What is the army
First of all, you get to KMB-B basic training. There you become a "smell" Then you still have a chance to regale taken from home grandmother's pies, in the dining room fed dovlno still passable. You old-timers are not allowed. Everyday life is a daily zapaha- rutina- cramming statute, drill, disassembly and assembly machine ... Training klasss- stolovaya- plats- training klass- dining.
Then you will feel that you are in combat nastoyaschuyuyu army, where there are such concepts as honor, duty, combat brotherhood. First order in which filled everything. Incidentally night on KMB very shumno- in a dream all moan, scream, laugh. all as one. When you fall in combat part- it will pass quickly. Here you will find a lot of friends who, by the way, you will soon lose.
Time here runs very long days seem weeks, months.
And now, the oath exciting and you get to the part storevuyu. The first thing you ponimaete- is that you brutally fuck! You fall into the clutches of Dembele, grandfathers, turtles and elephants. By the way the first time you strain will only make them slony- do it. The rest will be boyatsya- you still nobody knows, and do not know what you can be expected to have all of a sudden you're the prosecutor poydete.V first you will "stall" in other words, once you show where you get to scare and not have to you problems in the future. And it is very important first impression at this moment will be determined by your further service. If you suddenly show that you are a rag and razmaznya- then at least do that in the future you will not earn a different status.
Will easily forget about sleep and rest. By duhanke there are only two mechty- sleep and eat. Sleepy unbearably hard, and I'm hungry even during sleep. But this periud still not the most difficult in the army ...
Solnyachka probably the most moronic periud in the army. Elephant essentially being useless and stupid. Elephant gets for all. If the spirit of strain only elephants, the elephant straining all and sundry, plus it gets more and shoals spirit. And begins the so-called "jamming" - is to give money grandfathers, in order then to himself as his grandfather to take money from slonov.Krayne humiliating tradition in my view, I think you should not be humiliated in front of anyone, only in order to then humiliate someone else. I will not pulled. It was easy. It is very easy, and even physically, but I lost the last moral "friends" with his call, but I still survived. But with "friends" -b yes and to hell with such friends. From all we had such a call three. Slonyachka but also a very difficult period fizicheski- in the morning you had to be clean-shaven, and in the evening the elephant no time even to shave. Therefore, usually all written in orderly and walk closer shave in the morning. I sometimes do not have the strength to go shave, shaving and straight into bed. Washed with water from the flask. At night, by touch, so no, God forbid, no one noticed.
It takes a year to and you have a scoop. Get their well-deserved 12 strokes plaques in the ass, but such that the star already printed on it, strizheshsya under half boxing. And it seems like breathing becomes easier. No, grandfathers and muster even themselves yesterday's perfume still on you, but for the year have all managed to see who is who all managed to show themselves, and if you're a normal guy, then you will be definitely live easier. Basically, you start to strain only ofitsery- "oherevshego scoop»
Forgot statutes clothes are lighter, better eat and sleep more. Golden time. All the hard work for you will make the young. officers did not touch, contractors respected. Here and tell nothing special. Basically idleness grandfathers and straining young. We do not choen in this regard povezlo- we had plenty of work, and it does not matter or spirit grandfather worked all. Someone less, of course, but stupidity is not enough time.
Passed an order to write off oruzhie- demobilization and you!
The most time-most sweet dream any srochnika- become Dembele. Dembele seen izdaleka- belt on eggs, a cap on his head, lazy gait. Dembele be cool. True days stretch very much sad. But at this point you realize that all-just a little bit, and you're home! Already perfectly on all officers and contractors. Who else but you put it in vnimanie- foreman.
Way home.
When you go home, I advise you, you should not drink. I did not drink. I went and chuvstvoval- I'm going home. And when I caught respectful eyes of neighbors on the car. When the men came up, shook his hand, talked about his service I ponimal- it was worth it. probably should last for a year, two, three, as anyone lucky, just for the sake of this one momenta- way home. Blinking When you meet mom, girl (I waited) friends. Kogdscha you ponimaesh- you're not the one you have is different. But it's worth it!
food in the army disgusting. Get ready for even a rotten cabbage leaves for lunch. The problem is how to drink liters of 5 different juice 1,000 soldiers decided light- tap water there))
In the army, you can do everything! The main thing is not to get caught. Poalasya- down the drain!
Friendship in the army is not! This is a myth. Maybe in combat units, where life hangs in the balance and there, but there is usually no. Get ready to betray or betray himself.
First of all, you get to KMB-B basic training. There you become a "smell" Then you still have a chance to regale taken from home grandmother's pies, in the dining room fed dovlno still passable. You old-timers are not allowed. Everyday life is a daily zapaha- rutina- cramming statute, drill, disassembly and assembly machine ... Training klasss- stolovaya- plats- training klass- dining.
Then you will feel that you are in combat nastoyaschuyuyu army, where there are such concepts as honor, duty, combat brotherhood. First order in which filled everything. Incidentally night on KMB very shumno- in a dream all moan, scream, laugh. all as one. When you fall in combat part- it will pass quickly. Here you will find a lot of friends who, by the way, you will soon lose.
Time here runs very long days seem weeks, months.

And now, the oath exciting and you get to the part storevuyu. The first thing you ponimaete- is that you brutally fuck! You fall into the clutches of Dembele, grandfathers, turtles and elephants. By the way the first time you strain will only make them slony- do it. The rest will be boyatsya- you still nobody knows, and do not know what you can be expected to have all of a sudden you're the prosecutor poydete.V first you will "stall" in other words, once you show where you get to scare and not have to you problems in the future. And it is very important first impression at this moment will be determined by your further service. If you suddenly show that you are a rag and razmaznya- then at least do that in the future you will not earn a different status.
Will easily forget about sleep and rest. By duhanke there are only two mechty- sleep and eat. Sleepy unbearably hard, and I'm hungry even during sleep. But this periud still not the most difficult in the army ...
Solnyachka probably the most moronic periud in the army. Elephant essentially being useless and stupid. Elephant gets for all. If the spirit of strain only elephants, the elephant straining all and sundry, plus it gets more and shoals spirit. And begins the so-called "jamming" - is to give money grandfathers, in order then to himself as his grandfather to take money from slonov.Krayne humiliating tradition in my view, I think you should not be humiliated in front of anyone, only in order to then humiliate someone else. I will not pulled. It was easy. It is very easy, and even physically, but I lost the last moral "friends" with his call, but I still survived. But with "friends" -b yes and to hell with such friends. From all we had such a call three. Slonyachka but also a very difficult period fizicheski- in the morning you had to be clean-shaven, and in the evening the elephant no time even to shave. Therefore, usually all written in orderly and walk closer shave in the morning. I sometimes do not have the strength to go shave, shaving and straight into bed. Washed with water from the flask. At night, by touch, so no, God forbid, no one noticed.
It takes a year to and you have a scoop. Get their well-deserved 12 strokes plaques in the ass, but such that the star already printed on it, strizheshsya under half boxing. And it seems like breathing becomes easier. No, grandfathers and muster even themselves yesterday's perfume still on you, but for the year have all managed to see who is who all managed to show themselves, and if you're a normal guy, then you will be definitely live easier. Basically, you start to strain only ofitsery- "oherevshego scoop»
Forgot statutes clothes are lighter, better eat and sleep more. Golden time. All the hard work for you will make the young. officers did not touch, contractors respected. Here and tell nothing special. Basically idleness grandfathers and straining young. We do not choen in this regard povezlo- we had plenty of work, and it does not matter or spirit grandfather worked all. Someone less, of course, but stupidity is not enough time.
Passed an order to write off oruzhie- demobilization and you!
The most time-most sweet dream any srochnika- become Dembele. Dembele seen izdaleka- belt on eggs, a cap on his head, lazy gait. Dembele be cool. True days stretch very much sad. But at this point you realize that all-just a little bit, and you're home! Already perfectly on all officers and contractors. Who else but you put it in vnimanie- foreman.
Way home.
When you go home, I advise you, you should not drink. I did not drink. I went and chuvstvoval- I'm going home. And when I caught respectful eyes of neighbors on the car. When the men came up, shook his hand, talked about his service I ponimal- it was worth it. probably should last for a year, two, three, as anyone lucky, just for the sake of this one momenta- way home. Blinking When you meet mom, girl (I waited) friends. Kogdscha you ponimaesh- you're not the one you have is different. But it's worth it!
food in the army disgusting. Get ready for even a rotten cabbage leaves for lunch. The problem is how to drink liters of 5 different juice 1,000 soldiers decided light- tap water there))
In the army, you can do everything! The main thing is not to get caught. Poalasya- down the drain!
Friendship in the army is not! This is a myth. Maybe in combat units, where life hangs in the balance and there, but there is usually no. Get ready to betray or betray himself.