What our children play: Monster High - dead and coffins for children

Not so long ago in the Russian media there was news that deputies of the state Duma are considering the possibility of introducing a ban on toys Monster High in connection with mass complaints of parents who do not like to see children playing with corpses and coffins.
However, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation refused to give any assessment of this series of toys, citing the fact that a professional expert assessment is necessary, and since there is still no special state body that would deal with such issues, then they tried to close the topic raised on this.
To reassure parents, the official media published several opinions of so-called experts, according to which these toys are not only not harmful, but also useful for children. They teach them tolerance, and you, parents, don’t understand.
Here is the opinion of the President of the Association of the industry of children's goods Antonina Tsitsulina, who offers parents not only the corpses with coffins to their children to buy, but also books from this series to read and show the cartoon, as it is, quote, "a modern story about adventure, kindness, friendship and other values."
Antonina Tsitsulina: If you get acquainted with the story of Monster High, read a book or watch a cartoon based on it, we will see that this is a very vivid modern story about adventure, kindness, friendship and other values about which a child should have an idea. It should be noted that Mattel is a recognized world leader in the production of children's toys. It has serious developments in the field of examination of children's goods.
Well, let’s get acquainted with the cartoon Monster High, a kind of story about “kindness and friendship”. Let’s start with the first season of this series. Our main characters are the daughter of a werewolf, the daughter of a zombie, the daughter of a sea monster, the daughter of a mummy, the daughter of Count Dracula and the daughter of Frankenstein. They're all about a friend. First, the way they are friends with each other.
Although in the plot all these heroines are trained in the school of monsters, but the study itself for them is an occasion to have fun, and with the process of gaining knowledge it has nothing to do. Instead of textbooks heroines mostly read glossy magazines.
In order to finally instill a love for knowledge in children, the creators of the cartoon depicted the only intelligent heroine in the plot as underdeveloped.
All that interests the main characters of the cartoon is boys, appearance, how they impress others and parties.
In principle, the entire cartoon itself is the fruit of the imagination of a sick fantasy on the topic of necrophilia, since here everything is devoted to the afterlife: coffins, skulls, signs of decomposed skin from heroines, torn limbs, colors like those of the dead.
Let’s get to know the dolls themselves. The producers do not hide that the creation of the characters in this series they were inspired by horror films and stories about monsters. What features of the psyche can be formed in a child with an environment of such toys that instill a playful interest in the dead and desacralize the theme of death?
To a pronounced afterlife theme should be added defiant appearance, high heels, vulgar clothes, bright cosmetics - all this is aimed at awakening in children of early and perverted sexuality, the destruction of chastity.
Given that children always try to imitate their favorite characters, the creation of such toys and cartoons has specific goals: deform the consciousness of children, erasing the boundaries between ugly and beautiful, deprive children of the ability to distinguish good from bad. For the same purpose, by the way, many modern Hollywood films are directed: in particular, the recently released picture of Maleficent, in which evil is represented by good and good by evil.
And do you know what the main feature of dolls like Barbie or Monster High is? They are produced by the same company, Mattel. You can't play mother's daughters with them. This is not a baby or a navel that you can swaddle, wrap, lull. These are adult women with characteristic physiological characteristics who need clothes, houses, cars and relationships with men. In fact, it is simply a technology already well-established in the West that gently weans people away from the idea of motherhood and fatherhood, forming new motives from childhood.
The Monster High cartoon and dolls are aimed at:
Propaganda of egocentrism
Propaganda of neglect of learning
Desacralization of the image of death
Destruction of the child's psyche
If you don’t want grandchildren, buy toys and show them cartoons. But if you see your happiness in procreation, in the joy of raising descendants, then pay attention to what you play with and what your children see.
Source: whatisgood.com/tv/cartoons/monster-xaj-mertvecy-i-groby-dlya-detej/
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