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East and West

Nature, the genetic code of all people is arranged in such a way that each has 23 pairs of chromosomes, which contain all the genetic information inherited from both parents. Formation of chromosomes happens by accident. Taking about half of the maternal chromosome and half from his father, what specific genes would get from his mother and which from the Pope - is not known, it is all about the case. But in this lottery is not involved only one male chromosome - Y, it is entirely passed from father to son as a baton. The women of the Y-chromosome absent. These individuals were obtained by combining a plurality of pictures of residents of each country:

In every generation in the Y-chromosomes, mutations occur that will be transmitted to subsequent generations of masculine. Due to these mutations became possible to reconstruct the sort.
Scientifically proven fact is that in the space between Russia and Poland differences in genetics so insignificant that determined by genetic studies, one Russian who malorus who Belarusian and who Pole is difficult, and for some indigenous regions of Russia not impossible .
Here we take the Germans. They have a clear four major genetic alleles. Two belong to the Germans, one - the Slavs, and one who does not understand. Firstly, German alleles. It - Boshi and Saxons. If Boches live quite compact, the Saxons spread. This Frisians, Saxons and Saxony, and the Saxons living in other German states, but a single, compact space, they do not occupy. Next comes the Germanized Slavic population Zalabskoy Germany. In fact, all the Germans of the former GDR, in addition to Saxony, not the Germans and Germanized descendants of several Slavic tribes. There are also residents of the space from the Rhine to the Elbe, where, except for the places of residence of the Saxons, did not understand that. Seriously - it's not clear descendants of prehistoric peoples that inhabited the territory of Germany until such time as the Germans came down from the mountains (the Germans literally descended into Germany from the mountains, from the area of ​​present-day Munich and Salzburg). And it is not the fact that these people were in contrast to the Germans, the Indo-Europeans.
Same thing with the French. In Franche-Comte live thoroughbred descendants francs, the same ones that gave the name of present-day France. Germans live in the Saar, which has recently said and in some places, and they say, in everyday life in German. In Ile-de-France - a mixture of descendants of the Romans and the Gauls. Closer to the Alps and Italy, as well as the Mediterranean coast, and the proportion of Roman, Italic blood increases. In the South-West is strong proportion of Basque blood, and in Normandy and on the shores of the English Channel have almost thoroughbred Gauls, ie Celts.
Now we take the space from Poland and to Russia. It is the only large area of ​​Europe where there is a single genotype people R1a. The notion that there is a genetic mixture of Russian, contradicted by genetics. Russian genetically very united nation, and Russian is almost identical genotype genotype rest of the western and eastern Slavs. If we carry the genetic material of the fence in the indigenous population of Novgorod, Ryazan, Rostov, Kharkov and Minsk regions, the results coincide with the results of genetic tests and Mazury Podlasie to indistinguishability.



The result is that the residents of eastern Ukraine along with Belarus are the closest relatives of the Great Russian nation and together with the Western Slavs, these three ethnic communities constitute a single Slavic people. However, there are a small nation, whose members call themselves Ukrainians, actually are not being. Moreover, at its genotype they are not even Slavic. This so-called zapadentsy.
Man belongs to a particular nation is not defined by the language in which he speaks, and his genetics. If the Poles, Czechs, Slovenes, Ukrainians, Belarusians and Great Russians are basically people carrying haplogroup R1a1, the majority zapadentsev are carriers of haplogroup R1b, rodnyaschey them with Western Europeans. R1a1 they, of course, is also present, but if some of the Great Poles, Belarusians and Ukrainians its share ranging from 48 to 60 percent in different populations, among zapadentsev number of its vehicles does not exceed 16 per cent, while the proportion of carriers R1b, to which the central and eastern Ukrainians is only 2% of the population, have zapadentsev is 44%. The fact is that in the territory, where now live zapadentsy, the ancient ancestors of the Slavs lived not, and Celtic populations.
That zapadentsy are in fact the Celts first guessed Czech ethnographer Lubor Niederle back in the late nineteenth century. The first monument of purely Celtic origin was found in 1962 near the village of Bovshev, 11 km from the ancient Galic. It was a complex craft - Celtic potter's workshop, with plenty of inventory. Subsequently, in western Ukraine have been excavated Celtic and other monuments. Total in places it was discovered more than two hundred Celtic burials. Many words have been preserved in the Celtic zapadenskom dialect. Something left in the toponymy. Thus, the name of the region Boykivshchyna researchers associated with the ethnonym Celtic tribe boyev. And the name Galicia comes from the Gauls. Some even managed to keep Celtic ethnonyms.
However, this is not the most interesting. The most interesting thing is how to apply the remaining interest haplogroups zapadentsev. About half of them is J. It haplogroup of haplogroup - Semitic. Their carriers are Jews and Arabs, as well as peoples of Dagestan, now the language to non-Semites. Where did zapadentsev Semitic genes? The number of Jews in these places has increased dramatically after the medieval Poland became a kind of Jewish reservation. One of the Polish kings Boleslav Pious in 1264 introduced the so-called Kalisz Statute, according to which the murder of Jews relied death penalty for murderers and the confiscation of all his property. Kalisz statute also contained a ban on Jews to build the charge of ritual murder, what accusation severely punished. In the area of ​​economic activities Jews were guaranteed complete freedom of trade, and were allowed to lend money as a liability and the security of personal property. It is because of the presence of such legislation and Poland became a haven for Jews expelled at the time of most European countries. Since Ukraine at that time was under Polish domination, the Polish gentry distributed rental Ukrainian land to Jews. This exploitation of the peasants Ukrainian Jews and caused at the time of Bohdan Khmelnytsky uprising, during which all the Jews of Eastern Ukraine were expelled or killed. However, in the western part of Ukraine's Jews not only survived, but also increase due to the arrival of refugees from the eastern part of it.
But as Jewish genes were at zapadentsev? Everyone knows that in order to be considered a Jew need to Jewish mother was. Judaism is one Jewish father does not. Moreover, in those days the Jews in mixed marriages do not enter. However, this does not mean that the Jews did not go to the left. Doing it in its place, where everything was tightly controlled Kahal, it was risky - could wean the synagogue. So they had to go to the left to the local residents. Some of the synagogue actually excommunicated - not only for fornication, but, for example, for theft. So, too, I had to go rogue to the village to Aboriginal and married local women.
There zapadentsev among a small number of carriers of haplogroup E1b1b1. Its carriers were the ancient Egyptians, and Jews borrowed it from the Egyptians, during his stay in Egypt in the II millennium BC. At the same time, interestingly, it was a carrier of haplogroup E1b1b1 and Adolf Hitler.
Another widespread in western Ukraine haplogroup is I2. In Ukraine, the frequency of haplogroup I2 reaches 15-16%. With the west of the republic the greatest concentration. The highest prevalence rates are found in I2 Bosniaks and Croats from 40 to 60%, slightly less than the Romanians and Moldovans. In Russia, the most common haplogroup I2 in the Chechen Republic.
So we can say that East and West Ukraine inhabit two completely different people. In the eastern Slavs live, such as in Russia, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovenia. But in the west ... In the western part of Ukraine live zapadentsy.
According to Sergiy Szeged. "ANTROPOLOGІCHNY WAREHOUSE ukrajins'koho PEOPLE»:

