Very informative

world's first pharmacy was opened around 1000 AD in Baghdad.
The biggest atlas stored in the State Library in Berlin. It weighs about 250 kg, dimensions 1 × 70 2 to 20 m.
If we divide all the designers of the company "Lego", issued from 1947., Then for every person on Earth will have 30 parts.
The volume of discharge barrel in England is 4 liters, and in France - 6 liters.
Most roses in the world - about 3 million - sold on Valentine's Day.
To sneeze with your eyes open is impossible.
The human brain is only necessary to 1/20 of a second to accurately recognize the image or object, fixed gaze.
If you collect all the iron contained in the human body, you get only a small screw to women's watches.
When the glass cracks, the crack propagates at a speed of about 5,000 kilometers per hour.
In the 18th century. soldiers who fought against the armies of Frederick brought cockroaches in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Prior to that there was no cockroaches.
When a person is born, he has 300 bones, but by the 25th anniversary of their remains only 206 (fused).
Just one drop of oil makes unfit for drinking 25 liters of water.
Person blinks about 84 million times a year.
If all the water in the world, contained in various tanks poured into the open ocean, its level will rise by 3 cm.
By the end of the life of a person remembers an average of 150 trillion bits of information.
Tea is a man accustomed faster than heroin.
The most rapid brain development occurs between the ages of 2 and 11 years. Occupation unfamiliar activity - the best way to development.
After a minute of your stay in the dark eye sensitivity to light increases 10 times in 20 minutes. - 6 thousand. Times.
To crack a nut, it is enough to put it in hot water for 48 hours.
If you add up all the numbers marked on the roulette wheel casino, you get the magic number 666.
Women braid consists of an average of two hundred thousand hairs and can withstand a weight of 20 tons.
Number of upper eyelashes in humans 150-200 50-100 lower, and their life span of 150 days.