Some arguments about the benefits of meat
Some arguments about the benefits of meat
1. There would be meat eaters, there would be no animals
Perhaps this is the main argument in disputes with vegetarians. These people feel sorry for little animals who have to suffer and die because of what we eat them. But vegetarians do not even think about the fact that the animals on which they cry, do not be born if we did not use them later to eat!
Pigs, cows, chicken and many other edible animals in our almost never occur in the wild. Domesticated thousands of years ago they started breeding for the sake of their own diet. As a result, millions and millions of these species exist on Earth because we eat them. And if humanity at one point decided to give up meat, hundreds of millions of pigs, cows and chickens living now, it was not simple.
The result is that vegetarians - it's the worst enemies of the animals they supposedly protect! They deny them the right to life, taking away the chance himself to be born.
Renounced eating meat to eat? Killed hundreds of chickens, dozens of pigs and cows!
2. We are what we eat
Very popular argument among vegetarians. Pronouncing it in the case and without cause, they think that the way to make horrified about what we do, cause a gag reflex in the use of meat in the food and bitter tears over the fact that we have already gobbled up.
But let's think about this argument. If we are what we eat, and that in fact the cow too? That is Burenka that all my life ate extremely juicy, green grass - grass and it is. And by eating beef in the food we actually eat a grass. So after all?
Come on. If you use this logic, it turns out that vegetarians allow eating meat themselves vegetarians. These lovely people after eating only vegetarian food, then it is themselves. Consequently, they can not be taken as the eating of cannibalism. We do not have such, we are meat eaters - the meat, and they are vegetarians - this herb.
3. Sectarianism
No one, incidentally, did not pay attention, that the behavior of many vegetarians similar to the behavior of religious sects? And meat-eaters because it never occurs to tell on every corner, they feed on meat. But their ideological opponents struggling to emphasize this, raise the debate on these issues and look down (sometimes even with pity and contempt) those who do not agree to them.
No, I'm not saying that all of them are. Indeed, among those same religious people not everyone - fundamentalist. But my experience observing vegetarians shows that among them there is a noticeable layer is violent. These activists remind me, for example, Christian and Muslim radicals with their religious intolerance, or, God forgive me, members of the gay parades, carefully emphasize its otherness.
Meat-eaters do not write a book about how to be a good meat-eater, and the bad - a vegetarian. Meat-eaters do not come to the delight of the fact that a particular celebrity, it turns out, also loves steak. Meat-eaters do not create online forums or offline clubs, the only unifying idea that is the desire to have as much beef or pork. Meat-eaters are not satisfied with rallies against the ill-treatment of tomatoes. Of course, that any of the above can happen to meat-eater. But the other meat-eaters will look at him as a man not quite adequate.
Of course, while that vegetarians do not go from door to door with a question: "You do not want to talk about giving up meat?" Or "Do you want to buy a book by Jonathan Safran Foer's" Meat "? But such a move they might do in the future.
- I do not want to make a meal out of a cult! - Tell you any vegetarian. But all their actions convince us otherwise.
4. Dependence on food
The beauty to be meat-eater is absolute freedom and independence from what we eat.
But vegetarians think to myself the same way, the truth, thus completely distorting the concept of "freedom».
I do not understand how you can be independent of food, if you have a huge number of limitations in this regard, and your beliefs make you not even look half dishes on the menu of any restaurant or cafe?
As proof of his words I can tell you about a demonstration experiment conducted by me during a party, which was attended by a vegetarian.
The main decoration of the table that day was juicy, huge turkey, deep-fried in the oven. But knowing that it will come to a vegetarian birthday a few salads and cooked without meat, so she did not die of hunger with an abundance of food.
Being in great friends with this girl, I started a game - he took a small piece of turkey and threw her plate so that she saw it my action.
The girl laughed, pulled out of the plate got there and went turkey meal.
After a while I repeated the action, but this time only pretended to throw - moved his hand, but nothing has been tossed. Vegetarian in a panic a few minutes looking at the meat in the dish and found nothing, set it aside.
Yes, it's trolling, bordering on rudeness on my part.
But you imagine a situation where we would have switched places and she threw me into a bowl, for example, a piece of asparagus or salty tomato.
- Thanks! - I would say.
5. It's delicious
Here, in my opinion, even no comment. One has only to imagine a skewer roasted on a fire, thick piece of steak, grilled, or Bavarian sosisochki under the same Bavarian beer.
Can vegetarians with the same aspiration to talk about fried skewered kebabs, soy burgers and carrot fritters?
Food - this is the easiest way to get the body to produce endorphins, and local cooking - is one of the most vivid impressions of any journey. So why deprive yourself intentionally these pleasures?
1. There would be meat eaters, there would be no animals

Perhaps this is the main argument in disputes with vegetarians. These people feel sorry for little animals who have to suffer and die because of what we eat them. But vegetarians do not even think about the fact that the animals on which they cry, do not be born if we did not use them later to eat!
Pigs, cows, chicken and many other edible animals in our almost never occur in the wild. Domesticated thousands of years ago they started breeding for the sake of their own diet. As a result, millions and millions of these species exist on Earth because we eat them. And if humanity at one point decided to give up meat, hundreds of millions of pigs, cows and chickens living now, it was not simple.
The result is that vegetarians - it's the worst enemies of the animals they supposedly protect! They deny them the right to life, taking away the chance himself to be born.
Renounced eating meat to eat? Killed hundreds of chickens, dozens of pigs and cows!
2. We are what we eat

Very popular argument among vegetarians. Pronouncing it in the case and without cause, they think that the way to make horrified about what we do, cause a gag reflex in the use of meat in the food and bitter tears over the fact that we have already gobbled up.
But let's think about this argument. If we are what we eat, and that in fact the cow too? That is Burenka that all my life ate extremely juicy, green grass - grass and it is. And by eating beef in the food we actually eat a grass. So after all?
Come on. If you use this logic, it turns out that vegetarians allow eating meat themselves vegetarians. These lovely people after eating only vegetarian food, then it is themselves. Consequently, they can not be taken as the eating of cannibalism. We do not have such, we are meat eaters - the meat, and they are vegetarians - this herb.
3. Sectarianism

No one, incidentally, did not pay attention, that the behavior of many vegetarians similar to the behavior of religious sects? And meat-eaters because it never occurs to tell on every corner, they feed on meat. But their ideological opponents struggling to emphasize this, raise the debate on these issues and look down (sometimes even with pity and contempt) those who do not agree to them.
No, I'm not saying that all of them are. Indeed, among those same religious people not everyone - fundamentalist. But my experience observing vegetarians shows that among them there is a noticeable layer is violent. These activists remind me, for example, Christian and Muslim radicals with their religious intolerance, or, God forgive me, members of the gay parades, carefully emphasize its otherness.
Meat-eaters do not write a book about how to be a good meat-eater, and the bad - a vegetarian. Meat-eaters do not come to the delight of the fact that a particular celebrity, it turns out, also loves steak. Meat-eaters do not create online forums or offline clubs, the only unifying idea that is the desire to have as much beef or pork. Meat-eaters are not satisfied with rallies against the ill-treatment of tomatoes. Of course, that any of the above can happen to meat-eater. But the other meat-eaters will look at him as a man not quite adequate.
Of course, while that vegetarians do not go from door to door with a question: "You do not want to talk about giving up meat?" Or "Do you want to buy a book by Jonathan Safran Foer's" Meat "? But such a move they might do in the future.
- I do not want to make a meal out of a cult! - Tell you any vegetarian. But all their actions convince us otherwise.
4. Dependence on food

The beauty to be meat-eater is absolute freedom and independence from what we eat.
But vegetarians think to myself the same way, the truth, thus completely distorting the concept of "freedom».
I do not understand how you can be independent of food, if you have a huge number of limitations in this regard, and your beliefs make you not even look half dishes on the menu of any restaurant or cafe?
As proof of his words I can tell you about a demonstration experiment conducted by me during a party, which was attended by a vegetarian.
The main decoration of the table that day was juicy, huge turkey, deep-fried in the oven. But knowing that it will come to a vegetarian birthday a few salads and cooked without meat, so she did not die of hunger with an abundance of food.
Being in great friends with this girl, I started a game - he took a small piece of turkey and threw her plate so that she saw it my action.
The girl laughed, pulled out of the plate got there and went turkey meal.
After a while I repeated the action, but this time only pretended to throw - moved his hand, but nothing has been tossed. Vegetarian in a panic a few minutes looking at the meat in the dish and found nothing, set it aside.
Yes, it's trolling, bordering on rudeness on my part.
But you imagine a situation where we would have switched places and she threw me into a bowl, for example, a piece of asparagus or salty tomato.
- Thanks! - I would say.
5. It's delicious

Here, in my opinion, even no comment. One has only to imagine a skewer roasted on a fire, thick piece of steak, grilled, or Bavarian sosisochki under the same Bavarian beer.
Can vegetarians with the same aspiration to talk about fried skewered kebabs, soy burgers and carrot fritters?
Food - this is the easiest way to get the body to produce endorphins, and local cooking - is one of the most vivid impressions of any journey. So why deprive yourself intentionally these pleasures?