High-tech fitness equipment

10th: History of 14-year-old Chinese student can change the ratio of adults to computer games. Adventure Chinese teenager began that day, when he got sick to go to school. Taking home safe from 3,600 dollars and car keys, he sat in his father's car and drove away. The boy's father, seeing the leaves with dvopa car was totally shocked, because knew that his son could not and never even tried to drive a car. Dad immediately called the police, who spotted the car with the young thief already on the outskirts of the city. But the prosecution proved long: deftly maneuvering, the boy managed to pass four provinces before he was detained. Later, the teenager admitted that he did the first time behind the wheel and drive learned with the help of a computer game - a simulator.
9th place: Modern life is certainly complex, but much of it much easier. Thus, for example, are now completely useless, if necessary, in a short time to master the English language recorded on accelerated courses or invite home tutor. It is much more convenient to use an electronic tutor language family, which can offer an individual program of language study, depending on the level of knowledge, and the schedule of classes, you can create your own.
8th place: The University of Beijing created a robot-aidroid performing elements of traditional recreational gymnastics Tai Chi Chuan. Growth BHR-1 is like a Chinese average 158 centimeters and weighs 76 kilograms. The robot has a self-contained power supply, and short steps tridtsatisantimetrovymi overcomes an hour more than a kilometer. His sensitive sensors react to the slightest unevenness. This allows you to maintain balance, even climbing the mountain. With proper plasticity, he performs a sequence of 108 classic elements of gymnastics, which is a remarkable achievement. To master techniques of Tai Chi Chuan at the Chinese took one and a half years.
7th place: The company introduced the Reebok exercise bike that performs the function of the joystick. Now the passage of computer games should be direct and physical force, pedaling at a furious pace. RV bike equipped with special sensors. The more they record the effort, the higher the speed of the vehicle in the racing simulator, the faster you'll run away from the enemy. On the steering wheel taken out additional controls to brake and shift the transmission jumps in the Arcade. CyberRider supports the PC and game consoles PlayStation. For seat placed a bottle of water and wallets for CDs: Price devaysa 480 dollars.
6th place: Hivox Product Company introduced the device for an uncompromising struggle with snoring using electric shocks. SnoreStopper ranks wristwatches when they go to sleep on the nightstand. Built biosensor detects snoring sound and light electric tingling "teaches" the body good manners. Massage relieves tension electric shock or larynx, or makes snorer turn over. If a five-second pulse was not enough electric shocks included a further 20 seconds. According to the developers, a rare body will "hang back" more than two weeks. Typically, the frequency and loudness of snoring is reduced after the first treatment of electroconvulsive therapy. Cost $ 80.
5th place: In the laboratory of the St. Petersburg Korabelki developed underwater bike. Model 2 times less than the original air, but it has all the characteristics. Externally, the device looks like a flying saucer. 4 hours exercising overcomes up to 50 km. It provided for connection to the Earth. With the risk of an accident or machine emerges spontaneously.
4th place: Company "Haymaher Shlimmer" introduced to the market simulator rope. Built-in microcomputer knob allows you to control the main parameters: time, number of jumps and calories burned.
3rd place: Yamaha introduced a self-teaching guitar. E2-EG helps to understand the basics of "seven-string." Learn chords will take on psevdostrunah. A dozen LEDs tell the correct position of the fingers on the fingerboard. New supports dozens of options for sound, including guitar, bass guitar, banjo and piano. It is worth $ 299.
2nd place: Japanese Tatsuo Motokava, a specialist in echinoderms, who teaches biology at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, has released three CDs with 70 songs on biological topics. To set attached booklet with lyrics. Among the compositions are, for example, "Genetic Waltz", which tells about the process of DNA replication during cell division. Success also enjoys writing "Mendel sowed peas." Tokyo Institute of Technology Management, objects to the non-traditional method of lecturing. Therefore Motokave had released a CD. Set was such a success that the publishing firm ordered him biological cycle of songs for high school.
1st place: Recently went on sale inflatable icebergs. In a matter of seconds with the help of the iceberg of the pump can be deployed on the shore of any body of water, and make fun not only rest, but also, oddly enough, the training of climbers. After a three-meter iceberg takes a stable position in the water, it can be a long climb to its top, jump on top "butterfly" and at a speed to move down into the water. Cost-about $ 4000.