Riddle of the day: What is this device? (4 photos)
I think that none of you will guess right the first time what this device.
Otgadka you can see the continuation ... :)
In one of the military polygons city Meppen, Germany,
established a special silencer for heavy military equipment.
Riddle of the day: What is it? (3 photos)
Riddle of the day: What is it? (23 photos)
Riddle of the day: Whose is the husband?
What drink in cartoons (19 photos)
What's this? (2 photos)
Puzzles and inventions of Leonardo da Vinci (18 photos)
Riddle of the day: what is it?
Houdini handcuffs and
Riddle of the day. What it is?
The eruption of the Icelandic volcano Grimsvotn. Part 2.
Riddle of the day: What is it? (3 photos)
Riddle of the day: What is it? (23 photos)
Riddle of the day: Whose is the husband?
What drink in cartoons (19 photos)
What's this? (2 photos)
Puzzles and inventions of Leonardo da Vinci (18 photos)
Riddle of the day: what is it?
Houdini handcuffs and
Riddle of the day. What it is?
The eruption of the Icelandic volcano Grimsvotn. Part 2.
Minister Carlos Delgado after hunting (5 photos)
What is the army