Tinnitus forced to "shut up"
Tests of a new treatment, called Acoustic Coordinated Recovery (ACR), showed that seven out of ten cases, the volume is reduced and the irritation caused by the tinnitus.
At present, treatment will be available for UK patients in the clinic Harley Street.
Tinnitus - the perception of ringing, buzzing or hissing in the ears - is extremely common.
According to the British Association, ringing in the ears, even to a small degree, affects up to 10 percent of the adult population. The disease is more common in older people.
The patients never experience the absolute silence, and they need to take a lot of effort to go to sleep.
Until today, the only available means of coping with the disease, were only those that mask the symptoms. For example, such as listening to a CD with the sounds of the ocean, or psychological training.
Scientists have found that playing the same sounds that "hear" in his mind the patients, prevents the creation of noise auditory brain cells.
With the treatment of ACR, the brain will be able to "unlearn" the neurological processes which cause the creation of "phantom" sound associated with tinnitus.
Scientists say that the results of a study conducted on 63 patients with long-term tinnitus, provide irrefutable evidence that it works.
Volunteers were asked to choose from a range of sounds one that is most similar to the one that sounds in their heads.
This sound is played through headphones for four to six hours a day for 12 weeks. Then the class was discontinued for four weeks. Then we started again regularly for another 22 weeks.
At the end of 40 weeks of the study, led by Professor of the Research Center Jülich in Germany, Peter Tass showed that 7 out of 10 patients undergoing active treatment, reported that tinnitus has become quieter and less annoying. On average, the intensity of symptoms halved.
The results will be presented tomorrow (Tuesday) at the conference of the British Medical Association in London. The study was published in the journal Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience
British meditsynskaya Association reported that, despite the "encouraging" results, you must perform additional independent research.
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