Contributing to the parking lot for the whole family
Family parking, what do you think is the audacity or not?
In our yard for each family member in some families on the car and
with parking they do not have any problems.
Wife helps her husband with parking, brother sister, or vice versa, put the car
for example diagonally and finishing with the right 2 places.
Watch the evening out of the window this picture:
Neighing, they say, that's a classic of the genre, here it is - the true and blatant manifestation of TA.
And the machine, as expected, reds).
Ahn, there it was! TP-it was not a fool, just a few obozrevshey "bydlovodyatelnitsey».
Here is a picture in the morning:
Husband, apparently, a place held ...
But again, the view from the window in the afternoon:
What? To go or something, put it on the hood of a brick?
Or the way it should?
And I can also not! And my husband often comes too late, places never have even riding on the snowdrifts, but he,
In contrast to these wise men, for some reason, is not lazy to walk pehom 5 minutes, parked away.
These are the inventors here, but ...
P.S. Well, the overall plan the evening. The husband arrived, yeah!
In our yard for each family member in some families on the car and
with parking they do not have any problems.
Wife helps her husband with parking, brother sister, or vice versa, put the car
for example diagonally and finishing with the right 2 places.
Watch the evening out of the window this picture:

Neighing, they say, that's a classic of the genre, here it is - the true and blatant manifestation of TA.
And the machine, as expected, reds).
Ahn, there it was! TP-it was not a fool, just a few obozrevshey "bydlovodyatelnitsey».
Here is a picture in the morning:

Husband, apparently, a place held ...
But again, the view from the window in the afternoon:

What? To go or something, put it on the hood of a brick?
Or the way it should?
And I can also not! And my husband often comes too late, places never have even riding on the snowdrifts, but he,
In contrast to these wise men, for some reason, is not lazy to walk pehom 5 minutes, parked away.
These are the inventors here, but ...
P.S. Well, the overall plan the evening. The husband arrived, yeah!