In Pennsylvania, there are stunning rock jingle
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When you hit a rock would normally expect to hear a hollow sound, or at least click, but does not ring. However, the ringing rocks exist in nature: in the Park ringing rocks in an area of 128 acres lie huge boulders - a unique natural phenomenon. If you hit any of the stone with a hammer, it will ring.
American settlers learned of the stones from the Indians in the 1700s. This ringing - the sound is so unexpected that it seems as if the stones, metal and hollow. Over the years a strange phenomenon baffled scientists and geologists. Over the stones have been several experiments, but the nature of the phenomenon remained unexplained.
Geologist of Pennsylvania Richard Faas examined several stones in the laboratory in 1965. He found that when hitting each individual stone emits sound at low frequencies that the human ear can not perceive, but a few stones interact with each other, and the sound people are able to hear.
Rocks are composed of volcanic material called diabase. There is nothing special: it is a mixture of iron ore and other hard rocks, as well as all the stones. Some scientists believe that the responsible for the sound of the pressure inside the rock stones.
There is another oddity. Most of the stone fields arise from the fact that the mountain is destroyed, and down goes the landslide. Ringing stones, however, are not located at the foot of the mountain and not even on the slope and at the top. Glaciers never been here. As the stones hit the top of the mountain remains a mystery.
This area is also almost no vegetation or animals - even insects do not live among the stones ringing. Some people say that at this point the compasses stop working, but no trace of high background radiation, the anomalous magnetic fields or strange electromagnetic activity is not detected.
However, to understand the nature of ringing stones does not require that person to look at this miracle of nature: every year in Park ringing stones thousands of tourists come. Some of them even find a way to play on the rocks, like a musical instrument.
via factroom.ru

When you hit a rock would normally expect to hear a hollow sound, or at least click, but does not ring. However, the ringing rocks exist in nature: in the Park ringing rocks in an area of 128 acres lie huge boulders - a unique natural phenomenon. If you hit any of the stone with a hammer, it will ring.
American settlers learned of the stones from the Indians in the 1700s. This ringing - the sound is so unexpected that it seems as if the stones, metal and hollow. Over the years a strange phenomenon baffled scientists and geologists. Over the stones have been several experiments, but the nature of the phenomenon remained unexplained.
Geologist of Pennsylvania Richard Faas examined several stones in the laboratory in 1965. He found that when hitting each individual stone emits sound at low frequencies that the human ear can not perceive, but a few stones interact with each other, and the sound people are able to hear.
Rocks are composed of volcanic material called diabase. There is nothing special: it is a mixture of iron ore and other hard rocks, as well as all the stones. Some scientists believe that the responsible for the sound of the pressure inside the rock stones.
There is another oddity. Most of the stone fields arise from the fact that the mountain is destroyed, and down goes the landslide. Ringing stones, however, are not located at the foot of the mountain and not even on the slope and at the top. Glaciers never been here. As the stones hit the top of the mountain remains a mystery.
This area is also almost no vegetation or animals - even insects do not live among the stones ringing. Some people say that at this point the compasses stop working, but no trace of high background radiation, the anomalous magnetic fields or strange electromagnetic activity is not detected.
However, to understand the nature of ringing stones does not require that person to look at this miracle of nature: every year in Park ringing stones thousands of tourists come. Some of them even find a way to play on the rocks, like a musical instrument.
via factroom.ru
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