impressed by the talent of Messi that without another paper on hand sketched on a napkin deal, offering 11-year-old Lionel place in the youth team of "Barcelona".
Car Zimmer
At dinner with his son Bob Paul Zimmer painted design of the Zimmer Golden Spirit on a napkin. This car combines the exterior of the great Jazz Age and the engine of the Ford Mustang, and is considered a neoclassical automotive industry.
The network of fast Whataburger
The network has 700 Whataburger restaurants. The unusual shape of white-orange buildings in the shape of the letter A was once drawn on the back of a napkin. These caves can be found in all the southern states of the US, where they are called "treasure of Texas."
Kriozamorozka Ted Williams
Written on the napkin Family Compact, allegedly signed by the legendary baseball player from Boston Red Sox Ted Williams, it contained the last will and testament after the death of his body subjected to cryogenic freezing. In laboratory tests signature Williams was recognized as valid, and the pact - legally binding, after which his body was frozen in cryochamber in Arizona.
Ziggy Stardust (David Bowie)
Ziggy Stardust, the alter ego of David Bowie, was allegedly born on the back of a cocktail napkin. During one of his tours Bowie drew on a napkin a character who was supposed to look like an alien from Mars.
Gettysburg Address
November 19, 1863, President Lincoln delivered one of the most famous speeches in US history - the Gettysburg Address. It was rumored that this speech was written on the back of napkins on the train from Washington to Gettysburg, but found later drafts of the speech refuted this myth.
Fireworks flew straight into the audience (9 photos + video)
Football burning coconut (13 photos + video)